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Java Generic Wildcards

In the Java language, generics are not covariant (a List<Integer> is not a List<Number>.)

Bounded wildcards ( ? extends T and ? super T generic type specifiers ) are provided for dealing with the lack of covariance and contravariance — they let classes declare when method arguments or return values are covariant or contravariant.

While knowing when to use bounded wildcards is one of the more complicated aspects of generics, the burden of using them falls mostly on library writers, rather than library users.

The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.

The need for bounded wildcards

Let's start with a simple generic class, a value container called Box, which holds a value of known type:

public interface Box<T> {

    public T    get();

    public void put(T element);

Because generics are not covariant, a Box<Integer> is not a Box<Number>, even though an Integer is a Number. But for simple generic classes like Box, this is not a problem, and in fact we might not even notice, because the interface to Box<T> is specified entirely in terms of variables of type T — and not types generified over T. Dealing directly in terms of type variables allows the polymorphism we want to come along for free. Listing 1 shows two examples of this sort of polymorphism: retrieving the contents of a Box<Integer> as a Number, and putting an Integer into a Box<Number>:

// Listing 1. Exploiting **inherent polymorphism** with **generic classes**

Box<Integer> iBox = new BoxImpl<Integer>(3);
Number       num  = iBox.get();

Box<Number> nBox = new BoxImpl<Number>(3.2);
Integer     i    = 3;

Our experience with this simple Box class could convince us that covariance isn't needed, because in the places where we expect polymorphism, the data is already in a form where the compiler is able to apply the appropriate subtyping rules.

Things get more complicated, however, when we want the API to deal not only
o in variables of type T, but also
o in types generified over T.

Let's say we want to add a new method to Box that allows us to fetch the contents from another Box, and put it in this one, as shown in Listing 2:

// Listing 2. An extended Box interface, which is not as flexible as it looks

public interface Box<T> {

    public T    get();
    public void put(T element);
    public void put(Box<T> box);

The problem with this extended Box is that we can only put the contents in a Box whose type parameter is exactly the same as the receiving box. So, for example, the code in Listing 3 won't compile:

// Listing 3. Generics are not covariant

Box<Number>  nBox = new BoxImpl<Number> ();
Box<Integer> iBox = new BoxImpl<Integer>();

nBox.put(iBox);     // ERROR

We get an error message that tells us it cannot find the method put(Box<Integer>) on a Box<Number>. This error makes sense when we consider that generics are not covariant; a Box<Integer> is not a Box<Number>, even though an Integer is a Number, but this makes the Box class feel less generic than we'd hoped it would be.

To increase the usefulness of our generic code, instead of specifying the exact type of a generic type parameter, we can specify an upper-bound or a lower-bound instead. To do so, we use a bounded wildcard, which takes the form ? extends T or ? super T. (Bounded wildcards can only be used as type parameters; they cannot appear as types themselves — for that, a bounded named type variable is required.)

In Listing 4, we change the signature of put() to use an upper-bounded wildcard — Box<? extends T>, which means that the type parameter of the Box can be T or any subclass of T.

// Listing 4. Improved version of Box class from Listing 3, which accounts for covariance

public interface Box<T> {

    public T    get();
    public void put(T element)

    public void put(Box<? extends T> box);

Now the code in Listing 3 will compile and do what we want, because we've said that the parameter to put() can be a Box whose type parameter is T or any of its subtypes. Because Integer is a subtype of Number, the compiler is able to resolve the method reference put(Box<Integer>) because Box<Integer> matches the bounded wildcard Box<? extends Number>.

The "mistake" in the early version of Box is an easy one to fall into. Even the experts make this mistake — you can find numerous places in the platform class libraries where a Collection<T> is used instead of a Collection<? extends T>. For example, in AbstractExecutorService in the java.util.concurrent package, the argument to invokeAll() was originally a Collection<Callable<T>>. This made using invokeAll() fairly cumbersome, though, as this required that the set of tasks be held by a collection parameterized exactly by Callable<T>, and not by a collection parameterized by some class that implements Callable<T>.

In Java 6, this signature was changed to Collection<? extends Callable<T>> — but to illustrate how easy it is to make this mistake, the correct fix would have been to make invokeAll() take an argument of Collection<? extends Callable<? extends T>>. The latter is definitely uglier but has the benefit of not boxing in your clients.

Lower-bounded wildcards

Most bounded wildcards are bounded above; the ? extends T notation places an upper bound on the type. It is also possible, though less common, to place a lower bound on the type with the notation ? super T, meaning T or any superclass of T. Lower-bounded wildcards show up when you want to specify
o a callback object, such as a comparator, or
o a data structure into which you are going to place a value.

