diff --git a/src/ert/run_models/everest_run_model.py b/src/ert/run_models/everest_run_model.py
index f05ac95ff8c..43f41f664f4 100644
--- a/src/ert/run_models/everest_run_model.py
+++ b/src/ert/run_models/everest_run_model.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 from ert.ensemble_evaluator import EnsembleSnapshot, EvaluatorServerConfig
 from ert.runpaths import Runpaths
 from ert.storage import open_storage
-from everest.config import EverestConfig
+from everest.config import ControlConfig, ControlVariableGuessListConfig, EverestConfig
 from everest.optimizer.everest2ropt import everest2ropt
 from everest.simulator.everest_to_ert import everest_to_ert_config
 from everest.strings import EVEREST
@@ -433,39 +433,36 @@ def _init_batch_data(
         evaluator_context: EvaluatorContext,
         cached_results: dict[int, Any],
     ) -> dict[int, dict[str, Any]]:
-        def add_control(
-            controls: dict[str, Any],
-            control_name: tuple[Any, ...],
-            control_value: float,
-        ) -> None:
-            group_name = control_name[0]
-            variable_name = control_name[1]
-            group = controls.get(group_name, {})
-            if len(control_name) > 2:
-                index_name = str(control_name[2])
-                if variable_name in group:
-                    group[variable_name][index_name] = control_value
-                else:
-                    group[variable_name] = {index_name: control_value}
-            else:
-                group[variable_name] = control_value
-            controls[group_name] = group
-        batch_data = {}
-        for control_idx in range(control_values.shape[0]):
-            if control_idx not in cached_results and (
-                evaluator_context.active is None
-                or evaluator_context.active[evaluator_context.realizations[control_idx]]
-            ):
-                controls: dict[str, Any] = {}
-                for control_name, control_value in zip(
-                    self._everest_config.control_name_tuples,
-                    control_values[control_idx, :],
-                    strict=False,
-                ):
-                    add_control(controls, control_name, control_value)
-                batch_data[control_idx] = controls
-        return batch_data
+        def _add_controls(
+            controls_config: list[ControlConfig], values: NDArray[np.float64]
+        ) -> dict[str, Any]:
+            batch_data_item: dict[str, Any] = {}
+            value_list = values.tolist()
+            for control in controls_config:
+                control_dict: dict[str, Any] = batch_data_item.get(control.name, {})
+                for variable in control.variables:
+                    variable_value = control_dict.get(variable.name, {})
+                    if isinstance(variable, ControlVariableGuessListConfig):
+                        for index in range(1, len(variable.initial_guess) + 1):
+                            variable_value[str(index)] = value_list.pop(0)
+                    elif variable.index is not None:
+                        variable_value[str(variable.index)] = value_list.pop(0)
+                    else:
+                        variable_value = value_list.pop(0)
+                    control_dict[variable.name] = variable_value
+                batch_data_item[control.name] = control_dict
+            return batch_data_item
+        active = evaluator_context.active
+        realizations = evaluator_context.realizations
+        return {
+            idx: _add_controls(self._everest_config.controls, control_values[idx, :])
+            for idx in range(control_values.shape[0])
+            if (
+                idx not in cached_results
+                and (active is None or active[realizations[idx]])
+            )
+        }
     def _setup_sim(
diff --git a/src/everest/config/everest_config.py b/src/everest/config/everest_config.py
index 7d8f2f681cb..b5e15dc88b4 100644
--- a/src/everest/config/everest_config.py
+++ b/src/everest/config/everest_config.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 import os
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
 from copy import copy
-from functools import cached_property
 from io import StringIO
 from itertools import chain
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -623,25 +622,11 @@ def control_names(self):
         controls = self.controls or []
         return [control.name for control in controls]
-    @cached_property
-    def control_name_tuples(self) -> list[tuple[str, str, int | tuple[str, str]]]:
-        tuples = []
-        for control in self.controls:
-            for variable in control.variables:
-                if isinstance(variable, ControlVariableGuessListConfig):
-                    for index in range(1, len(variable.initial_guess) + 1):
-                        tuples.append((control.name, variable.name, index))
-                elif variable.index is not None:
-                    tuples.append((control.name, variable.name, variable.index))
-                else:
-                    tuples.append((control.name, variable.name))
-        return tuples
     def objective_names(self) -> list[str]:
         return [objective.name for objective in self.objective_functions]
-    @cached_property
+    @property
     def constraint_names(self) -> list[str]:
         names: list[str] = []
@@ -651,16 +636,12 @@ def _add_output_constraint(rhs_value: float | None, suffix=None):
                 names.append(name if suffix is None else f"{name}:{suffix}")
         for constr in self.output_constraints or []:
+            _add_output_constraint(constr.target)
-                constr.target,
-            )
-            _add_output_constraint(
-                constr.upper_bound,
-                None if constr.lower_bound is None else "upper",
+                constr.upper_bound, None if constr.lower_bound is None else "upper"
-                constr.lower_bound,
-                None if constr.upper_bound is None else "lower",
+                constr.lower_bound, None if constr.upper_bound is None else "lower"
         return names
diff --git a/src/everest/config/utils.py b/src/everest/config/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee7088b71f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/everest/config/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
+from typing import Any
+from .control_config import ControlConfig
+from .control_variable_config import (
+    ControlVariableConfig,
+    ControlVariableGuessListConfig,
+from .sampler_config import SamplerConfig
+class FlattenedControls:
+    def __init__(self, controls: list[ControlConfig]) -> None:
+        self._controls = []
+        self._samplers: list[SamplerConfig] = []
+        for control in controls:
+            control_sampler_idx = -1
+            variables = []
+            for variable in control.variables:
+                match variable:
+                    case ControlVariableConfig():
+                        var_dict, control_sampler_idx = self._add_variable(
+                            control, variable, control_sampler_idx
+                        )
+                        variables.append(var_dict)
+                    case ControlVariableGuessListConfig():
+                        var_dicts, control_sampler_idx = self._add_variable_guess_list(
+                            control, variable, control_sampler_idx
+                        )
+                        variables.extend(var_dicts)
+            self._inject_defaults(control, variables)
+            self._controls.extend(variables)
+        self.names = [control["name"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.types = [
+            None if control["control_type"] is None else control["control_type"]
+            for control in self._controls
+        ]
+        self.initial_guesses = [control["initial_guess"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.lower_bounds = [control["min"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.upper_bounds = [control["max"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.auto_scales = [control["auto_scale"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.scaled_ranges = [
+            (0.0, 1.0) if control["scaled_range"] is None else control["scaled_range"]
+            for control in self._controls
+        ]
+        self.enabled = [control["enabled"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.perturbation_magnitudes = [
+            control["perturbation_magnitude"] for control in self._controls
+        ]
+        self.perturbation_types = [
+            control["perturbation_type"] for control in self._controls
+        ]
+        self.sampler_indices = [control["sampler_idx"] for control in self._controls]
+        self.samplers = self._samplers
+    def _add_variable(
+        self,
+        control: ControlConfig,
+        variable: ControlVariableConfig,
+        control_sampler_idx: int,
+    ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], int]:
+        var_dict = {
+            key: getattr(variable, key)
+            for key in [
+                "control_type",
+                "enabled",
+                "auto_scale",
+                "scaled_range",
+                "min",
+                "max",
+                "perturbation_magnitude",
+                "initial_guess",
+            ]
+        }
+        var_dict["name"] = (
+            (control.name, variable.name)
+            if variable.index is None
+            else (control.name, variable.name, variable.index)
+        )
+        if variable.sampler is not None:
+            self._samplers.append(variable.sampler)
+            var_dict["sampler_idx"] = len(self._samplers) - 1
+        else:
+            if control.sampler is not None and control_sampler_idx < 0:
