Basic 'Bridge'. Indeed this sample pulling data from Modbus Server and stores it to local registers. Local registers can be accessed via Modbus Client instance that running aside.
Fullfunctional ModbusRTU to ModbusTCP bridge.
Respond for multiple ModbusRTU IDs from single device
Fullfunctional ModbusTCP to ModbusRTU bridge with on-device ModbusRTU simulator
uint16_t rawRequest(id_ip, uint8_t* data, uint16_t len, cbTransaction cb = nullptr, uint8_t unit = MODBUSIP_UNIT);
uint16_t rawResponce(id_ip, uint8_t* data, uint16_t len, uint8_t unit = MODBUSIP_UNIT);
uint16_t errorResponce(id_ip, Modbus::FunctionCode fn, Modbus::ResultCode excode, uint8_t unit = MODBUSIP_UNIT);
SlaveId (uint8_t
) or server IP address (IPAddress
Pointer to data buffer to sendlen
Byte count to sendunit
UnitId (ModbusTCP/TLS only)fn
function code in responceexcode
Exception code in responce
uint16_t setTransactionId(uint16_t id);
Value to replace transaction id sequence (ModbusTCP/TLS only)
union frame_arg_t {
struct frame_arg_t {
bool to_server; // true if frame is responce for local Modbus server/slave
union {
// For ModbusRTU
uint8_t slaveId;
// For ModbusTCP/TLS
struct {
uint8_t unitId; // UnitId as passed in MBAP header
uint32_t ipaddr; // IP address from which frame is received
uint16_t transactionId; // TransactionId as passed in MBAP header
typedef std::function<ResultCode(uint8_t*, uint8_t, void*)> cbRaw; // Callback function Type for STL
typedef ResultCode (*cbRaw)(uint8_t* frame, uint8 len, void* data); // Callback function Type
bool onRaw(cbRaw cb = nullptr);
Modbus payload frame with stripped MBAP/slaveid and crclen
frame size in bytesdata
Pointer to frame_arg_t filled with frame header information
- If a special error code
returned frame will be processed normally - If a special error code
returned frame will be processed even if addressed to another Modbus unit - Any other return code disables normal frame processing. Only transactional callback will be executed (if any and transaction data is correct) The callback is executed only on Modbus frame with valid header and CRC.