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Eric J. Feczko

Education & Coursework

2001-2005 Brandeis University Waltham, MA

B.A., Neuroscience

Graduate Level courses taken:

Autism and Developmental Disorders, Human Neurophysiology, Computational Neuroscience, Advanced Topics in Perception and Adaptation, Developmental Neurobiology, Principles of Neural Science

2007-2013 Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO

  1. Ph.D., Neuroscience

  2. Neurobiology of Disease; Advanced Cognitive, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience; Advanced Cognitive Psychology; Biologic Neural Computation; Neural Systems; Cellular Neurobiology; Cognitive, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience: Project Building

2016 Oregon Health and Sciences University Portland, OR

  1. National Library of Medicine (NLM) fellowship with the Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology (DMICE)

  2. Introduction to Python; Algorithms; Statistical Methods; Research Methods in Bioinformatics; Machine Learning


Expert Instructor-2016 University of Portland Portland, OR

2016, Topics and Readings in Neuro-education: Autism, Coursemaster: Ellyn Arwood

Postdoctoral Researcher 2016-present Oregon Health and Sciences University Portland, OR

2016-present, Heterogeneity of developmental disorders, Investigators: Damien Fair, Joel Nigg, Shannon Mcweeney

2016-present, Macaque connectome pipeline, Investigators: Damien Fair, David Van Essen.

Postdoctoral Researcher 2013-2016 Emory University Atlanta, GA

2013-2016, Autism Center of Excellence: normative development of rhesus macaque social behavior and brain, Investigators: Lisa Parr, Mar Sanchez, Ami Klin, Warren Jones, Jocelyne Bachevalier

2015-2016, Effect of Intranasal Oxytocin on the development of brain, behavior, and social groups in rhesus macaques, Principal Investigator: Lisa Parr

2013-2016, Effects of Melanotan-II on the formation of social networks in rhesus macaques, Investigators: Lisa Parr, Larry Young

2014-2016, Implementing functional MRI processing pipelines at the Yerkes National Primate Center, Investigators: Damien Fair, Mar Sanchez

Graduate Student 2007-2013 Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO

2008-2013, Simons Foundation Brain Circuity in Simplex Autism study, Investigators: John Pruett, John Constantino, Brad Schlaggar, Steve Petersen, Dan Marcus, David Van Essen

2008-2013, Neural Mechanisms of Global Form Integration, Principal Investigator: John Pruett

2007-2008, Meta-analysis of child event-related fMRI data, Principal Investigators: Brad Schlaggar, Steve Petersen

Research Assistant 2001-2007 Martinos Center Charlestown, MA

2005-2007, Emotional processing in aging and Alzheimer’s study, Principal Investigator: Christopher Wright

2005-2007, D-Cycloserine study, Principal Investigator: Christopher Wright

2005-2007, Alzheimer’s study, Principal Investigator: Bradford Dickerson

2001-2007, Autism study, Principal Investigator: Gordon Harris and Helen Tager-Flusberg


1. Awarded position on the Opthamology and Visual Sciences Training Grant (T32 EY13360-11 2011-2012)

2. Graduate student award for the Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students (2010)

3. Awarded position on the Systems and Molecular Neurobiology Training Grant (T32 GM008151: 2007-2010)


1. Morin E, Howell BR, Reding K, Feczko E, Earl E, Miranda-Dominguez O, Pincus M, Styner M, Fair DA, Sanchez MM. Developmental outcomes of early adverse care: elevated cortisol and altered Amygdala functional connectivity. Flux 2017 Abstract. 2-C-73.

2. Ramirez J, Sturgeon D, Feczko E, Zhu J, Bagley J, Miranda-Dominguez O, Earl E, Sullivan E, Fair DA. The influence of maternal diet on macaque offspring structural brain volume and behavior. Flux 2017 Abstract. 3-C-120.

3. Ammar Z, Kovacs-balint ZA, Steele J, Payne C, Moss S, Jonesteller T, Wesson J, Feczko E, Earl E, Li L, Styner M, Fair D, Jones W, Bachevalier J, Sanchez M. Developmental changes in visual processing of faces: A combined eye-tracking and resting state functional connectivity study in infant rhesus macaques. SFN 2017 abstract.

4. Morin E, Howell BR, Feczko E, Earl E, Esteves K, Styner MA, Drury SS, Fair D, Sanchez MM. Developmental Chamges in emotional enurocircuitry and cellular aging in nonhuman primates: Effects of early life stress. Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion Abstract 2017.

