This guide should work on most debian systems including Ubuntu. For installation guide on installing emoncms on a raspberrypi see raspberrypi from ready-to-go image or raspberrypi build from scratch.
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
When the blue dialog appears enter a password for root user, note the password down as you will need it later.
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
$ sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
$ sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
$ sudo a2enmod rewrite
$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Change (line 7 and line 11), "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All". [Ctrl + X ] then [Y] then [Enter] to Save and exit.
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
First cd into the var directory:
$ cd /var/
Set the permissions of the www directory to be owned by your username (on the raspberrypi its pi):
$ sudo chown pi www
Cd into www directory
$ cd www
Download emoncms using git:
$ git clone
Alternatively download emoncms and unzip to your server:
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter the mysql password that you set above. Then enter the sql to create a database:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE emoncms;
Exit mysql by:
mysql> exit
cd into the emoncms directory where the settings file is located
$ cd /var/www/emoncms/
Make a copy of default.settings.php and call it settings.php
$ cp default.settings.php settings.php
Open settings.php in an editor:
$ nano settings.php
Enter in your database settings.
$username = "USERNAME";
$password = "PASSWORD";
$server = "localhost";
$database = "emoncms";
Enter in your database settings.
Save (Ctrl-X), type Y and exit
Chrome Ubuntu 23.0.1271.97 - developed with, works great.
Chrome Windows 25.0.1364.172 - quick check revealed no browser specific bugs.
Firefox Ubuntu 15.0.1 - no critical browser specific bugs, but movement in the dashboard editor is much less smooth than chrome.
Internet explorer 9 - works well with compatibility mode turned off. F12 Development tools -> browser mode: IE9. Some widgets such as the hot water cylinder do load later than the dial.
IE 8, 7 - not recommended, widgets and dashboard editor do not work due to no html5 canvas fix implemented but visualisations do work as these have a fix applied.
The first time you run emoncms it will automatically setup the database and you will be taken straight to the register/login screen.
Create an account by entering your email and password and clicking register to complete.
Dashboard editing needs to pass parameters through HTTP-GET mechanism and on Debian 6 the max allowable length of a single parameter is very small (512 byte). This is a problem for designing of dashboard and when you exceed this threshold all created dashboard are lost...
to overcame this problem modify "suhosin.get.max_value_length" in /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini" to large value (8000, 16000 should be fine).
Follow the guide here step 4 onwards: