diff --git a/notebooks/Build_within_Python.html b/notebooks/Build_within_Python.html index 147a582..f5a9c1f 100644 --- a/notebooks/Build_within_Python.html +++ b/notebooks/Build_within_Python.html @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
-/tmp/ipykernel_2139/1143012394.py:13: FutureWarning: The behavior of DataFrame concatenation with empty or all-NA entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty or all-NA columns when determining the result dtypes. To retain the old behavior, exclude the relevant entries before the concat operation.
+/tmp/ipykernel_2052/1143012394.py:13: FutureWarning: The behavior of DataFrame concatenation with empty or all-NA entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty or all-NA columns when determining the result dtypes. To retain the old behavior, exclude the relevant entries before the concat operation.
node_template = pd.concat([node_template, new], ignore_index=True)
-CPU times: user 614 ms, sys: 240 ms, total: 855 ms
-Wall time: 519 ms
+CPU times: user 1.05 s, sys: 72.7 ms, total: 1.12 s
+Wall time: 1.01 s