5. Feczko E, Balba N, Miranda-Dominguez O, Cordova M, Irwin L, Hill AP, Langhorst BH, Grieser-Painter J, Fombonne E, Nigg JT, Fair DA. Characterizing heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorders using a random forest algorithm. SFN abstract 2016 (E18 212.19).

6. Miranda-Dominguez O, Feczko E, Nigg TJ, Fair DA. Heritability of the human connectome. SFN abstract 2016 (F51 216.03).

7. Morin EL, Howell B, Feczko E, Earl E, Esteves K, Styner M, Drury S, Fair DA, Sanchez MM. Developmental changes in emotional neurocircuitry and cellular aging in nonhuman primates: Effects of early life stress. SFN abstract 2016 (772.04).

8. Pincus M, Godfrey J, Feczko E, Earl E, Kelly C, Wilson M, Fair DA, Sanchez MM. Effect of pubertal delay and social stress on hippocampal connectivity in adolescent female rhesus macaques. SFN abstract 2016 (D15 394.05)

9. Kovacks-Balint ZA, Feczko E, Howell B, Earl E, Li L, Steele J, Lee S, Shi Y, Styner M, Parr LA, Bachevalier J, Fair DA, Sanchez MM. Normative development of functional connectivity in the rhesus monkey visual pathways. SFN abstract 2015.

10. Morin E, Howell B, Reding K, Guzman D, Feczko E, Earl E, Shi Y, Styner M, Fair DA, Sanchez MM. Early maternal care modulates the development of emotional neurocircuitry in non-human primates: amygdala functional connectivity. SFN abstract 2015.

11. Pincus M, Godfey J, Feczko E, Earl E, Shi Y, Styner M, Li L, Howell B, Fair DA, Ethun K, Wilson M, Sanchez MM. Social rank and diet affect amygdala functional connectivity with prefrontal cortex during infancy in female rhesus macaques. SFN abstract 2015.

12. Collantes M, Feczko E, Brooks JM, Heitz TR, Parr LA. Developmental changes in social attention in infant macaques. ASP abstract 2015.

13. Feczko E, Mitchell TAJ, Walum H, Brooks JM, Heitz TR, Parr LA. Establishing the reliability of rhesus macaque social network assessment from video observations. ASP abstract 2015.

14. Feczko E, Heitz T, Murphy L, Brooks JM, Lewis P, Jones W, Parr LA. Infant macaques show experience-dependent learning of face categories. IMFAR abstract 2014.

15. Feczko E, Murphy L, Heitz T, Brooks JM, Lewis P, Jones W, Parr LA. Infant macaques show experience-dependent learning of categories. IPS abstract 2014.

16. Feczko E, Shulman GL, Petersen SE, Pruett JR Jr. Interactions between polar form-from-structure and face perception revealed by masking but not visual adaptation. SFN abstract 2012.

17. Feczko E, Hoertel S, McVey K, Power J, Constantino JN, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Pruett JR Jr. A network analytic approach to studying functional connectivity in autism using graph theory. SFN abstract 2010 (562.13/U12).

18. Miezin FM, Feczko E, Constantino JN, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Pruett JR Jr. Event-related visuomotor fMRI reveals typical hemodynamic response in pediatric simplex autism. SFN abstract 2010 (562.6/U5)

19. Pruett JR, Jr**., Feczko E**, Hoertel S, McVey K, Power J, Wig GS, Miezin FM, Constantino JN, Schlaggar BL, and Petersen S. A network-based approach to brain functional connectivity in simplex autism. Poster at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 57th Annual Meeting, New York, NY, October 2010 (1.34).

20. Feczko E, Bakkour A, Negreira AM, Laviolette P, Pacheco J, Salat D, Rosas D, Sperling RA, Hyman BT, Morris J, Fischl B, Buckner RL, Dickerson BC. The effects of Alzheimer’s disease on medial temporal lobe shape: a quantitative morphometric study of the collateral sulcus. SFN abstract 2007 (890.7/P7).

21. Laviolette P, Bakkour A, Feczko E, Negreira AM, Sperling RA, Dickerson BC. Hippocampal hyperactivation in older adults predicts subsequent free recall. SFN abstract 2007 (204.3/DDD8)

22. Negreira AM, Laviolette P, Bakkour A, Feczko E, Dickerson BC. Age-related changes in brain structure and function predict individual differences in overall free recall performance capacity. SFN abstract 2007 (204.6/DDD11)

23. Dickerson BC, Bakkour A, Salat D, Feczko E, Pacheco J, Greve D, Wright CI, Blacker D, Rosas D, Sperling RA, Atri A, Growdon J, Hyman BT, Morris J, Fischl B, Buckner RL. The cortical signature of mild Alzheimer’s disease: Regionally-specific thinning is reliable and relates to symptom severity. SFN abstract 2007 (890.18/P18).

