This is boilerplate for typescript & express and dependcy injection
- Custom Error support. You can create any custom error with message,code,httpCode like throw new CustomError()
- Dependcy Injection for all modules
Node, Express, Typescript, tsyringe
GET /error
Parameter | Type | Description |
- |
- |
You will see uncustom error handler {"message":"Internal server error","success":false} |
GET /custom-error
Parameter | Type | Description |
- |
- |
You will see custom error handler {"message":"Example Error For Test","errorCode":1,"success":false} |
GET /foos
Parameter | Type | Description |
- |
- |
You will see custom error handler {"message":"Example Error For Test","errorCode":1,"success":false} |
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd typescript-express-boilerplate
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Create a Docker image
docker build -t typescript-express-boilerplate .
Run a Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 typescript-express-boilerplate
Contributions are always welcome!