UK Road Safety
+ +See example in action (without reactive effects)
+import sys
+import webbrowser
+import h3
+import pandas as pd
+from maplibre import (
+ Layer,
+ LayerType,
+ Map,
+ MapContext,
+ MapOptions,
+ output_maplibregl,
+ render_maplibregl,
+from maplibre.sources import GeoJSONSource
+from maplibre.utils import df_to_geojson
+from shiny import App, reactive, ui
+ "lightblue",
+ "turquoise",
+ "lightgreen",
+ "yellow",
+ "orange",
+ "darkred",
+road_safety = pd.read_csv(
+ ""
+def create_h3_grid(res=RESOLUTION) -> dict:
+ road_safety["h3"] = road_safety.apply(
+ lambda x: h3.geo_to_h3(x["lat"], x["lng"], resolution=res), axis=1
+ )
+ df = road_safety.groupby("h3").h3.agg("count").to_frame("count").reset_index()
+ df["hexagon"] = df.apply(
+ lambda x: [h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(x["h3"], geo_json=True)], axis=1
+ )
+ df["color"] = pd.cut(
+ df["count"],
+ bins=len(COLORS),
+ labels=COLORS,
+ )
+ return df_to_geojson(
+ df, "hexagon", geometry_type="Polygon", properties=["count", "color"]
+ )
+source = GeoJSONSource(data=create_h3_grid())
+def create_map() -> Map:
+ m = Map(MapOptions(center=(-1.415727, 52.232395), zoom=7, pitch=40, bearing=-27))
+ m.add_layer(
+ Layer(
+ id="road-safety",
+ type=LayerType.FILL_EXTRUSION,
+ source=source,
+ paint={
+ "fill-extrusion-color": ["get", "color"],
+ "fill-extrusion-opacity": 0.7,
+ "fill-extrusion-height": ["*", 100, ["get", "count"]],
+ },
+ )
+ )
+ m.add_tooltip("road-safety", "count")
+ return m
+app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
+ ui.panel_title("Road safety in UK"),
+ output_maplibregl("mapylibre", height=700),
+ ui.input_slider("res", "Resolution", min=4, max=8, step=1, value=RESOLUTION),
+def server(input, output, session):
+ @render_maplibregl
+ def mapylibre():
+ return create_map()
+ @reactive.Effect
+ @reactive.event(input.res, ignore_init=True)
+ async def resolution():
+ async with MapContext("mapylibre") as m:
+ with ui.Progress() as p:
+ p.set(message="H3 calculation in progress")
+ m.set_data("road-safety", create_h3_grid(input.res()))
+ p.set(1, message="Calculation finished")
+app = App(app_ui, server)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "/tmp/road_safety.html"
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ m = create_map()
+ f.write(m.to_html(style="height: 700px;"))
Run example:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +