Added httr::stop_for_status() to FAIL SAFELY when internet resources are not available. Checking calls to github in the R directory.
0 errors √ | 1 warning x | 1 note x
0 errors √ | 1 warning x | 2 notes x
Travis: passing
winbuilder: checked and built
This is a resubmission -version 0.1.3. As asked by reviewer, in this version I:
- Update description in DESCRIPTION file to an English version.
- Add translated infromation in README file.
This is a resubmission -version 0.1.2. As asked by reviewer, in this version I:
- add [cph] to the Authors@R field in DESCRIPTION.
- add \value and examples to .Rd files by editing .R files headers with @return and @examples
- removed de cat() command from tabulate_results.R My intention was to make it handy to get LaTeX code from the console when writing LaTeX = TRUE in the function parameter. But I fix as suggested by reviewer and show how to use it using cat() in the minimal example.
- improved the whole documentation
This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
- in this version I fixed the only comment received regarding a missing URL in the file by reviewer
- fixed minor bugs in functions when dealing with some particular data
- local OS X install, R 3.6.1
- ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.6.1
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
- This is a new release.