diff --git a/src/Main.elm b/src/Main.elm index dadfcdc..e85c7d7 100644 --- a/src/Main.elm +++ b/src/Main.elm @@ -101,12 +101,13 @@ view model = div [ class "container" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Oslo Elm Days 2020" ] , p [ class "info" ] [ Markdown.toHtml [] """ -### [March 11 2020] -Oslo Elm Days is unfortunately postponed due to the ongoing situation with the Coronavirus. +### [April 1 2020] -For now, just know that we really want there to be a new Oslo Elm Days, but that we cannot say whether we’ll be able to make it happen in 2020 or will have to wait until 2021. +We sadly have to cancel Oslo Elm Days 2020 due to the escalation of the Coronavirus pandemic. -We are working on figuring out how to proceed, and will post new information here and on Twitter ([@osloelmdays](https://twitter.com/osloelmdays)) as soon as something is decided! +We hope for a comeback next year, and aim to deliver an awesome conference for you all then. Meanwhile, take care of yourself and your loved ones! + +For future updates on when Oslo Elm Days 2021 will happen, please follow us on Twitter ([@osloelmdays](https://twitter.com/osloelmdays)) or subscribe to our newsletter! """ ] , case model.submitStatus of Success _ ->