First 42 project, where I coded the known functions of the LibC
- isalpha
- isdigit
- isalnum
- isascii
- isprint
- strlen
- memset
- bzero
- memcpy
- memmove
- strlcpy
- strlcat
- toupper
- tolower
- strchr
- strrchr
- strncmp
- memchr
- memcmp
- strnstr
- atoi
- calloc
- strdup
- ft_substr
- ft_strjoin
- ft_strtrim
- ft_split
- ft_itoa
- ft_strmapi
- ft_striteri
- ft_putchar_fd
- ft_putstr_fd
- ft_putendl_fd
- ft_putnbr_fd
- ft_lstnew
- ft_lstadd_front
- ft_lstsize
- ft_lstlast
- ft_lstadd_back
- ft_lstdelone
- ft_lstclear
- ft_lstiter
- ft_lstmap
The main objective is to understand the majority of the functions of the LibC in order to use them well. Learn to read the C manual to recode the exact behaviors, and learn the basics of C.
Run make
then a libft.a
is created.
You can use it as a library in your project if you compile it as a binary, and then use all these functions.
Feel free to add your own functions!