+                self._samplers.append(control.sampler)
+                control_sampler_idx = len(self._samplers) - 1
+            var_dict["sampler_idx"] = control_sampler_idx
+        return var_dict, control_sampler_idx
+    def _add_variable_guess_list(
+        self,
+        control: ControlConfig,
+        variable: ControlVariableGuessListConfig,
+        control_sampler_idx: int,
+    ) -> tuple[Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None], int]:
+        if control.sampler is not None and control_sampler_idx < 0:
+            self._samplers.append(control.sampler)
+            control_sampler_idx = len(self._samplers) - 1
+        return (
+            (
+                {
+                    "name": (control.name, variable.name, index + 1),
+                    "initial_guess": guess,
+                    "sampler_idx": control_sampler_idx,
+                }
+                for index, guess in enumerate(variable.initial_guess)
+            ),
+            control_sampler_idx,
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _inject_defaults(
+        control: ControlConfig, variables: list[dict[str, Any]]
+    ) -> None:
+        for var_dict in variables:
+            for key in [
+                "type",
+                "initial_guess",
+                "control_type",
+                "enabled",
+                "auto_scale",
+                "min",
+                "max",
+                "perturbation_type",
+                "perturbation_magnitude",
+                "scaled_range",
+            ]:
+                if var_dict.get(key) is None:
+                    var_dict[key] = getattr(control, key)
+def control_tuples(
+    controls: list[ControlConfig],
+) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, int] | tuple[str, str]]:
+    for control in controls:
+        for variable in control.variables:
+            if isinstance(variable, ControlVariableGuessListConfig):
+                for index in range(1, len(variable.initial_guess) + 1):
+                    yield (control.name, variable.name, index)
+            elif variable.index is not None:
+                yield (control.name, variable.name, variable.index)
+            else:
+                yield (control.name, variable.name)
diff --git a/src/everest/optimizer/everest2ropt.py b/src/everest/optimizer/everest2ropt.py
index b8aaafc4b60..4f0e1a3b4df 100644
--- a/src/everest/optimizer/everest2ropt.py
+++ b/src/everest/optimizer/everest2ropt.py
@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
 import os
-from collections import defaultdict
-from collections.abc import Sequence
-from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
-from typing import (
-    Any,
-    Final,
-    TypeAlias,
+from typing import Any
 from ropt.config.enopt import EnOptConfig
 from ropt.enums import ConstraintType, PerturbationType, VariableType
@@ -19,221 +12,81 @@
-    SamplerConfig,
-from everest.config.control_variable_config import (
-    ControlVariableConfig,
-    ControlVariableGuessListConfig,
-VariableName: TypeAlias = tuple[str, str, int]
-ControlName: TypeAlias = tuple[str, str] | VariableName | list[VariableName]
-StrListDict: TypeAlias = defaultdict[str, list]
-IGNORE_KEYS: Final[tuple[str, ...]] = (
-    "enabled",
-    "scaled_range",
-    "auto_scale",
-    "index",
-    "name",
-    "perturbation_magnitudes",
+from everest.config.utils import FlattenedControls, control_tuples
-def _collect_sampler(
-    sampler: SamplerConfig | None,
-    storage: dict[str, Any],
-    control_name: list[ControlName] | ControlName | None = None,
-) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
-    if sampler is None:
-        return None
-    map = sampler.model_dump(exclude_none=True, exclude={"backend", "method"})
-    map["method"] = sampler.ropt_method
-    control_names = map.setdefault("control_names", [])
-    if control_name:
-        control_names.extend(
-            control_name if isinstance(control_name, list) else [control_name]
-        )
-    storage.setdefault("samplers", []).append(map)
-    return map
-def _scale_translations(
-    is_scale: bool,
-    min_: float,
-    max_: float,
-    lower_bound: float,
-    upper_bound: float,
-    perturbation_type: PerturbationType,
-) -> tuple[float, float, int]:
-    if not is_scale:
-        return 1.0, 0.0, perturbation_type.value
-    scale = (max_ - min_) / (upper_bound - lower_bound)
-    return scale, min_ - lower_bound * scale, PerturbationType.SCALED.value
-class Control:
-    name: tuple[str, str]
-    enabled: bool
-    lower_bounds: float
-    upper_bounds: float
-    perturbation_magnitudes: float | None
-    initial_values: list[float]
-    types: VariableType
-    scaled_range: tuple[float, float]
-    auto_scale: bool
-    index: int | None
-    scales: float
-    offsets: float
-    perturbation_types: int
-def _resolve_everest_control(
