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Pipeline for RNA-seq scripts used by the Essigmann Lab.

Part I: Pre-Process, Align, and Assemble


  1. Create environment from yml file: conda env create -f rnaseq_env.yml
  2. Activate environment: source activate rnaseq

Prepare FASTA reference

  1. Download genome from UCSC Genome Browser: chromFa.tar.gz
  2. Unzip FASTA: tar -xvzf chromFa.tar.gz
  3. Remove mitochondrial chromosome and other noncanonical chromosomes (chr#_#########_random) from directory
  4. Compile chromosomal FASTA files to single file: cat *.fa > mm10.fa
  5. If necessary, modify FASTA file to match naming convention for GTF file: sed -i 's/chr//g' mm10.fa
  6. Index reference: hisat2-build -f mm10.fa mm10

Prepare GTF reference transcriptome

  1. Download GTF from Ensembl: Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf.gz
  2. Unzip GTF: tar -xzvf Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf.gz
  3. (Optional) Rename file: mv Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf mm10.gtf
  4. Format known splice junctions to format used by HISAT2: mm10.gtf >

Trim raw RNA-seq reads

  1. Trim adapter sequences and ends: trimmomatic-0.38.jar SE $seq.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 LEADING:30 TRAILING:30 MINLEN:25

Align RNA-seq reads to reference genome using HISAT2

  1. Map to whole genome, accounting for known splice sites: hisat2 --dta -x ref/mm10 --known-splicesite-infile ref/ -U $trimmed.fastq -S $sample.hisat2.sam
  2. Convert to BAM: samtools view -bS $sample.hisat2.sam > $sample.hisat2.unsorted.bam
  3. Sort BAM file: samtools sort -o $sample.hisat2.bam $sample.hisat2.unsorted.bam

Assemble and quantify expressed genes and transcripts with StringTie

  1. Estimate abundances for differential expression analysis: stringtie -e -B -G ref/mm10.gtf -A $sample\ -o $directory/$sample/$sample.gtf $sample.hisat2.bam
    • Note: This is considered StringTie's "alternate" workflow, relying on a well-annotated reference; it will not search for novel isoforms. Suggested by the StringTie creator here.
    • Historical note: Originally the pipeline used StringTie's recommended workflow, but identifying gene names caused trouble as many gene_id values were given MSTRG assignments. StringTie author made note of it here.

Prepare StringTie outputs for differential expression analysis

  1. Download Python script ( provided by StringTie developers
  2. Run script to extract read count information from StringTie outputs: python2.7 -l 40 [-i $directory]
    • Note: Without the -i parameter, this assumes default directory structure created by StringTie, with a ballgown folder in the working directory. In our case, use the -i parameter to denote the directory where outputs are contained.
    • Note: The script requires a Python version between 2.7 and 3.
    • Note: The -l parameter takes in average read length. While this doesn't affect relative transcript levels, it will impact your absolute values! The default parameter for -l is 75.

Part II: Normalization and Differential Gene Analysis


  1. R environment must have the following Bioconductor packages installed: DESeq2,, and biomaRt.
    • If not installed, install Bioconductor: source("")
    • Install packages: biocLite("DESeq2"); biocLite(""); biocLite("biomaRt")
    • Call each library in the R environment with the library() function.
  2. Read in expression gdata calculated by StringTie: pheno_data <- read.table("180711Ess_phenodata.csv", header=TRUE, sep=","); count_data <- read.table("gene_count_matrix.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names=1)
  3. Retrieve gene IDs and gene names by creating a biomaRt instance: ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
  4. Create key-value pairs for Ensembl IDs to gene names: gene_names <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name"), filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=rownames(count_data), mart=ensembl); colnames(gene_names) <- c("ensembl_id", "gene_name"); gene_set <- setNames(as.list(gene_names$gene_name), as.list(gene_names$ensembl_id))
  5. Read in all data to a DESeqDataSet: dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=count_data, colData=pheno_data, design~1)
  6. Filter to remove low-count genes: keep.rows <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10; dds <- dds[keep.rows,]

Conduct and output differential gene analysis

  1. Use in-house R function to query between either sexes or treatment groups. For sex differences, the function requires the DESeq data structure and experimental treatment group to query; TCPOBOP addition changes require the DESeq data structure,the base group (i.e. non-TCPOBOP treatment), and the sex to query.
    • Conduct differential gene analysis on DMSO-treated mice, by sex: dds.sex_dmsona <-, "sex", "DMSO")
    • Conduct differential gene analysis on DMSO-treated males, by TCPOBOP addition: dds.tc_dmsom <-, "TCPOBOP", "DMSO", "M")
