The stack is based on Fastapi+pydantic+sqlachemy for the API in conjonction with ZeroMQ for the Runner. The project includes an UI/UX based on Streamlit [WIP].
├── justfile --> just is a handy way to save and run project-specific commands. see
├── api/ --> The evaluation API source code
├── tests/ --> The api tests
├── notebooks/ --> Example and demo notebooks
└── ui/ --> [WIP] The user interface code source
The project needs the following API key to be set perform LLM based metrics:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="You secret key"
All the project global settings and environmant variables are handled in api/
The environement variables can also be defined in a .env
file at the root of the project.
- Launch the development services:
docker-compose -f up
- Create the first migration script:
alembic -c api/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "Table Initialization"
- Initialize/Update the database schema:
alembic -c api/alembic.ini upgrade head
- If you modify the schema :
alembic -c api/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "text explication"
alembic -c api/alembic.ini upgrade head
- Install the requirements (in .venv if you prefer)
pip install .
- Launch the API:
uvicorn api.main:app --reload
- Launch the runner:
PYTHONPATH="." python -m api.runners
# To change the default loggin level you can do:
#LOG_LEVEL="DEBUG" PYTHONPATH="." python -m api.runners
Access the API documentation at: http://localhost:8000/redoc (or http://localhost:8000/docs if you prefer the legacy version).
To run the streamlit frontend, run :
streamlit run ui/demo_streamlit/ --server.runOnSave true
The notebook/
directory contains examples of API usage.
Each single metric should be defined in a file in api/metrics/{metric_name}.py
The file should be self-contained, i.e contains the eventual prompt and settings related to the metric.
The metric should be decorated as followinf example to be registed as a known metric of EG1:
from . import metric_registry
name="metric_name", # the name that identified the metric
description="Explain the metrics briefly"
metric_type="llm", # to be documented, not yet used
require=["output", "output_true", "query"] # the fields that should be present in the dataset related to experiment under evaluation
def metric_name_metric(output:str, output_true:str, **kwargs) -> float:
# ...
# ...You code goes here
# ...
return score
# or, if you want to store the intermediate generated observation by the metric (like a judge answer typically)
#return score, observation
Tests can be found in api/tests. To run unit tests, use :
pytest api/tests -v