-    variable: ControlVariableConfig | ControlVariableGuessListConfig,
-    group: ControlConfig,
-) -> Control:
-    scaled_range = variable.scaled_range or group.scaled_range or (0, 1.0)
-    auto_scale = variable.auto_scale or group.auto_scale
-    lower_bound = group.min if variable.min is None else variable.min
-    upper_bound = group.max if variable.max is None else variable.max
-    scale, offset, perturbation_type = _scale_translations(
-        auto_scale,
-        lower_bound,  # type: ignore
-        upper_bound,  # type: ignore
-        *scaled_range,
-        group.ropt_perturbation_type,
-    )
-    return Control(
-        name=(group.name, variable.name),
-        enabled=group.enabled if variable.enabled is None else variable.enabled,  # type: ignore
-        lower_bounds=lower_bound,  # type: ignore
-        upper_bounds=upper_bound,  # type: ignore
-        perturbation_magnitudes=group.perturbation_magnitude
-        if variable.perturbation_magnitude is None
-        else variable.perturbation_magnitude,
-        initial_values=group.initial_guess
-        if variable.initial_guess is None
-        else variable.initial_guess,  # type: ignore
-        types=group.ropt_control_type
-        if variable.ropt_control_type is None
-        else variable.ropt_control_type,
-        scaled_range=scaled_range,
-        auto_scale=auto_scale,
-        index=getattr(variable, "index", None),
-        scales=scale,
-        offsets=offset,
-        perturbation_types=perturbation_type,
-    )
-def _variable_initial_guess_list_injection(
-    control: Control,
-    *,
-    variables: StrListDict,
-    gradients: StrListDict,
-) -> list[VariableName]:
-    guesses = len(control.initial_values)
-    ropt_names = [(*control.name, index + 1) for index in range(guesses)]
-    variables["names"].extend(ropt_names)
-    variables["initial_values"].extend(control.initial_values)
-    for key, value in asdict(control).items():
-        if key not in {*IGNORE_KEYS, "initial_values"}:
-            (gradients if "perturbation" in key else variables)[key].extend(
-                [value] * guesses
+def _parse_controls(ever_controls: list[ControlConfig], ropt_config):
+    controls = FlattenedControls(ever_controls)
+    control_types = [
+        None if type_ is None else VariableType[type_.upper()]
+        for type_ in controls.types
+    ]
+    if all(item is None for item in controls.auto_scales):
+        offsets = None
+        scales = None
+    else:
+        scales = [
+            (ub - lb) / (sr[1] - sr[0]) if au else 1.0
+            for au, lb, ub, sr in zip(
+                controls.auto_scales,
+                controls.lower_bounds,
+                controls.upper_bounds,
+                controls.scaled_ranges,
+                strict=True,
-    gradients["perturbation_magnitudes"].extend(
-        [
-            (
-                (max(variables["upper_bounds"]) - min(variables["lower_bounds"])) / 10.0
-                if control.perturbation_magnitudes is None
-                else control.perturbation_magnitudes
+        ]
+        offsets = [
+            lb - sr[0] * sc if au else 0.0
+            for au, lb, sc, sr in zip(
+                controls.auto_scales,
+                controls.lower_bounds,
+                scales,
+                controls.scaled_ranges,
+                strict=True,
-        * guesses
-    )
-    return ropt_names
+    indices = [idx for idx, is_enabled in enumerate(controls.enabled) if is_enabled]
+    ropt_config["variables"] = {
+        "names": controls.names,
+        "types": None if all(item is None for item in control_types) else control_types,
+        "initial_values": controls.initial_guesses,
+        "lower_bounds": controls.lower_bounds,
+        "upper_bounds": controls.upper_bounds,
+        "offsets": offsets,
+        "scales": scales,
+        "indices": indices if indices else None,
+        "delimiters": "_-",
+    }
+    if "gradients" not in ropt_config:
+        ropt_config["gradient"] = {}
-def _variable_initial_guess_injection(
-    control: Control,
-    *,
-    variables: StrListDict,
-    gradients: StrListDict,
-) -> ControlName:
-    ropt_names: ControlName = (
-        control.name if control.index is None else (*control.name, control.index)
-    )
-    variables["names"].append(ropt_names)
-    for key, value in asdict(control).items():
-        if key not in IGNORE_KEYS:
-            (gradients if "perturbation" in key else variables)[key].append(value)
-    gradients["perturbation_magnitudes"].append(
-        (max(variables["upper_bounds"]) - min(variables["lower_bounds"])) / 10.0
-        if control.perturbation_magnitudes is None
-        else control.perturbation_magnitudes
-    )
-    return ropt_names
-def _parse_controls(controls: Sequence[ControlConfig], ropt_config):
-    """Extract info from ever_config['controls']"""
-    enabled = []
-    variables: StrListDict = defaultdict(list)
