###What did you learn about CSS padding, borders, and margin by doing this challenge? This challenge helped to reinforce the concepts I learned this week about the CSS box model and how to set values for the padding, border, and margin properties. Padding is the space between the element's content and border. The border is the edge that surrounds the element and won't appear unless you set a value for is width, color, and style. Margin is outside of the border and it helps to clear a space between elements. By setting values for the padding, border, and margin properties of HTML elements on my website I was able to explore how to create the effect I was looking to achieve.
###What did you learn about CSS positioning? In this challenge I was able to practice floating elements, relative positioning, and the display property if I didn't leave an element in its normal flow. It was a lot of trial and error when positioning the elements and setting values for properties. When using relative positioning I remembered to use the left property to help create the look I was trying to achieve. However, I struggled with manipulating floated elements but as I researched I discovered I needed to use the margin property.
###What aspects of your design did you find easiest to implement? What was most difficult? The easiest part of my design to implement was setting the color property for the various HTML elements on my website. The most difficult aspect to implement was positioning and using values for the padding, border, and margin properites to help achieve the look I wanted. The Chrome DevTools inspector was helpful in figuring out what dimensions and values I wanted to use.
###What did you learn about adding and formatting elements with CSS in this challenge? When adding and formatting elements with CSS I learned about how the order you link CSS files in the HTML files and the order you write the code in the CSS files is important. Many times I didn't understand why the code I wrote wasn't being implemented they way I thought it would because of the concepts like relative links, cascading, and inheritance. In this challenge I also learned how to add and format elements with responsive design. I was able to make the aside in my blog disappear by using the display property and manipulating the navigation bar to move based the width of the page.