Like continuations, monads are simpler than they sound and are very useful in many situations. In fact, programmers write code in a variety of languages that implicitly use common monads without even breaking a sweat.
With all of the attention that monads get, why am I writing yet another explanation of monads? I explain monads because I need monads. They elegantly solve programming problems in a number of languages and contexts.
Monads come from category theory. Moggi introduced them to computer scientists to aid in the analysis of the semantics of computations.
In an excellent paper, The Essence of Functional Programming, Wadler showed that monads are generally useful in computer programs to compose together functions which operate on amplified values rather than values.
Monads became an important part of the programming language Haskell where they tackle the awkward squad: IO, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-function calls.
Monads enjoy tremendous success in Haskell, but like an actor who does well in a particular role, monads are now stereotyped in the minds of most programmers as useful only in pure lazy functional languages. This is unfortunate, because monads are more broadly applicable.
Composition is the key to controlling complexity in software. In The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Abelson and Sussman argue that composition beautifully expresses complex systems from simple patterns.
In our study of program design, we have seen that expert programmers control the complexity of their designs with the same general techniques used by designers of all complex systems.
- They combine primitive elements to form compound objects,
- they abstract compound objects to form higher-level building blocks, and
- they preserve modularity by adopting appropriate large-scale views of system structure.
One form of composition, function composition, succinctly describes the dependencies between function calls. Function composition takes two functions and plumbs the result from the second function into the input of the first function, thereby forming one function.
// C# 'Compose<T, V>' extension method for class Func<U, V>
public static Func<T, V> Compose<T, U, V>(this Func<U, V> f, Func<T, U> g) {
return x => f(g(x));
public class MyClass<U, V> {
// . . .
public <T> Function<T, V> compose(Function<T, U> other) {
return x -> this(other(x));
For example, instead of applying g to the value x
and then applying f
to the result,
compose f
with g
and then apply the result to the value x
The key difference is the abstraction of the dependency between f
and g.
var r = f(g(x)); // without function composition
var r = f.Compose(g)(x); // with function composition
Given the function Identity
, function composition must obey three laws.
// C# 'Identity<T>' extension method for class T
public static T Identity<T>(this T value) {
return value;
public class MyClass {
// . . .
public MyClass identity() {
return this;
Left identity
Identity.Compose(f) = f
Right identity
f.Compose(Identity) = f
f.Compose(g.Compose(h)) = (f.Compose(g)).Compose(h)
Often, values are not enough. Constructed types amplify values.
- The type
represents a lazily computed list of values of typeT
. - The type
represents a possibly missing value of typeT
. - The type
Func<Func<T, Answer>, Answer>
represents a function, which returns anAnswer
given a continuation, which takes aT
and returns anAnswer
. Each of these types amplifies the typeT
Suppose that instead of composing functions which return values,
we compose functions which take values and return amplified values.
Let M<T>
denote the type of the amplified values.
// C# 'compose' extension method for class Func<U, M<V>>
public static Func<T, M<V>> Compose<T, U, V>(this Func<U, M<V>> f,
Func<T, M<U>> g) {
return x => f(g(x)); // error, g(x) returns M<U> and f takes U
Function composition fails, because the return and input types do not match.
Composition with amplified values requires a function that accesses the underlying
value and feeds it to the next function. Call that function Bind
and use it
to define function composition.
// C# 'compose' extension method for class Func<U, M<V>>
public static Func<T, M<V>> Compose<T, U, V>(this Func<U, M<V>> f,
Func<T, M<U>> g) {
return x => Bind(g(x), f);
The input and output types determine the signature of Bind
Therefore, Bind
takes an amplified value, M<U>
, and a function from U
to M<V>
and returns an amplified value, M<V>
// C# 'compose' extension method for class M<V>
public static M<V> Bind<U, V>(this M<U> m,
Func<U, M<V>> k)
The body of Bind
depends on the mechanics of the amplified values, M<T>
Each amplified type will need a distinct definition of Bind
In addition to Bind
, define a function which takes an unamplified value
and amplifies it. Call this function Unit
// C# 'Unit' extention method for the class 'T'
public static M<T> Unit<T>(this T value)
- the amplified type,
, - the function
, and - the function
enable function composition with amplified values.
Viola, we have invented monads.
Monads are a triple consisting of a type, a Unit function, and a Bind function. Furthermore, to be a monad, the triple must satisfy three laws:
Left Identity
Bind(Unit(e), k) = k(e)
Right Identity
Bind(m, Unit) = m
Bind(m, x => Bind(k(x), y => h(y)) = Bind(Bind(m, x => k(x)), y => h(y))
The laws are similar to those of function composition. This is not a coincidence. They guarantee that the monad is well behaved and composition works properly.