24. Miller S, Fenstermacher E, Feczko E, Pacheco J, Sperling R, Greve D, Augustinack J, Fischl B, Dickerson BC. Effects of Spatial Smoothing on High Resolution fMRI data of Memory-related Medial Temporal Lobe Activation. HBM abstract 2006 (615).

25. Britton J, Williams D, Gold A, Feczko E, Rauch S, Wright CI. Acute high-dose D-Cylcoserine blunts early amygdale response to facial expressions. ACNP abstract 2006 (4-B).

26. Feczko E, Pacheco J, Fischl B, Buckner RL, Morris JC, Augustinack JC, Dickerson BC. Effects of aging and Alzheimer’s disease on the medial temporal lobe: a quantitative morphometric study of entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortex. SFN abstract 2006 (377.7/MM40).

27. Fenstermacher E, Feczko E, Benner T, Van Der Kouwe A, Wiggins CJ, Fischl B, Kahn I, Buckner RL, Wald LL, Wiggins G, Augustinack J, Dickerson BC. Detection and quantification of medial temporal lobe fine structure in vivo at 380-500 µm resolution: a feasibility study using high- and ultrahigh-field MRI with large-N-phased array head coils. SFN abstract 2006 (834.16/JJ3).


  1. Feczko E, Balba N, Miranda-Dominguez O, Cordova M, Karalunas SL, Irwin L, Demeter DV, Hill AP, Langhorst BH, Grieser Painter J, Van Santen J, Fombonne EJ, Nigg JL, Fair DA. Subtyping cognitive profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorder using a random forest algorithm. Neuroimage. 2017 Dec 20. pii: S1053-8119(17)31068-6.doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.12.044. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:29274502.

  2. Miranda-Dominguez O, Feczko E, Grayson D, Walum H, Nigg JT, Fair DA. Heritability of the human connectome: a connectotyping study. Network Neuroscience. 2017 Nov 2. doi: 10.1162/NETN_a_00029. [Epub ahead of print].

  3. Eggebrecht AT, Elison JT, Feczko E, Todorov A, Wolff JJ, Kandala S, Adams CM, Snyder AZ, Lewis JD, Estes AM, Zwaigenbaum L, Botteron KN, McKinstry RC, Constantino JN, Evans A, Hazlett HC, Dager S, Paterson SJ, Schultz RT, Styner MA, Gerig G, Das S, Kostopoulos P, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Piven J, Pruett JR Jr; IBIS Network .. Joint Attention and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants and Toddlers. Cereb Cortex. 2017 Jan 6. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw403. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28062515.

  4. Savalia NK, Agres PF, Chan MY, Feczko EJ, Kennedy KM, Wig GS. Motion-related artifacts in structural brain images revealed with independent estimates of in-scanner head motion. Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Jan;38(1):472-492. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23397. PubMed PMID: 27634551; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5217095.

  5. Parr LA, Murphy L, Feczko E, Brooks J, Collantes M, Heitz TR. Experience-dependent changes in the development of face preferences in infant rhesus monkeys. Dev Psychobiol. 2016 Dec;58(8):1002-1018. doi: 10.1002/dev.21434. PubMed PMID: 27242285.

  6. Muschinski J, Feczko E, Brooks JM, Collantes M, Heitz TR, Parr LA. The development of visual preferences for direct versus averted gaze faces in infant macaques (Macaca mulatta). Dev Psychobiol. 2016 Dec;58(8):926-936. doi: 10.1002/dev.21421. PubMed PMID: 27195755.

  7. Feczko E, Bliss-Moreau E, Walum H, Pruett JR Jr, Parr LA. The macaque social responsiveness scale (mSRS): a rapid screening tool for assessing variability in the social responsiveness of Rhesus macaques (Macaca mullata). PLoS One. 2016 Jan 5;11(1): e0145956.

  8. Feczko E, Mitchell TA, Walum H, Brooks JM, Heirz TR, Young LJ, Parr LA. Establishing the reliability of rhesus macaque social network assessment from video observations. Animal Behavior. 2015 Sep 1;107:115-123.

