Releases: enjarai/trickster
Releases · enjarai/trickster
2.0.0-alpha.26 for 1.21
- Fix critical crash bug on dedicated servers. (@enjarai)
2.0.0-alpha.24 for 1.21
- Added the start of a tutorial to the Tome of Tomfoolery. (@enjarai)
- Allow inscribed spells to be transferred between items using a vanilla anvil. (@StellarWitch7)
- Items may trigger their inscribed spell when certain actions are performed with them.
- For example, a pickaxe will trigger its spell when mining a block.
- This makes inscribed spells functionally similar to vanilla enchantments, though as yet more limited.
- Items may trigger their inscribed spell when certain actions are performed with them.
- Reworked revision internals. (@StellarWitch7)
- Broke spell import/export compatibility again, for the last time. (@enjarai)
- Added sine, cosine, and tangent patterns. (@enjarai)
2.0.0-alpha.23 for 1.21
2.0.0-alpha.22 for 1.21
- Removed event listening spell circles entirely. All placed circles now function purely as spell executors. (@enjarai)
- Significantly overhauled the Tome of Tomfoolery with new categories and better organisation. (@enjarai)
- Updated export string format to be more compact, the new version is incompatible with any exports from alpha 21. (@enjarai)
- Rebalanced the Conduit's Ploy by limiting the maximum tax ratio in vanilla to 1/20th of the used mana. (@enjarai)
- Additionally made all golems mana-devoid by default.
- Pehkui compat has been removed. (@enjarai)
- All scaling is now done using the vanilla scale attribute.
- Additionally, as a balancing measure, entities with changed scale will slowly revert back to their original scale over time.
2.0.0-alpha.21 for 1.21
- Added spell importing (creative only) and exporting using base64 strings. (@enjarai)
- Added patterns to insert entities into and extract them from Top Hats. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a Mana Hypoflux effect that gets applied when carrying an entity in a Top Hat. (@enjarai)
- Polished in-world spell circle visuals. (@enjarai)
- Fixed NPE crash with some in-world spell circles. (@enjarai)
2.0.0-alpha.20 for 1.21
- Fix a problematic exploit using large scale area selection. (@enjarai)
2.0.0-alpha.19 for 1.21
- Added a bunch of new tricks we thought would be useful. (@enjarai)
- Balanced pehkui compat. (@enjarai)
- Fixed wards to actually work... probably. (@StellarWitch7)
2.0.0-alpha.18 for 1.21
- Let mana links be overridden. (@enjarai)
2.0.0-alpha.17 for 1.21
- Added a way to distinguish between dimensions. (@StellarWitch7)
- Rebalanced the impulse trick. (@enjarai)
- Fixed some misc bugs.
2.0.0-alpha.16 for 1.21
- Fixed another infinite mana issue. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed other issues with mana links as well. (@enjarai)