To define a particular monad, the writer supplies the triple, thereby specifying the mechanics of the amplified values.
The simplest monad is the Identity monad. The type represents a wrapper containing a value.
class Identity<T> {
public T Value { get; private set; }
public Identity(T value) { this.Value = value; }
The Unit function takes a value and returns a new instance of Identity
which wraps the value.
static Identity<T> Unit<T>(T value) {
return new Identity<T>(value);
The bind function takes an instance of Identity
, unwraps the value, and invokes the
delegate, k
, with the unwrapped value. The result is a new instance of Identity
static Identity<U> Bind<T,U>(Identity<T> id, Func<T,Identity<U>> k) {
return k(id.Value);
Consider a simple program that creates two Identity wrappers and performs an operation on the wrapped values. First, bind x to the value within the wrapper containing the value five. Then, bind y to the value within the wrapper containing the value six. Finally, add the values, x and y, together. The result is an instance of Identity wrapping the value eleven.
var r = Bind(Unit(5), x =>
Bind(Unit(6), y =>
Unit(x + y)));
While this works, it is rather clumsy. It would be nice to have syntax for dealing with the monad. Fortunately, we do.
C# 3.0 introduced query comprehensions which are actually monad comprehensions in disguise. We can rewrite the identity monad to use LINQ. Perhaps, it should have been called LINM (Language INtegrated Monads), but it just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Rename the method Unit
to ToIdentity
and Bind
to SelectMany
Then, make them both extension methods.
public static Identity<T> ToIdentity<T>(this T value) {
return new Identity<T>(value);
public static Identity<U> SelectMany<T, U>(this Identity<T> id, Func<T, Identity<U>> k) {
return k(id.Value);
The changes impact the calling code.
var r = 5.ToIdentity().SelectMany(
x => 6.ToIdentity().SelectMany(
y => (x + y).ToIdentity()));
Equivalent methods are part of the standard query operators defined for LINQ.
However, the standard query operators also include a slightly different version
of SelectMany for performance reasons. It combines Bind
with Unit
so that lambdas are not deeply nested. The signature is the same except for an
extra argument that is a delegate which takes two arguments and returns a value.
The delegate combines the two values together.
This version of SelectMany
binds x
to the wrapped value, applies k
to x
binds the result to y
, and then applies the combining function, s
, to x
and y
The resultant value is wrapped and returned.
public static Identity<V> SelectMany<T, U, V>(this Identity<T> id,
Func<T, Identity<U>> k,
Func<T,U,V> s) {
return id.SelectMany(x => k(x).SelectMany(y => s(x, y).ToIdentity()));
Of course, we can remove some of the code from the generalized solution by using our knowledge of the Identity monad.
public static Identity SelectMany<T, U, V>(this Identity id, Func<T, Identity> k, Func<T,U,V> s) {
return s(id.Value, k(id.Value).Value).ToIdentity();
The call-site does not need to nest lambdas.
var r = 5.ToIdentity()
.SelectMany(x => 6.ToIdentity(), (x, y) => x + y);
With the new definition of SelectMany
, programmers can use C#'s query comprehension syntax.
The from
notation binds the introduced variable to the value wrapped by the expression on the right.
This allows subsequent expressions to use the wrapped values without directly calling SelectMany
var r = from x in 5.ToIdentity()
from y in 6.ToIdentity()
select x + y;
Since the original SelectMany
definition corresponds directly to the
monadic Bind function and because the existence of a generalized transformation
has been demonstrated, the remainder of the post will use the original signature.
But, keep in mind that the second definition is the one used by the query syntax.
The Identity monad is an example of a monadic container type where the Identity monad wrapped a value. If we change the definition to contain either a value or a missing value then we have the Maybe monad.
Again, we need a type definition.
The Maybe
type is similar to the Identity type but adds a property denoting whether a value is missing.
It also has a predefined instance, Nothing, representing all instances lacking a value.
class Maybe<T> {
public readonly static Maybe<T> Nothing = new Maybe<T>();
public T Value { get; private set; }
public bool HasValue { get; private set; }
Maybe() {
HasValue = false;
public Maybe(T value) {
Value = value;
HasValue = true;
The Unit function takes a value and constructs a Maybe instance, which wraps the value.
public static Maybe<T> ToMaybe<T>(this T value) {
return new Maybe<T>(value);
The Bind function takes a Maybe
instance and if there is a value then it applies the
delegate to the contained value. Otherwise, it returns Nothing.
public static Maybe<U> SelectMany<T, U>(this Maybe<T> m, Func<T, Maybe<U>> k) {
if (!m.HasValue)
return Maybe<U>.Nothing;
return k(m.Value);
The programmer can use the comprehension syntax to work with the Maybe monad. For example, create an instance of Maybe containing the value five and add it to Nothing.
var r = from x in 5.ToMaybe()
from y in Maybe<int>.Nothing
select x + y;
Console.WriteLine(r.HasValue ? r.Value.ToString() : "Nothing");
The result is "Nothing".
