diff --git a/src/ert/job_queue/driver.py b/src/ert/job_queue/driver.py
index b2ff5138ec0..63e9068c5f1 100644
--- a/src/ert/job_queue/driver.py
+++ b/src/ert/job_queue/driver.py
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
 import asyncio
+import logging
 import os
+import re
 import shlex
-import shutil
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import (
+    Awaitable,
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    List,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
 from ert.config.parsing.queue_system import QueueSystem
@@ -12,6 +21,9 @@
     from ert.job_queue import RealizationState
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Driver(ABC):
     def __init__(
@@ -104,64 +116,144 @@ async def kill(self, realization: "RealizationState") -> None:
 class LSFDriver(Driver):
+        "PEND",
+        "SSUSP",
+        "PSUSP",
+        "USUSP",
+        "RUN",
+        "EXIT",
+        "ZOMBI",
+        "DONE",
+        "PDONE",
+        "UNKWN",
+    ]
     def __init__(self, queue_options: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]):
         self._realstate_to_lsfid: Dict["RealizationState", str] = {}
         self._lsfid_to_realstate: Dict[str, "RealizationState"] = {}
+        self._max_attempt = 100
+        self._MAX_ERROR_COUNT = 100
+        self._statuses = {}
         self._submit_processes: Dict[
             "RealizationState", "asyncio.subprocess.Process"
         ] = {}
+        self._retry_sleep_period = 3
         self._currently_polling = False
+    async def run_with_retries(
+        self, func: Callable[[None], Awaitable], error_msg: str = ""
+    ):
+        current_attempt = 0
+        while current_attempt < self._max_attempt:
+            current_attempt += 1
+            try:
+                function_output = await func()
+                if function_output:
+                    return function_output
+                await asyncio.sleep(self._retry_sleep_period)
+            except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
+                logger.error(e)
+                await asyncio.sleep(self._retry_sleep_period)
+        raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
     async def submit(self, realization: "RealizationState") -> None:
-        submit_cmd: List[str] = [
-            "bsub",
+        submit_cmd = self.parse_submit_cmd(
+        )
+        await self.run_with_retries(
+            lambda: self._submit(submit_cmd, realization=realization),
+            error_msg="Maximum number of submit errors exceeded\n",
+        )
+    async def _submit(
+        self, submit_command: list[str], realization: "RealizationState"
+    ) -> bool:
+        result = await self.run_shell_command(submit_command, command_name="bsub")
+        if not result:
+            return False
+        (process, output, error) = result
+        self._submit_processes[realization] = process
+        lsf_id_match = re.match(
+            "Job <\\d+> is submitted to \\w+ queue <\\w+>\\.", output.decode()
+        )
+        if lsf_id_match is None:
+            logger.error(f"Could not parse lsf id from: {output.decode()}")
+            return False
+        lsf_id = lsf_id_match.group(0)
+        self._realstate_to_lsfid[realization] = lsf_id
+        self._lsfid_to_realstate[lsf_id] = realization
+        realization.accept()
+        logger.info(f"Submitted job {realization} and got LSF JOBID {lsf_id}")
+        return True
+    def parse_submit_cmd(self, *additional_parameters) -> List[str]:
+        submit_cmd = [
+            self.get_option("BSUB_CMD") if self.has_option("BSUB_CMD") else "bsub"
+        if self.has_option("LSF_QUEUE"):
+            submit_cmd += ["-q", self.get_option("LSF_QUEUE")]
+        return submit_cmd + list(additional_parameters)
+    async def run_shell_command(
+        self, command_to_run: list[str], command_name=""
+    ) -> (asyncio.subprocess.Process, str, str):
         process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
-            *submit_cmd,
+            *command_to_run,
-        self._submit_processes[realization] = process
-        # Wait for submit process to finish:
-        output, error = await process.communicate()
-        print(output)  # FLAKY ALERT, we seem to get empty
-        print(error)
-        try:
-            lsf_id = str(output).split(" ")[1].replace("<", "").replace(">", "")
-            self._realstate_to_lsfid[realization] = lsf_id
-            self._lsfid_to_realstate[lsf_id] = realization
-            realization.accept()
-            print(f"Submitted job {realization} and got LSF JOBID {lsf_id}")
-        except Exception:
-            # We should probably retry the submission, bsub stdout seems flaky.
