docker exec -it -u root motif bash
# 在这个路径下已经准备了练习文件
cd /home/test/motif/structure_motif/BEAM
Compute the best (MFE) structure for this sequence (primary sequence with dot-bracket)
RNAfold <test.fa >dot.fa
less dot.fa
# 查看生成的序列及点括号文件dot.fa
awk '/^>/ {print; getline; print; getline; print $1}' dot.fa >dot_to_encode.fa
java -jar /home/test/software/BEAM/beam-2.0/ dot_to_encode.fa BEAMready.fa
java -jar /home/test/software/beam-2.0/BEAM_release_1.5.1.jar -f BEAMready.fa -w 10 -W 40 -M 3
cd /home/test/motif/structure_motif/BEAM/risultati/BEAMready/webLogoOut/motifs
weblogo -a 'ZAQXSWCDEVFRBGTNHY' -f BEAMready_m1_run1_wl.fa -D fasta \
-o out.jpeg -F jpeg --composition="none" \
-C red ZAQ 'Stem' -C blue XSW 'Loop' -C forestgreen CDE 'InternalLoop' \
-C orange VFR 'StemBranch' -C DarkOrange B 'Bulge' \
-C lime G 'BulgeBranch' -C purple T 'Branching' \
-C limegreen NHY 'InternalLoopBranch'
cp out.jpeg /data
# 进入share文件夹查看输出结果
- RNApromo
- GraphProt
modelling binding preferences of RNA-binding proteins:
- RNAcontext
A New Method for Learning the Sequence and Structure Binding Preferences of RNA-Binding Proteins:
- 解释可视化的structure motif中不同字符的含义。可参考相应的文献或是网站。