We have implemented the null propagation of nullables without explicit language support.
Another important container type is the list
In fact, the list monad is at the heart of LINQ.
The type IEnumerable<T>
denotes a lazily computed list
The Unit function takes a value and returns a list, which contains only that value.
public static IEnumerable<T> ToList<T>(this T value) {
yield return value;
The Bind function takes
an IEnumerable<T>
a delegate, which takes a T
and returns an IEnumerable<U>
, and
returns an IEnumerable<U>
public static IEnumerable<U> SelectMany<T, U>(this IEnumerable<T> m,
Func<T, IEnumerable<U>> k) {
foreach (var x in m)
foreach (var y in k(x))
yield return y;
Now, the programmer can write the familiar query expressions with IEnumerable.
var r = from x in new[] { 0, 1, 2 }
from y in new[] { 0, 1, 2 }
select x + y;
foreach (var i in r)
Remember that it is the monad that enables the magic.
The continuation monad answers the question that was posed at the end of the last post: how can a programmer write CPS code in a more palatable way?
The type of the continuation monad, K
, is a delegate which when given a continuation,
which takes an argument and returns an answer, will return an answer.
delegate Answer K<T,Answer>(Func<T,Answer> k);
The type K
fundamentally differs from types Identity<T>
, Maybe<T>
, and IEnumerable<T>
All the other monads represent container types and allow computations to be specified
in terms of the values rather than the containers, but the continuation monad contains nothing.
Rather, it composes together continuations the user writes.
To be a monad, there must be a Unit function which takes a T
and returns a K<T,Answer>
for some answer type.
public static K<T, Answer> ToContinuation<T, Answer>(this T value)
What should it do? When in doubt, look to the types. The method takes a T and returns a function, which takes a function from T to Answer, and returns an Answer. Therefore, the method must return a function and the only argument of that function must be a function from T to Answer. Call the argument c.
return (Func<T, Answer> c) => ... The body of the lambda must return a value of type Answer. Values of type Func<T,Answer> and a T are available. Apply c to value and the result is of type Answer.
return (Func<T, Answer> c) => c(value);
To be a monad, Bind must take a K<T,Answer>
and a function from T
to K<U, Answer>
and return a K<U, Answer>
public static K<U, Answer> SelectMany<T, U, Answer>(this K<T, Answer> m,
Func<T, K<U, Answer>> k)
But what about the body? The result must be of type K<U, Answer>
but how is a result of the correct type formed?
Expand K's definition to gain some insight.
return type
Func<Func<U, Answer>, Answer>
m's type
Func<Func<T, Answer>, Answer>
k's type
Func<T, Func<Func<U, Answer>, Answer>>
Applying k to a value of type T
results in a value of type K<U,Answer>
but no value of type T
is available.
Build the return type directly by constructing a function,
which takes a function from U to Answer.
Call the parameter c.
return (Func<U,Answer> c) => ...
The body must be type of Answer
so that the return type of Bind is K<U,Answer>
Perhaps, m
could be applied to a function from T
to Answer.
The result is a value of type Answer
return (Func<U,Answer> c) => m(...)
The expression inside the invocation of m
must be of type Func<T,Answer>
Since there is nothing of that type, construct the function by creating a
lambda with one parameter, x
, of type T
return (Func<U,Answer> c) => m((T x) => ...)
The body of this lambda must be of type Answer
Values of type T
, Func<U,Answer>
, and Func<T,Func<Func<U,Answer>, Answer>>
haven't been used yet. Apply k
to x
return (Func<U,Answer> c) => m((T x) => k(x)...)
The result is a value of type Func<Func<U,Answer>,Answer>
Apply the result to c
return (Func<U,Answer> c) => m((T x) => k(x)(c));
The continuation monad turns the computation inside out. The comprehension syntax can be used to construct continuations.
Construct a computation, which invokes a continuation with the value seven. Pass this computation to another computation, which invokes a continuation with the value six. Pass this computation to another computation, which invokes a continuation with the result of adding the results of the first two continuations together. Finally, pass a continuation, which replaces "1"s with "a"s, to the result.
var r = from x in 7.ToContinuation<int,string>()
from y in 6.ToContinuation<int,string>()
select x + y;
Console.WriteLine(r(z => z.ToString().Replace('1', 'a'))); // displays a3
The continuation monad does the heavy-lifting of constructing the continuations.
Beautiful composition of amplified values requires monads. The Identity, Maybe, and IEnumerable monads demonstrate the power of monads as container types. The continuation monad, K, shows how monads can readily express complex computation.