-            print(f"ERROR: Could not parse lsf id from: {output!r}")
+        output, _error = await process.communicate()
+        if process.returncode != 0:
+            logger.error(
+                (
+                    f"{command_name} returned non-zero exitcode: {process.returncode}\n"
+                    f"{output.decode()}\n"
+                    f"{_error.decode()}"
+                )
+            )
+            return None
+        return (process, output, _error)
     async def poll_statuses(self) -> None:
         if self._currently_polling:
+            logger.debug("Already polling status elsewhere")
-        self._currently_polling = True
         if not self._realstate_to_lsfid:
             # Nothing has been submitted yet.
+            logger.warning("Skipped polling due to no jobs submitted")
-        poll_cmd = ["bjobs"] + list(self._realstate_to_lsfid.values())
-        assert shutil.which(poll_cmd[0])  # does not propagate back..
-        process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
-            *poll_cmd,
-            stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
-            stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
-        )
-        output, _error = await process.communicate()
+        poll_cmd = [
+            str(self.get_option("BJOBS_CMD"))
+            if self.has_option("BJOBS_CMD")
+            else "bjobs"
+        ] + list(self._realstate_to_lsfid.values())
+        try:
+            await self.run_with_retries(lambda: self._poll_statuses(poll_cmd))
+        # suppress runtime error
+        except RuntimeError:
+            return
+        except ValueError as e:
+            # raise this value error as runtime error
+            raise RuntimeError(e)
+    async def _poll_statuses(self, poll_cmd: str) -> bool:
+        self._currently_polling = True
+        result = await self.run_shell_command(poll_cmd, command_name="bjobs")
+        if result is None:
+            return False
+        (_, output, _) = result
         for line in output.decode(encoding="utf-8").split("\n"):
             if "JOBID" in line:
@@ -172,7 +264,8 @@ async def poll_statuses(self) -> None:
             if tokens[0] not in self._lsfid_to_realstate:
                 # A LSF id we know nothing of, this should not happen.
-                continue
+                raise ValueError(f"Found unknown job id ({tokens[0]})")
             realstate = self._lsfid_to_realstate[tokens[0]]
             if tokens[2] == "PEND" and str(realstate.current_state.id) == "WAITING":
@@ -194,9 +287,31 @@ async def poll_statuses(self) -> None:
             if tokens[2] == "DONE" and str(realstate.current_state.id) == "RUNNING":
+            if tokens[2] not in LSFDriver.LSF_STATUSES:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"The lsf_status {tokens[2]} for job {tokens[0]} was not recognized\n"
+                )
         self._currently_polling = False
+        return True
     async def kill(self, realization: "RealizationState") -> None:
-        print(f"would like to kill {realization}")
-        pass
+        lsf_job_id = self._realstate_to_lsfid[realization]
+        logger.debug(f"Attempting to kill {lsf_job_id=}")
+        kill_cmd = [
+            self.get_option("BKILL_CMD") if self.has_option("BKILL_CMD") else "bkill",
+            lsf_job_id,
+        ]
+        await self.run_with_retries(
+            lambda: self._kill(kill_cmd, realization, lsf_job_id),
+            error_msg="Maximum number of kill errors exceeded\n",
+        )
+    async def _kill(
+        self, kill_cmd, realization: "RealizationState", lsf_job_id: int
+    ) -> bool:
+        result = await self.run_shell_command(kill_cmd, "bkill")
+        if result is None:
+            return False
+        realization.verify_kill()
+        logger.info(f"Successfully killed job {lsf_job_id}")
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/job_queue/test_lsf_driver.py b/tests/unit_tests/job_queue/test_lsf_driver.py
index 24019ab14e0..230c616e995 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/job_queue/test_lsf_driver.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/job_queue/test_lsf_driver.py
@@ -1,71 +1,110 @@
+import logging
 import os
+import re
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from datetime import datetime
 from pathlib import Path
 from textwrap import dedent
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
 import pytest
 from ert.__main__ import ert_parser
 from ert.cli import ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT_MODE
 from ert.cli.main import run_cli
+from ert.job_queue.driver import LSFDriver
+def mock_bsub(tmp_path):
+    script_path = tmp_path / "mock_bsub"
+    script_path.write_text(
+        "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
+        + dedent(
+            """
+                import sys
+                import time
+                import random
+                run_path = sys.argv[-1]
+                with open("job_paths", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as jobs_file:
+                    jobs_file.write(f"{run_path}\\n")
+                # debug purposes
+                with open("bsub_log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+                    f.write(f"{' '.join(sys.argv)}\\n")
+                time.sleep(0.5)
+                if "exit.sh" in sys.argv:
+                    exit(1)
+                if "gargled_return.sh" in sys.argv:
+                    print("wait,this_is_not_a_valid_return_format")
+                else:
+                    _id = str(random.randint(0, 10000000))
+                    print(f"Job <{_id}> is submitted to default queue <normal>.")
