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React Native Facebook Login with Native Module

To Setup:

Go to the android/ directory of your react-native project

Create a file named with this line:

sdk.dir = /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk

If your on windows:

sdk.dir = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk

Where USERNAME is your OSX username

Open up the strings.xml file located at res/values.

Change the fb_app_id by replacing the 0’s with your Facebook app id.

To Run: open terminal, change directory to project

$ npm install

$ react-native run-android

Here are the versions of the pieces to create this project

React native version: 0.55.2

Facebook Android sdk: 4.17.0

Android compileSdkVersion: 23

These versions get along nice with the project I created below with react-native init. As you well know, different version can lead to different results.

Right click the ios/AuthNative/info.plist file and choose Open As > Source Code FacebookAppID 0000000000000000

Change the FacebookAppID to your App Id