After running STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeIDE Launcher appears as shown below:
Please select a location to store the workspace or simply use the default workspace for convenient. After pressing "Launch" button, the following will appear:
Suggest to select "NO" for the following override setting for file association for .cproject file if you have some other Eclipse-base IDE installed in your system:
Suggest to select "NO" for the following override setting for file association for .project file if you have some other Eclipse-base IDE installed in your system:
After getting into "Information Center", please press "Start new STM32 project" button on the left:
The following will pop up and may take some time:
Select "Board Selector" and type "34F746" in "Part Number Search" to quickly sort out the board we want. Click 32F746DISCOVERY in Board List and then press "Next" button:
Assign Project Name and suggest to keep "Use default location" checked, then press "Finish" button:
Press "NO" for the following dialog:
Press "YES" for the following dialog and suggest to check "Remember my decision":
In IOC editor, please search for PI1 pin and set it to GPIO_Output
Add the following code to toggle LED LD1 (controlled by PI1) inside USER CODE Block 3 inside main():
/* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_Delay(500); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOI, GPIO_PIN_1); } /* USER CODE END 3 */
Right click on project icon and then select "Build Project":
Start to run debug
After switching to debug perspective, press "Resume" button to run your code:
- MCU Post build outputs: HEX/BIN
- Editor: Auto-complete
- Editor: Macro expansion
- Editor: Code navigation