+            """
+        )
+    )
+    os.chmod(script_path, 0o755)
+def mock_bkill(tmp_path):
+    script_path = tmp_path / "mock_bkill"
+    script_path.write_text(
+        "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
+        + dedent(
+            """
+                import sys
+                import time
+                import random
+                job_id = sys.argv[-1]
+                with open("job_ids", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as jobs_file:
+                    jobs_file.write(f"{job_id}\\n")
+                time.sleep(0.5)
+                if job_id == "non_existent_jobid":
+                    print(f"bkill: jobid {job_id} not found")
+                    exit(1)
+            """
+        )
+    )
+    os.chmod(script_path, 0o755)
 def mock_bjobs(tmp_path):
     script = "#!/usr/bin/env python3" + dedent(
-           import datetime
-           import json
-           import os.path
-           import sys
-           timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.now())
-           # File written from the mocked bsub command which provides us with
-           # the path to where the job actually runs and where we can find i.e
-           # the job_id and status
-           with open("job_paths", encoding="utf-8") as job_paths_file:
-               job_paths = job_paths_file.read().splitlines()
-           for line in job_paths:
-               if not os.path.isfile(line + "/lsf_info.json"):
-                   continue
-               # ERT has picked up the mocked response from mock_bsub and
-               # written the id to file
-               with open(line + "/lsf_info.json") as id_file:
-                   _id = json.load(id_file)["job_id"]
-               # Statuses LSF can give us
-               # "PEND"
-               # "SSUSP"
-               # "PSUSP"
-               # "USUSP"
-               # "RUN"
-               # "EXIT"
-               # "ZOMBI" : does not seem to be available from the api.
-               # "DONE"
-               # "PDONE" : Post-processor is done.
-               # "UNKWN"
-               status = "RUN"
-               if os.path.isfile(f"{line}/OK"):
-                   status = "DONE"
-               # Together with the headerline this is actually how LSF is
-               # providing its statuses on the job and how we are picking these
-               # up. In this mocked version i just check if the job is done
-               # with the OK file and then print that status for the job_id
-               # retrieved from the same runpath.
-               print(
-                   f"{_id} pytest {status} normal"
-                   f" mock_host mock_exec_host poly_0 {timestamp}"
-               )
+        import datetime
+        import json
+        import os.path
+        import sys
            # Just to have a log for test purposes what is actually thrown
            # towards the bjobs command
-           with open("bjobs_log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
-               f.write(f"{str(sys.argv)}\\n")
+        with open("bjobs_log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+            f.write(f"{str(sys.argv)}\\n")
+            # Statuses LSF can give us
+            # "PEND"
+            # "SSUSP"
+            # "PSUSP"
+            # "USUSP"
+            # "RUN"
+            # "EXIT"
+            # "ZOMBI" : does not seem to be available from the api.
+            # "DONE"
+            # "PDONE" : Post-processor is done.