Let's say we want to enhance our Box with the ability to compare the contents with that of another box. We can extend Box with a containsSame() method, and the definition of a Comparator callback object, as shown in Listing 5:

//Listing 5. Too-restrictive an attempt at adding a comparison method to Box

public interface Box<T> {

    public T    get();
    public void put(T element);
    public void put(Box<? extends T> box);

    boolean containsSame(Box<? extends T>      other, 
                         EqualityComparator<T> comparator);

    public interface EqualityComparator<T> {
        public boolean compare(T first, T second);

We remembered to define the type of the other box in containsSame() using a wildcard, which avoids the problems we've seen before. But we've still got a similar problem; the comparator parameter must be exactly an EqualityComparator<T>. This means we couldn't write the code in Listing 6:

// Listing 6. Failure when attempting to use the comparison method from Listing 5

public static EqualityComparator<Object> sameObject 
              = new EqualityComparator<Object>() {
                        public boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                        return o1 == o2;

. . .

BoxImpl<Integer> iBox = ...;
BoxImpl<Number>  nBox = ...;

boolean b = nBox.containsSame(iBox, sameObject);

Using an EqualityComparator<Object> here seems a perfectly reasonable thing to want to do. Why should clients have to create a separate comparator for every possible type of Box when they can specify it generically?
The solution is to use a lower-bounded wildcard — represented by ? super T.

The correct version of the Box class, as extended with a compareTo() method, is shown in Listing 7:

// Listing 7. More flexible version of the comparison operation from Listing 5, 
//            using bounded wildcards

public interface Box<T> {

    public T    get();
    public void put(T element);
    public void put(Box<? extends T> box);

    boolean containsSame(Box               <? extends T> other, 
                         EqualityComparator<? super   T> comparator);

    public interface EqualityComparator<T> {
        public boolean compare(T first, T second);

By using a lower-bounded wildcard, the containsSame() method is saying that it requires something that can compare a T or any of its supertypes, allowing us to provide a comparator that knows how to compare Objects without having to wrap it with an EqualityComparator<Number>.

The get-put principle

There's an old joke that says: a man with one watch always knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure.
Because the language supports both upper-bound wildcards and lower-bounded wildcards, how do we know which one to use, and when?

There's a simple rule, called the get-put principle, which tells us which kind of wildcard to use. The get-put principle, as stated in Naftalin and Wadler's book on generics, says:

  • use an extends wildcard when you only get values out of a structure,
  • use a super wildcard when you only put values into a structure, and
  • don't use a wildcard when you do both.

The get-put principle is easiest to understand when applied to container classes like Box, or Collections classes, because the notion of getting or putting connects naturally with what these classes do: store things.

So, if we wanted to apply the get-put principle to create a method that copies from one Box to another, the most general form would be as shown in Listing 8, where
an upper-bounded wildcard is used for the source, and
a lower-bounded wildcard is used for the destination:

// Listing 8. Copy method for Box using both 
//            upper-bounded and lower-bounded wildcards

public static<T> void copy(Box<? extends T> from, Box<? super T> to) {

How do we apply the get-put principle in the case of the containsSame() method shown earlier, where we used an upper-bounded wildcard for the box but a lower-bounded wildcard for the comparator?

The first part is easy: we are getting a value from the other box, so we need to use an extends wildcard. But the second part is not as clear — because the comparator isn't a container, so it doesn't feel like we're either getting from or putting to a data structure.

The way to think about the get-put principle when the data type is not obviously a container class like a collection is that, even though an EqualityComparator is not a data structure, it is still something you can put a value into — in the sense of passing the value to one of its methods. In the containsSame() method, you are using the Box as a producer of values (retrieving values from the Box) and using the comparator as a consumer of values (passing values to the comparator). So it makes sense to use an extends wildcard for the Box, but a super wildcard for the comparator.

We can see the get-put principle at work in the declaration for Collections.sort(), shown in Listing 9:

// Listing 9. Another example of using lower-bounded wildcards

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T>list) { ... }

Here, we are saying we can sort a List that is parameterized by any type that implements Comparable. But rather than restricting the domain of sort() to lists whose elements are comparable to themselves, we can go further — we can sort lists of elements that know how to compare themselves to their supertypes, too. Because we are putting values into the comparator to determine the relative ordering of two elements, the get-put principle tells us we want to use a super wildcard here.

The seeming circular reference — where T extends something parameterized by T — is not really circular at all. It is simply expressing the constraint that to be able to sort a List<T>, T has to implement the interface Comparable<X>, where X is T or one of its supertypes.

The last part of the rule — don't use a wildcard when you are both getting and putting — follows from the first two parts. If you can put a T or any of its subtypes, and you can get a T or any of its supertypes, then the only thing you can both get and put is a T itself.

Keep bounded wildcards out of return values

It is sometimes tempting to use a bounded wildcard in the return type of a method. But this temptation is best avoided because returning bounded wildcards tends to pollute client code. If a method were to return a Box<? extends T>, then the type of the variable receiving the return value would have to be Box<? extends T>, which pushes the burden of dealing with bounded wildcards on your callers. Bounded wildcards work best when they are used in APIs, not in client code.


Bounded wildcards are extremely useful in making generic APIs more flexible. The biggest impediment to using bounded wildcards correctly is the perception that we don't need to use them! Some situations will call for lower-bounded wildcards, and some for upper-bounded ones, and the get-put principle can be used to determine which should be used.