  9. Pruett JR Jr, Kandala S, Hoertel S, Snyder AZ, Elison TJ, Nishino T, Feczko E, Doesnbach NU, Nardos B, Power JD, Adeyemo B, Botteron KN, McKinstry RC, Evans AC, Hazlett HC, Dager SR, Paterson S, Schultz RT, Collins DL, Fonov VS, Styner M, Gerig G, Das S, Kostopoulos P, Constantino JN, Estes AM; IBIS network, Petersen SE, Schlaggar BL, Piven J. Accurate age classification of 6 and 12 month old infants based on resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging data. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2015 Apr;12:123-33.

  10. Feczko E, Shulman GL, Petersen SE, Pruett JR Jr. Interactions between concentric form-from-structure and face perception revealed by visual masking but not adaptation. Journal of Vision. 2014 Feb 21;14(2).

  11. Dierker DL, Feczko E, Pruett JR Jr, Petersen SE, Schlaggar BL, Constantino JN, Harwell JW, Coalson TS, Van Essen DC. Analysis of cortical shape in children with simplex autism. Cereberal Cortex 2015 Apr;25 (4):1042-51.

  12. Pruett JR, Hoertel S, Constantino JN, Lamacchia Moll A, McVey K, Squire E, Feczko E, Povinelli DJ, Petersen SE (2013). Impaired eye region search accuracy in children with autism spectrum disorders. PLoS One. 8(13):e58167

  13. Feczko E, Miezin FM, Constantino JN, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Pruett JR Jr (2012). The hemodynamic response in children with Simplex Autism. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2012 Oct;2(4):396-408.

  14. Dosenbach NU, Nardos B, Cohen AL, Fair DA, Power JD, Church JA, Nelson SM, Wig GS, Vogel AC, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Barnes KA, Dubis JW, Feczko E, Coalson RS, Pruett JR Jr, Barch DM, Petersen SE, Schlaggar BL (2010). Prediction of individual brain maturity using fMRI. Science 329(5997):1358-61.

  15. Zaitchik D, Walker C, Miller S, LaViolette P, Feczko E, Dickerson B (2010). Mental state attribution and the temporoparietal junction: An fMRI study comparing belief, emotion, and perception. Neuropsychologia 48(9):2528-36

  16. Feczko E, Augustinack JC, Fischl B, Dickerson BC (2009). An MRI-based method for measuring volume, thickness and surface area of entorhinal, perirhinal, and posterior parahippocampal cortex. Neurobiology of Aging 30(3):420-31.

  17. Dickerson BC, Feczko E, Augustinack JC, Pacheco J, Morris JC, Fischl B, Buckner RL (2009). Differential effects of aging and Alzheimer’s disease on medial temporal lobe cortical thickness and surface area. Neurobiology of Aging 30(3):432-40.

  18. Dickerson BC, Bakkour A, Salat DH, Feczko E, Pacheco J, Greve DN, Grodstein F, Wright CI, Blacker D, Rosas HD, Sperling RA, Atri A, Growdon JH, Hyman BT, Morris JC, Fichsl B, Buckner RL (2009). The cortical signature of Alzheimer’s disease: regionally specific cortical thinning relates to symptom severity in very mild to mild AD dementia and is detectable in asymptomatic amyloid-positive individuals. Cerebral Cortex 19(3):497-510

  19. Wright CI, Dickerson BC, Feczko E, Williams D (2007). A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of amygdala responses to viewing human faces: effects of aging and mild Alzheimer¹s disease. Biological Psychiatry, 62(12):1388-95.

  20. Britton JC, Gold AL, Feczko E, Rauch SL, Williams D, Wright CI (2007). D-Cylcoserine inhibits amygdala responses during repeated presentations of facial expressions. CNS Spectrum 12(8):600-5.

  21. Wright CI, Feczko E, Dickerson BC, Williams D (2007) Neuroanatomical correlates of personality in the elderly. Neuroimage, 35(1):263-72.

  22. Wright CI, Williams D, Feczko E, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC, Schwartz CE, Wedig MM (2006) Neuroanatomic correlates of Extraversion and Neuroticism. Cerebral Cortex 16:1809-1819.

  23. Hadjikhani N, Joseph RM, Snyder J, Chabris CF, Clark J, Steele S, McGrath L, Vangel M, Aharon I, Feczko E, Harris GJ, Tager-Flusberg H.(2004) Activation of the fusiform gyrus when individuals with autism view faces. Neuroimage 22(3):1141-50.

  24. Hadjikhani N, Chabris CF, Joseph RM, Clark J, McGrath L, Aharon I, Feczko E, Tager-Flusberg H, Harris GJ. (2004). Early visual cortex organization in autism: An fMRI study. Neuroreport 15(2):267-70.