+            # "UNKWN"
+        with open("mocked_result", mode="r+", encoding="utf-8") as result_line:
+            result = result_line.read()
+        if "exit" in result.split("\t"):
+            exit(1)
+        print(result)
     script_path = tmp_path / "mock_bjobs"
@@ -75,75 +114,377 @@ def mock_bjobs(tmp_path):
     os.chmod(script_path, 0o755)
-def make_mock_bsub(script_path):
-    script_path.write_text(
-        "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
-        + dedent(
-            """
-           import random
-           import subprocess
-           import sys
-           job_dispatch_path = sys.argv[-2]
-           run_path = sys.argv[-1]
-           # Write a file with the runpaths to where the jobs are running and
-           # writing information we later need when providing statuses for the
-           # jobs through the mocked bjobs command
-           with open("job_paths", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as jobs_file:
-               jobs_file.write(f"{run_path}\\n")
-           # Just a log for testpurposes showing what is thrown against the
-           # bsub command
-           with open("bsub_log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
-               f.write(f"{str(sys.argv)}\\n")
-           # Assigning a "unique" job id for each submitted job and print. This
-           # is how LSF provide response to ERT with the ID of the job.
-           _id = str(random.randint(0, 10000000))
-           print(f"Job <{_id}> is submitted to default queue <normal>.")
-           # Launch job-dispatch
-           subprocess.Popen([job_dispatch_path, run_path])
-           """
-        )
+class MockStateHandler:
+    id = "SUBMITTED"
+class MockRunArg:
+    runpath = "/usr/random/ert_path"
+    def iens():
+        return 0
+class MockQueueableRealization:
+    run_arg = MockRunArg()
+class MockRealizationState:
+    _state = "SUBMITTED"
+    _verified_killed = False
+    realization = MockQueueableRealization()
+    current_state = MockStateHandler()
+    def verify_kill(self):
+        self._verified_killed = True
+        print("Realization was verified killed")
+    def accept(self):
+        self.current_state.id = "PENDING"
+    def start(self):
+        self.current_state.id = "RUNNING"
+    def runend(self):
+        self.current_state.id = "DONE"
+def create_fake_bjobs_result(dir: str, job_id: str, status: str):
+    Path(dir / "mocked_result").write_text(
+        f"{job_id}\tpytest\t{status}\ttest_queue\thost1\thost2\ttest_job\t{str(datetime.now())}"
-    os.chmod(script_path, 0o755)
-def make_failing_bsub(script_path, success_script):
-    """
-    Approx 3/10 of the submits will fail due to the random generator in the
-    created mocked bsub script. By using the retry functionality towards
-    queue-errors in job_queue.cpp we should still manage to finalize all our runs
-    before exhausting the limits
-    """
-    script_path.write_text(
-        "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
-        + dedent(
-            f"""
-            import random
-            import sys
-            import subprocess
-            num = random.random()
-            if num > 0.7:
-                exit(1)
-            subprocess.call(["python", "{success_script}"] + sys.argv)
-            """
-        )
+async def test_submit_failure_script_exit(mock_bsub, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BSUB_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bsub")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    mock_realization_state.realization.job_script = "exit.sh"
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Maximum number of submit errors exceeded"):
+        await lsf_driver.submit(mock_realization_state)
+    job_paths = Path("job_paths").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # should try command 3 times before exiting
+    assert len(job_paths) == 3
+    output = caplog.text
+    assert len(re.findall("bsub returned non-zero exitcode: 1", output)) == 3
+async def test_submit_failure_badly_formated_return(
+    mock_bsub, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BSUB_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bsub")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    mock_realization_state.realization.job_script = "gargled_return.sh"
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Maximum number of submit errors exceeded"):
+        await lsf_driver.submit(mock_realization_state)
+    job_paths = Path("job_paths").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # should try command 3 times before exiting
+    assert len(job_paths) == 3
+    output = caplog.text
+    print(f"{output=}")
+    assert len(re.findall("Could not parse lsf id from", output)) == 3
+async def test_submit_success(mock_bsub, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BSUB_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bsub")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    mock_realization_state.realization.job_script = "valid_script.sh"
+    await lsf_driver.submit(mock_realization_state)
+    job_paths = Path("job_paths").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    assert len(job_paths) == 1
+    output = caplog.text
+    assert re.search("Submitted job.*and got LSF JOBID", output)
+    assert re.search("submitted to default queue", output)
+    assert mock_realization_state.current_state.id == "PENDING"
+async def test_poll_statuses_while_already_polling(
+    mock_bjobs, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver._currently_polling = True
+    lsf_driver._statuses.update({"test_lsf_job_id": "RUNNING"})
+    await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+    # Should never call bjobs
+    assert not Path("bjobs_logs").exists()
+    output = caplog.text
+    assert output == ""
+    assert lsf_driver._currently_polling
+async def test_poll_statuses_before_submitting_jobs():
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    # should not crash
+    await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+async def test_poll_statuses_bjobs_exit_code_1(mock_bjobs, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BJOBS_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bjobs")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    # will return a job id triggering exit(1) in bjobs
+    create_fake_bjobs_result(tmpdir, job_id="exit", status="PEND")
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    lsf_driver._realstate_to_lsfid[mock_realization_state] = "valid_job_id"
+    lsf_driver._lsfid_to_realstate["valid_job_id"] = mock_realization_state
+    # should print out and ignore the unknown job id
+    await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+    bjobs_logs = Path("bjobs_log").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # Should only call bjobs once
+    assert len(bjobs_logs) == 3
+    output = caplog.text
+    assert len(re.findall("bjobs returned non-zero exitcode: 1", output)) == 3
+    assert (
+        mock_realization_state.current_state.id
+        == MockRealizationState().current_state.id
-    os.chmod(script_path, 0o755)
+async def test_poll_statuses_bjobs_returning_unknown_job_id(
+    mock_bjobs, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BJOBS_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bjobs")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    # will return a job id not belonging to this run
+    create_fake_bjobs_result(tmpdir, job_id="unknown_job_id", status="PEND")
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    lsf_driver._realstate_to_lsfid[mock_realization_state] = "valid_job_id"
+    lsf_driver._lsfid_to_realstate["valid_job_id"] = mock_realization_state
+    # should print out and ignore the unknown job id
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Found unknown job id \\(unknown_job_id\\)"):
+        await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+    bjobs_logs = Path("bjobs_log").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # Should only call bjobs once
+    assert len(bjobs_logs) == 1
+    assert (
+        mock_realization_state.current_state.id == MockRealizationState.current_state.id
+    )
+async def test_poll_statuses_bjobs_returning_unrecognized_status(
+    mock_bjobs, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BJOBS_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bjobs")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    create_fake_bjobs_result(tmpdir, job_id="valid_job_id", status="EATING")
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    lsf_driver._realstate_to_lsfid[mock_realization_state] = "valid_job_id"
+    lsf_driver._lsfid_to_realstate["valid_job_id"] = mock_realization_state
+    with pytest.raises(
+        RuntimeError,
+        match="The lsf_status EATING for job valid_job_id was not recognized",
+    ):
+        await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+    bjobs_logs = Path("bjobs_log").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # Should only call bjobs once
+    assert len(bjobs_logs) == 1
+async def test_poll_statuses_bjobs_returning_updated_state(
+    mock_bjobs, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BJOBS_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bjobs")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    create_fake_bjobs_result(tmpdir, job_id="valid_job_id", status="RUN")
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    mock_realization_state.current_state.id = "PENDING"
