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An internationalization (i18n) library for Svelte applications, designed to make multilingual support simple and efficient.


  • Simple Setup: Easily integrate with Svelte applications.
  • Template Literal Translations: Use template literals for translations, keeping code clean and readable.
  • Parameterized Translations: Support dynamic parameters within translation strings.
  • Language Persistence: Optionally persist the selected language in localstorage.
  • Automatic Language Detection: Detect user language preferences from the browser.
  • Inline Parameters: Support inline parameters in translation keys.
  • Svelte Stores Integration: Uses Svelte stores for reactive language and translation handling.


npm install svelte-lang

How to Use

Setup Translations

Create translation files for each language in your project.

Example: English Translations (en.ts)

// src/lib/i18n/translations/en.ts
import { t, p } from 'svelte-lang';

export const en = {
  app: t`svelte-lang`,
  'Something went wrong': t`Something went wrong`,
  'Welcome $name': t`Welcome ${p('name')}`
} as const;

Example: German Translations (de.ts)

// src/lib/i18n/translations/de.ts
import { t, p } from 'svelte-lang';

export const de = {
  app: t`svelte-lang`,
  'Something went wrong': t`Etwas ist schief gelaufen`,
  'Welcome $name': t`Willkommen ${p('name')}`
} as const;

Initialize i18n

Set up the i18n configuration in your project.

// src/lib/i18n/index.ts
import { setupI18n } from 'svelte-lang';
import { en } from './translations/en';
import { de } from './translations/de';

export const translations = {
} as const;

export const { t, language, supportedLanguages, tUnsafe, initLanguage } = setupI18n(
  'en', // Default language
  { languagePersisted: true } // Persist language selection in localstorage

Update app.d.ts

Ensure that the language property is available in the App.Locals interface.

// src/app.d.ts
declare global {
  namespace App {
    interface Locals {
      language: string;

export {};

Implement Language Detection Hook

Use a server hook to detect and set the user's preferred language.

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { translations } from '$lib/i18n';
import { i18nHook } from 'svelte-lang';

export const handle = i18nHook(translations, 'en');

Add to existing Hook

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { translations } from '$lib/i18n';
import { i18nHook } from 'svelte-lang';
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { anotherHook } from './anotherHook';

// Combine multiple hooks
export const handle = sequence(
  i18nHook(translations, 'en'),
  // Add more hooks as needed

Initialize Language in Layout

Set the initial language in your root layout.

<!-- src/routes/+layout.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
  import { initLanguage } from '$lib/i18n';
  import type { LayoutData } from './$types';

  export let data: LayoutData;


<slot />
// src/routes/+layout.server.ts
import type { LayoutServerLoad } from './$types';

export const load: LayoutServerLoad = async ({ locals }) => {
  return { language: locals.language };

Use Translations in Components

Use the t function to retrieve translations in your Svelte components.

<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
  import { language, supportedLanguages, t, tUnsafe } from '$lib/i18n';

  let name = 'John';
  let dynamicKey = 'app';
  let inlineParamsKey = 'Welcome $name({"name": "John"})';


    <label for="language">Select Language:</label>
    <select id="language" bind:value={$language}>
      {#each supportedLanguages as lang}
        <option value={lang}>{lang}</option>

    <label for="name">Name:</label>
    <input id="name" type="text" bind:value={name} />
    <p>{$t('Welcome $name', { name })}</p>

    <h2>Dynamic Key Translation:</h2>
    <label for="dynamic-key">Key:</label>
    <input id="dynamic-key" type="text" bind:value={dynamicKey} />

    <h2>Inline Parameters:</h2>
    <label for="inline-params-key">Key:</label>
    <input id="inline-params-key" type="text" bind:value={inlineParamsKey} />

Accessing Translations with Parameters

To include dynamic parameters in your translations, use the p function when defining translations and pass the parameters when retrieving them.

Defining a Translation with Parameters

// In your translation file
'Welcome $name': t`Welcome ${p('name')}`,

Retrieving a Translation with Parameters

<p>{$t('Welcome $name', { name: 'Alice' })}</p>


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any bugs or feature requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.