-    gradients: StrListDict = defaultdict(list)
-    auto_scale = False
-    for group in controls:
-        sampler = _collect_sampler(group.sampler, ropt_config)
-        for variable in group.variables:
-            control = _resolve_everest_control(variable, group)
-            enabled.append(control.enabled)
-            control_injector = (
-                _variable_initial_guess_list_injection
-                if isinstance(variable.initial_guess, list)
-                else _variable_initial_guess_injection
-            )
-            ropt_names = control_injector(
-                control,
-                variables=variables,
-                gradients=gradients,
-            )
+    if any(item >= 0 for item in controls.sampler_indices):
+        ropt_config["samplers"] = [
+            {
+                "method": f"{sampler.backend}/{sampler.method}",
+                "options": {} if sampler.options is None else sampler.options,
+                "shared": False if sampler.shared is None else sampler.shared,
+            }
+            for sampler in controls.samplers
+        ]
+        ropt_config["gradient"]["samplers"] = controls.sampler_indices
-            if (
-                _collect_sampler(variable.sampler, ropt_config, ropt_names) is None
-                and sampler
-            ):
-                control_names = sampler["control_names"]
-                (
-                    control_names.extend
-                    if isinstance(ropt_names, list)
-                    else control_names.append
-                )(ropt_names)
-            if control.auto_scale:
-                auto_scale = True
-    if not auto_scale:
-        del variables["scales"]
-        del variables["offsets"]
-    ropt_config["variables"] = dict(variables)
-    ropt_config["variables"]["indices"] = (
-        None if all(enabled) else [idx for idx, item in enumerate(enabled) if item]
-    )
-    ropt_config["variables"]["delimiters"] = "_-"
-    ropt_config["gradient"] = dict(gradients)
+    default_magnitude = (max(controls.upper_bounds) - min(controls.lower_bounds)) / 10.0
+    ropt_config["gradient"]["perturbation_magnitudes"] = [
+        default_magnitude if perturbation_magnitude is None else perturbation_magnitude
+        for perturbation_magnitude in controls.perturbation_magnitudes
+    ]
-    # The samplers in the list constructed above contain the names of the
-    # variables they should apply to, but ropt expects a array of indices that
-    # map variables to the samplers that should apply to them:
-    if samplers := ropt_config.get("samplers"):
-        sampler_indices = [0] * len(variables["names"])
-        for idx, sampler in enumerate(samplers):
-            for name in sampler.pop("control_names"):  # type: ignore
-                sampler_indices[variables["names"].index(name)] = idx
-        ropt_config["gradient"]["samplers"] = sampler_indices
+    ropt_config["gradient"]["perturbation_types"] = [
+        PerturbationType.SCALED.value
+        if auto_scale
+        else PerturbationType[perturbation_type.upper()]
+        for perturbation_type, auto_scale in zip(
+            controls.perturbation_types, controls.auto_scales, strict=True
+        )
+    ]
 def _parse_objectives(objective_functions: list[ObjectiveFunctionConfig], ropt_config):
@@ -286,13 +139,24 @@ def _parse_objectives(objective_functions: list[ObjectiveFunctionConfig], ropt_c
 def _parse_input_constraints(
+    controls: list[ControlConfig],
     input_constraints: list[InputConstraintConfig] | None,
-    formatted_names,
     if not input_constraints:
+    # TODO: Issue #9816 is intended to address the need for a more general
+    # naming scheme. This code should be revisited once that issue is resolved.
+    formatted_names = [
+        (
+            f"{control_name[0]}.{control_name[1]}-{control_name[2]}"
+            if len(control_name) > 2
+            else f"{control_name[0]}.{control_name[1]}"
+        )
+        for control_name in control_tuples(controls)
+    ]
     coefficients_matrix = []
     rhs_values = []
     types = []
@@ -519,18 +383,10 @@ def everest2ropt(ever_config: EverestConfig) -> EnOptConfig:
     ropt_config: dict[str, Any] = {}
     _parse_controls(ever_config.controls, ropt_config)
-    control_names = [
-        (
-            f"{control_name[0]}.{control_name[1]}-{control_name[2]}"
-            if len(control_name) > 2
-            else f"{control_name[0]}.{control_name[1]}"
-        )
-        for control_name in ropt_config["variables"]["names"]
-    ]
     _parse_objectives(ever_config.objective_functions, ropt_config)
-    _parse_input_constraints(ever_config.input_constraints, ropt_config, control_names)
+    _parse_input_constraints(
+        ever_config.controls, ever_config.input_constraints, ropt_config
+    )
     _parse_output_constraints(ever_config.output_constraints, ropt_config)