We are grateful to the following people for their contributions to the library.
- Egbert Rijke
- Fredrik Bakke
- EleonoreMangel
- Elisabeth Bonnevier
- Jonathan Cubides
- Bryan Lu
- Raymond Baker
- ElifUskuplu
- VictorBlanchi
- IanRay11
- Andreas Källberg
- Matej Jazbec
- malarbol
- Amélia
- ivankobe
- daniel gratzer
- Vojtěch Štěpančík
- Fernando Chu
- Alice Laroche
- masazaucer
- favonia
- Szumi Xie
- Åsmund Kløvstad
- Dylan Braithwaite
- Emily Riehl
- Erik Schnetter
- Matthias Hutzler
- Nathan van Doorn
- Pierre Cagne
- Tom de Jong
Help us to improve the library by contributing to the project! Contributions come in many forms, please ask us if you are not sure how to help. We are happy to help you get started.