Releases: enoch3712/ExtractThinker
Releases · enoch3712/ExtractThinker
What's Changed
- documentLoader docs added by @enoch3712 in #165
- Major refactoring and Strategy added to the docs by @enoch3712 in #168
- add markdown DL by @enoch3712 in #170
Full Changelog: v0.0.32...v0.0.33
What's Changed
- removing hardcoded vision for image after split by @enoch3712 in #157
- Groq documentation added by @enoch3712 in #158
- markitdown documentloader by @enoch3712 in #159
- Add splitter checker on process by @enoch3712 in #160
- name convention changed with warning by @enoch3712 in #161
Full Changelog: v0.0.31...v0.0.32
What's Changed
- 151 tesseract only extract from png images and not jpeg by @enoch3712 in #152
Full Changelog: v0.0.30...v0.0.31
What's Changed
- solving the stream issue. Google image issue also added by @enoch3712 in #144
- Google Document AI loader, image generation fix for Vision=True
Full Changelog: v0.0.29...v0.0.30
What's Changed
- fixing the doc2txt not present by @enoch3712 in #137
Full Changelog: v0.0.28...v0.0.29
What's Changed
- Fix classification with image. Not being inserted into the data by @enoch3712 in #116
- 87 advanced mapping by @enoch3712 in #119
- 118 model temperature argument setting by @enoch3712 in #120
- folder removed by @enoch3712 in #122
- 114 standard documentloader output by @enoch3712 in #123
- classification refactor complete by @enoch3712 in #124
- 126 documentloader tests azure aws google by @enoch3712 in #129
Full Changelog: v0.0.27...v0.0.28
What's Changed
- 39 to 310 by @enoch3712 in #101
- fix with vision refactoring by @enoch3712 in #103
Full Changelog: v0.0.25...v0.0.26
What's Changed
- new workflows by @enoch3712 in #78
- Update by @enoch3712 in #80
- Update by @tiagompvieira in #82
- Update by @tiagompvieira in #81
- 83 GitHub page by @enoch3712 in #84
- done by @enoch3712 in #86
- pointer to examples removed by @enoch3712 in #91
- change done with some tests added by @enoch3712 in #92
- change documentation run cmd by @enoch3712 in #94
- Major refactor to allow and make sure page is generated if possible by @enoch3712 in #95
- 96 documentloader for word by @enoch3712 in #97
- done by @enoch3712 in #99
New Contributors
- @tiagompvieira made their first contribution in #82
Full Changelog: v0.0.24...v0.0.25
What's Changed
- new read me with new examples by @enoch3712 in #65
- workflow and pytests added for critical run by @enoch3712 in #69
- check if version has changed, to avoid error. by @enoch3712 in #71
- 47 add beautifulsoupwebloader by @enoch3712 in #73
- Add can_handle logic for DocumentLoader by @enoch3712 in #74
Full Changelog: v0.0.22...v0.0.24