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Functional Data Grid

⚠️ DISCONTINUED: This repository is no longer maintained. Please consider using alternative data grid solutions for new projects.

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This is a library made with React and React-Virtualized for creating rich data grids with filtering, sorting, grouping and aggregates computation. It supports virtualization, and thanks to this it can handle very large amounts of data. It features also locked columns, custom renderers, multi-column headers, columns resize, hide / show columns and variable rows height. Filtering, sorting, grouping and aggregates computation are done client-side.

Functional Data Grid is written in functional programming style with ES2016 and Flow. It's really fast and is being used in production with tens of thousands of elements.


You can install the library with NPM:

npm install –-save functional-data-grid

or with YARN:

yarn add functional-data-grid


To use Functional Data Grid, you have to import the library and its base types you intend to use, for example:

import FunctionalDataGrid, { Column, Group } from 'functional-data-grid'

then you can use it inside your component. For example:

import React from 'react'
import FunctionalDataGrid, { Column } from 'functional-data-grid'

let columns = [
  new Column({
    id : 'name',
    title: 'Name',
    width: 120,
    valueGetter: e =>
  new Column({
    id : 'surname',
    title: 'Surname',
    width: 120,
    valueGetter: e => e.surname

let data = [
    'name': 'Donald',
    'surname': 'Duck'
    'name': 'Mickey',
    'surname': 'Mouse'

class MyGrid extends React.Component {

  render = () => <FunctionalDataGrid columns={columns} data={data} />


Component Props

The FunctionalDataGrid component accepts the following props:

Prop Required / optional Default Description
columns required An array of Column with columns definitions
columnGroups optional An array of ColumnGroup with column group definitions
data required An array of elements to show in the grid, one per row
initialFilter optional No filters An array of Filter to filter the elements
initialSort optional No sorting An array of Sort to sort the elements
groups optional No grouping An array of Group to specify grouping of the elements
aggregatesCalculator optional No aggregates A function to compute the aggregates from an array of elements
style optional {} Allows to specify additional styles for the grid: accepts an object with the optional properties grid, cell, header, row. Row must be a function that accepts a DataRow and returns an Object, the other properties are plain Objects
rowHeight optional 26 The height of the rows or a function that accepts an element and returns its row height
height optional 100% The height of the FunctionalDataGrid component div (unit of measurement needed, f.e.: 800px)
showGroupHeaders optional true Set to false to hide the headers for groups
includeFilteredElementsInAggregates optional false It allows to calculate the aggregates based on all the elements, also the filtered ones
onColumnResize optional Allows to specify an event handler for the column resize event
onColumnVisibilityChange optional Allows to specify an event handler for the column visibility change event
onColumnsOrderChange optional Allows to specify an event handler for the column order change event
showFooter optional true Shows the footer of the grid with the elements count
enableColumnsShowAndHide optional false Allows the user to show and hide columns
enableColumnsSorting optional false Allows the user to change the order of the columns
overscanRowCount optional 10 Number of rows to render above/below the visible bounds of the grid
className optional '' Css classes to apply to the component

Columns definition

Columns are defined by creating an instance of the class Column. Column constructor accepts an object with the following keys:

Key Required / optional Default Description
id required A unique id for the column
title optional empty The title shown on the column header
filterable optional false Enables filtering on this column
sortable optional false Enables sorting on this column
resizable optional true Enables resizing for this column
locked optional false Locks the column so that it doesn’t disappear on scrolling
hidden optional false Hides the column
width optional The width of the column
valueGetter required Specifies how to get the value to show in the column from the original row element
aggregateValueGetter optional Specifies how to get the value to show in the column from the aggregate row element
renderer optional v => v Specifies how to render the column value
aggregateRenderer optional = renderer Specifies how to render the aggregate column value
filterRenderer optional Specifies how to render the filter in the header
headerRenderer optional (column) => column.title Specifies how to render the header
headerStyle optional {} Allows to specify additional styles for the column header
style optional {} Allows to specify additional styles for the column
comparator optional (a, b) => a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1 Specifies a comparator for the sorting function
columnGroup optional null The id of the column's column group
enableShowAndHide optional true Allows the user to show and hide column

Groups definition

Groups are defined by creating an instance of the class Group. Group constructor accepts an object with the following keys:

Key Required / optional Default Description
id required A unique id for the column
title optional empty The title shown on the group header
groupingFunction required A function that compute the takes an element and compute the corresponding key
renderer optional (v, g) => { g.title }: { v } The title shown on the group header
comparator optional (a: K, b: K) => a === b ? 0 : (a: any) < (b: any) ? -1 : 1 The comparator used to sort the groups


Check the examples here:


Pull requests are welcome, enjoy your functional data grids!


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.