Do you want a REALLY quick way to make a Factory object? Then lambdas or other function-passing is what you need! Not only is it quick, it’s really simple. I bet, if you’re a pretty good with Lambdas, you have a pretty good idea on how to do this simply by having read the title. If you’re one of those, stick around; you never know what you could learn.
If you already know what the Factory Design Pattern is, then you can skip to the next section.
The point of the Factory pattern is to supply objects and methods with a way to instantiate an object without exposing all (or, often, any) of the instantiation logic (what needs to be passed into the constructor).
As a silly example, say there is a class, Scientist
, that needs a way to produce
new Pen
s to write down his experiment data with, but he doesn’t want to be bothered
with the creation process. To do this, you would give the Scientist
a PenFactory
and all the Scientist
needs to know is to push the button on the factory to get a new pen.
The PenFactory
is a simple object with only a create()
method that supplies a
new instance of Pen
whenever you call it. If the Scientist
cared about what
color the Pen
was, you could supply him with a ColoredPenFactory
method also accepts a color parameter.
Then the ColoredPenFactory
would have to figure out how to provide a pen with that color.
The Factory Pattern is a pattern for Object-Oriented code, and is therefore limited to how OO works, but we can take its purpose and try to figure out a way to make it in a functional way, too, which actually makes it a LOT easier.
In fact, a large number of OO design patterns were created due to the lack of ability to pass functions around. Most of these can be replaced simply by passing in a function. A short list of them include Command, Factory, and Strategy. Many others can remove a lot of class hierarchy if they accept functions. Some of these include Template and Visitor.
So, the biggest difference is the idea that the Factory class doesn’t have to be a class; it can be a simple “callable”, too. So let’s dig into some examples.
Just so you can see the difference between the classic OO pattern and the new function pattern, here are the example classes and interfaces, in OO Java.
public interface Pen {
void write(String toWrite);
boolean outOfInk();
public interface PenFactory {
Pen create();
public class Scientist {
private PenFactory penerator;
private Pen pen;
public Scientist(PenFactory penerator) {
this.penerator = penerator;
this.pen = penerator.create();
public void writeData(String data) {
if(pen.outOfInk()) {
pen = penerator.create();
Did you catch how I called the PenFactory
instances penerator
I thought it was kind of silly. I hope you enjoyed it too. If not, oh well.
When it comes to the Java version, you don’t actually NEED to make any changes,
since the PenFactory
counts as a functional interface, but, there’s no need for
it since you can replace any instance of PenFactory
with Supplier<Pen>
So, the Scientist
class would look like this instead:
public class Scientist {
private Supplier penerator;
private Pen pen;
public Scientist(Supplier penerator) {
this.penerator = penerator;
this.pen = penerator.get();
public void writeData(String data) {
if(pen.outOfInk()) {
pen = penerator.get();
So, to create an instance of Scientist
with lambdas that provide
instances of MyPenClass
, you would type this in Java:
Scientist albert = new Scientist(() -> new MyPenClass());
Let’s say I wanted to make a factory for a class whose constructor requires
the name of a brand of pens. We’ll call this class BrandPen
How would we make a factory for that? Well, writing the lambdas wouldn’t
really be any different, really. How about we look at other ways of
defining callables to be passed in, though?
In Java, you can save an instance of the lambda in a variable and pass that in. Or you can use a method reference:
Supplier bicPen = () -> new BrandPen("BiC");
Scientist thomas = new Scientist(bicPen);
// assuming that BrandPen has a static method called bicPen
Scientist nicola = new Scientist(BrandPen::bicPen);
Oh man, now the Scientist
wants to be able to specify the color of
the pen that the factory supplies! Well, you could give him different factories
for each color and tell him to use each different factory to make the different pens,
but there’s simply no room in his lab for so many PenFactory
s! We’ll have to give
a factory that can be told what color to use.
To do this, we’ll have to change Java’s Supplier<Pen>
to a Function<>Color, Pen>
Obviously, you won’t need to change the type in Python, since it’s dynamic and doesn’t require type information.
But the Scientist
classes also need to change how they use their factories.
In Java, wherever the Scientist
is asking for a new instance, it needs to provide a color too, like this:
pen = penerator.apply(Color.RED);
The factory we pass into the Scientist
in Java could look like this:
Scientist erwin = new Scientist(color -> new ColoredPen(color, "BiC"));
In some examples for the Factory Pattern on the internet, they show factories that have multiple methods to call for generating an object. I haven’t seen this in action in real life, but it might happen. In these instances, it may be better to stick to the OO option, but if you want to change it to a functional pattern, simply provide separate factory callables instead of one object with multiple methods.
I didn’t expect to write this much, but as I went, there were so many little variances that I wanted to show. I didn’t get around to them all, mostly because I didn’t feel like keeping track of them all, but I’m sure that I’ve given you a good enough toolbox to figure it out on your own.
I hope you learned something. If you didn’t, I hope you enjoyed the example at least.