+    lsf_driver._realstate_to_lsfid[mock_realization_state] = "valid_job_id"
+    lsf_driver._lsfid_to_realstate["valid_job_id"] = mock_realization_state
+    await lsf_driver.poll_statuses()
+    bjobs_logs = Path("bjobs_log").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    # Should only call bjobs once
+    assert len(bjobs_logs) == 1
+    # Should update realization state
+    assert mock_realization_state.current_state.id == "RUNNING"
+async def test_kill_bkill_non_existent_jobid_exit_code_1(
+    mock_bkill, caplog, tmpdir, monkeypatch
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BKILL_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bkill")
+    lsf_driver._max_attempt = 3
+    lsf_driver._retry_sleep_period = 0
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    lsf_driver._realstate_to_lsfid[mock_realization_state] = "non_existent_jobid"
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Maximum number of kill errors exceeded"):
+        await lsf_driver.kill(mock_realization_state)
+    output = caplog.text
+    out_log = output.split("\n")
+    job_ids_from_file = Path("job_ids").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip().split("\n")
+    assert len(job_ids_from_file) == lsf_driver._max_attempt
+    print(f"{out_log=}")
+    assert (
+        len(re.findall("bkill: jobid non_existent_jobid not found", output))
+        == lsf_driver._max_attempt
+    )
+    assert (
+        len(re.findall("returned non-zero exitcode: 1", output))
+        == lsf_driver._max_attempt
+    )
+    "options, expected_list",
+    [
+        [[("LSF_QUEUE", "pytest_queue")], ["bsub", "-q", "pytest_queue"]],
+        [[("BSUB_CMD", "/bin/mock/bsub")], ["/bin/mock/bsub"]],
+    ],
+def test_lsf_parse_submit_cmd_adds_driver_options(
+    options: list[Tuple[str, str]], expected_list
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(options)
+    submit_command_list = lsf_driver.parse_submit_cmd()
+    assert submit_command_list == expected_list
+    "additional_parameters", [[["test0", "test2", "/home/test3.py"]], [[3, 2]], [[]]]
+def test_lsf_parse_submit_cmd_adds_additional_parameters(
+    additional_parameters: list[str],
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(None)
+    submit_command_list = lsf_driver.parse_submit_cmd(*additional_parameters)
+    assert submit_command_list == ["bsub"] + additional_parameters
+    "options, additional_parameters, expected_list",
+    [
+        [
+            [("LSF_QUEUE", "pytest_queue")],
+            ["test0", "test2", "/home/test3.py"],
+            ["bsub", "-q", "pytest_queue", "test0", "test2", "/home/test3.py"],
+        ],
+        [
+            [("LSF_QUEUE", "pytest_queue"), ("BSUB_CMD", "/bin/test_bsub")],
+            ["test0", "test2", "/home/test3.py"],
+            [
+                "/bin/test_bsub",
+                "-q",
+                "pytest_queue",
+                "test0",
+                "test2",
+                "/home/test3.py",
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
+def test_lsf_parse_submit_cmd_adds_additional_parameters_after_options(
+    options: list[tuple[str, str]],
+    additional_parameters: list[str],
+    expected_list: list[str],
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(options)
+    submit_command_list = lsf_driver.parse_submit_cmd(*additional_parameters)
+    assert submit_command_list == expected_list
+    "driver_options, expected_bsub_options",
+    [[[("LSF_QUEUE", "test_queue")], ["-q test_queue"]]],
+async def test_lsf_submit_lsf_queue_option_is_added(
+    driver_options: list[Tuple[str, str]],
+    expected_bsub_options: list[str],
+    mock_bsub,
+    tmpdir,
+    monkeypatch,
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    lsf_driver = LSFDriver(driver_options)
+    lsf_driver.set_option("BSUB_CMD", tmpdir / "mock_bsub")
+    mock_realization_state = MockRealizationState()
+    mock_realization_state.realization.job_script = "valid_script.sh"
+    await lsf_driver.submit(mock_realization_state)
+    command_called = Path("bsub_log").read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip()
+    assert len(command_called.split("\n")) == 1
-@pytest.fixture(params=["success", "fail"])
-def mock_bsub(request, tmp_path):
-    if request.param == "success":
-        return make_mock_bsub(tmp_path / "mock_bsub")
-    else:
-        make_mock_bsub(tmp_path / "success_bsub")
-        return make_failing_bsub(tmp_path / "mock_bsub", tmp_path / "success_bsub")
+    for expected_bsub_option in expected_bsub_options:
+        assert expected_bsub_option in command_called
@@ -171,6 +512,7 @@ def copy_lsf_poly_case(copy_poly_case, tmp_path):
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Integration Test - does not work with the new python driver")