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Famous Data Scientists

A list of famous data scientists.

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Name Known For
dean abbott smarterHQ co-founder, predictive analytics
anil kumar bhattacharya bhattacharya distance/coefficient, indian statistical institute
thomas bayes statistician, philosopher, bayes theorem
jacob bernoulli mathematician, law of large numbers, bernoulli trials, bernoulli distribution
ronald fisher statistician, polymath, linear discriminant analysis, f-distribution, maximum likelihood estimation
evelyn fix statistics, discriminant analysis, risk
nando de freitas google deepmind, deep learning, reinforcement learning
william sealy gosset statistician, guinness, student-t distribution
jeff hamerbacher cloudera co-founder, facebook
geoffrey hinton artificial neural networks
joseph lawson hodges statistician, Hodges–Lehmann estimator, the nearest neighbor rule, Hodges’ estimator
alex krizhevsky alexnet, covolutional neural networks
yann lecun optical character recognition, computer vision using convolutional neural networks (CNN), convolutional nets
steven levitt author, behavioral economics,social economics
michael lewis inefficient markets, author, journalism, story-telling
fei fei li imagenet, AI, machine learning, computer vision
prasanta chandra mahalanobis mahalanobis distance, indian statistical institute
peter norvig google, author (Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach)
dj patil dept of defense, ebay, linkedin, NOAA data sets, policing data analysis, first chief data scientist of US
karl pearson mathematical statistics, biometrics, founded first statistics department
ilya sutskever alexnet, chief scientist at openapi, alphago
robert tibshirani lasso method, significance of microarrays
david wolpert no free lunch theorem


A list of famous data scientists.







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