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Configuration Options

John Gehrig edited this page May 8, 2020 · 8 revisions

Startup Settings

Several options can be set immediately on startup. These settings will take effect even before ginit.vim is loaded. This is useful for options like ext_linegrid, or to prevent GuiTabline flicker on startup.

Each platform has a slightly different configuration scheme. We utilize Qt's QSettings library.

Option Names

  • ext_linegrid (true/false): Enables or disables the latest neovim rendering protocol.
  • ext_tabline (true/false): Equivalent to :GuiTabline, useful for preventing startup flicker.
  • ext_popupmenu (true/false): Equivalent to :GuiPopupmenu.


Windows stores its settings in the registry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\nvim-qt\nvim-qt.

You can change the values with regedit.exe: Registry Editor: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\nvim-qt\nvim-qt

TODO: Add some .reg files for common settings, ext_linegrid, ext_tabline.


Linux stores its settings in ~/.config/nvim-qt/nvim-qt.conf.

Here is an example file:





This feature allows users to intercept or override Drag & Drop events.

Here is a sample function for your vimrc:

" Drag & Drop: echo 'You just opened: {filename}` before opening the file.
function! GuiDropCustomHandler(...)
	let l:fnames = deepcopy(a:000)
	let l:args = map(l:fnames, 'fnameescape(v:val)')

	for l:file in l:args
		echo "You just opened: " . l:file
		exec 'drop '.join(l:args, ' ')

For more information see :help GuiDrop or Pull Request 669.

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