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import warmth
+from pathlib import Path
[ ]:
maps_dir = Path("./data/")
[ ]:
model = warmth.Model()
[ ]:
inputs = model.builder.input_horizons_template
[ ]:
#Add surface grids to the table. You can use other method as well
[ ]:
inc = 2000
[ ]:
[ ]:
[ ]:
[ ]:
from warmth.data import haq87
[ ]:
for i in model.builder.iter_node():
+    i.rift=[[182,175]]
[ ]:
model.simulator.simulate_every = 1
[ ]:
[ ]:
[ ]:
for i in model.builder.node:
+    print(i)
+NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
+/workspaces/warmth/docs/notebooks/3D_simulation.ipynb Cell 14 line 1
+----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://codespaces%2Bobscure-meme-qpw4jj4pgvp34j7v/workspaces/warmth/docs/notebooks/3D_simulation.ipynb#X45sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=0'>1</a> for i in model.builder.node:
+      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://codespaces%2Bobscure-meme-qpw4jj4pgvp34j7v/workspaces/warmth/docs/notebooks/3D_simulation.ipynb#X45sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=1'>2</a>     print(i)
+NameError: name 'model' is not defined
[ ]:
[ ]:

# interpolate and extrapolate the missing nodes +# find nearby nodes from the array indexer_full_sim, which is sorted by x-index +import itertools +from subsheat3D.fixed_mesh_model import interpolateNode +for ni in range(len(model.builder.nodes)): + for nj in range(len(model.builder.nodes[ni])): + if model.builder.nodes[ni][nj] is False: + closest_x_up = [] + for j in range(ni,len(model.builder.nodes[nj])): + matching_x = [ i[0] for i in model.builder.indexer_full_sim if i[0]==j ] + closest_x_up = closest_x_up + list(set(matching_x)) + if len(matching_x)>0: + break + closest_x_down = [] + for j in range(ni-1,-1,-1): + matching_x = [ i[0] for i in model.builder.indexer_full_sim if i[0]==j ] + closest_x_down = closest_x_down + list(set(matching_x)) + if len(matching_x)>0: + break + closest_y_up = [] + for j in range(nj,len(model.builder.nodes[ni])): + matching_y = [ i[1] for i in model.builder.indexer_full_sim if (i[1]==j and ((i[0] in closest_x_up) or i[0] in closest_x_down)) ] + closest_y_up = closest_y_up + list(set(matching_y)) + if len(matching_y)>0: + break + closest_y_down = [] + for j in range(nj-1,-1,-1): + matching_y = [ i[1] for i in model.builder.indexer_full_sim if (i[1]==j and (i[0] in closest_x_up or i[0] in closest_x_down) ) ] + closest_y_down = closest_y_down + list(set(matching_y)) + if len(matching_y)>0: + break + + interpolationNodes = [ model.builder.nodes[i[0]][i[1]] for i in itertools.product(closest_x_up+closest_x_down, closest_y_up+closest_y_down) ] + interpolationNodes = [nn for nn in interpolationNodes if nn is not False] + node = interpolateNode(interpolationNodes) + node.X, node.Y = model.builder.grid.location_grid[ni,nj,:] + model.builder.nodes[ni][nj] = node + else: + node = interpolateNode([model.builder.nodes[ni][nj]]) # "interpolate" the node from itself to make sure the same member variables exist at the end + model.builder.nodes[ni][nj] = node + # if (model.builder.nodes[ni][nj].Y>12000): + # model.builder.nodes[ni][nj].crustRHP = (2e-6) * 4 + # model.builder.nodes[ni][nj].rhp = (2e-6) * 4 + model.builder.nodes[ni][nj].crustRHP = (2e0) * 1 +
from warmth.mesh_model import run
+import os
+    os.mkdir('mesh')
+except FileExistsError:
+    pass
+    os.mkdir('temp')
+except FileExistsError:
+    pass

+Rebuild/reload mesh at tti= 182
+Using 1D Node parameters NodeParameters1D(shf=0.03, hc=30000.0, hw=3600.0, hLith=130000.0, kLith=3.109, kCrust=2.5, kAsth=100, rhp=2, crustliquid=2500.0, crustsolid=2800.0, lithliquid=2700.0, lithsolid=3300.0, asthliquid=2700.0, asthsolid=3200.0, T0=5, Tm=1330.0, qbase=0.03)
+The Kernel crashed while executing code in the the current cell or a previous cell. Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure. Click <a href='https://aka.ms/vscodeJupyterKernelCrash'>here</a> for more info. View Jupyter <a href='command:jupyter.viewOutput'>log</a> for further details.
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