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Exploring differences in sequencing quality and variant-detectionconcordance across DNA sources

22126 Next Generation Sequencing Analysis

Mariana Chichkova (s205694), Mette Christoffersen (s192033), Laura Sans-Comerma (s192437),Natasia Thornval (s143493), and Huijiao Yang (s202360)

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FastQC Pre-trimming Forward, Post-trimming Forward, HTML files
Samtools STATS Stats
BAMstats Coverage , GC content , More
Poster PDF
  • To see the whole FastQC analysis, download the .html file and open in browser.

Commands and plots

Downloading the data set



Quality check - FastQC

fastqc -o ./fastqc SRR85954XX_X.fastq.gzTo open the fastqc files -> firefox SRR85954XX_X_fastqc.htmld

Trimming (adapter sequences) leeHom used to infer adapter sequences

leeHom --auto -fq1 SRR85954XX_1.fastq.gz -fq2 SRR85954XX_2.fastq.gz -fqo SRR85954XX_trimmed
Adapter sequences inferred:Inferred fwd adapter: AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTInferred rev adapter: AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGT

fastp used for adapter trimming - to speed up the process

fastp --thread 2 --adapter_sequence AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGT --adapter_sequence_r2 AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGT -i /data/shared/groups/group_7/data/SRR85954XX_1.fastq.gz -I /data/shared/groups/group_7/data/SRR85954XX_2.fastq.gz -o /data/shared/groups/group_7/data/trimmed/SRR85954XX_1_trim.fastq.gz -O /data/shared/groups/group_7/data/trimmed/SRR85954XX_2_trim.fastq.gz

Quality check - FastQC after trimming of adapters

fastqc -o ./fastqc SRR85954XX_X_trim.fastq.gzTo open the fastqc files -> firefox SRR85954XX_X_trim_fastqc.html

Alignment - BWA MEM

Human genome reference : /path/in/cluster/data/references/human/human_g1k_v37.fasta

bwa mem -t 2 ref.fasta read1.fq read2.fq | samtools view -uS - | samtools sort /dev/stdin > SRR85954XXXX_aln.bam

NB! Since the mapping was taking > 48 hours, 210 temporary files were merged and the BAM subsampling step was skipped.

Temporary BAM mapping files merging

Use of AddRG for running GATK smoothly

samtools merge --threads 4 -f  /dev/stdout trimmed/samtools.1301.4578.tmp.0{000..210}.bam | /path/to/Software/libbam/addRG /dev/stdin SRR85954XX_merged.bam SRR85954XX

Index BAM files

samtools index SRR85954XX.bam

Alignment statistics

samtools stat SRR85954XX.bamplot-bamstats -p SRR85954XX.stat

For average coverage per sample:

 mosdepth SRR85954XX SRR85954XX.bam

BAM file subsampling - not done

Files should be subsampled to the level of the sample with the lowest original mean depth of coverage. The proportion of aligned reads to retainfrom each sample was calculated as 𝐷(M)/𝐷(X), where 𝐷(M) is the minimum original mean read depth among all the samples and 𝐷(X) is the original mean read depth of sample 𝑋.

samtools view -s 22.[fraction] -b SRR85954XX.bam > SRR85954XX_sub.bam

where 22 is a seed used for randomness of the selection.

Mark duplicate reads - Picard

java -Xmx10g -jar /usr/local/bin/picard.jar MarkDuplicates -I SRR85954XX_merged.bam -M SRR85954XX_sub_markdup.metrics.txt -O SRR85954XX_sub_markdup.bam

Remove duplicate reads - samtools rmdup

samtools rmdup SRR95854XX_merged.bam SRR95854XX_merged_rmdup.bam

We ran both commands, but ended up using the marked duplicate reads instead of the output from rmdup.

Index BAM files

samtools index SRR85954XX_merged.bam

Alignment statistics - when the duplicates are removed or marked

samtools stat SRR85954XX.bamplot-bamstats -p SRR85954XX.stat


Variant calling - GATK

HaplotypeCaller is used to identify and annotate SNPs and indels. The output from this command is a gVCF-file (genomic VCF). The gVCF file format is a special VCF-file, which contains genotype likelihoods for all positions in the genome - opposed to regular VCF files, which only include positions with SNPs and indels.

gatk --java-options "-Xmx10g" HaplotypeCaller  -R /data/shared/data/references/human/human_g1k_v37.fasta -I SRR85954XX_sub_markdup.bam -L 1 -O SRR85954XX.vcf.gz --dbsnp /data/shared/groups/group_7/data/databases/00-All.vcf.gz 

Concatenate chromosomal VCFs

The VCFs should be sorted before combining them.

bcftools concat -o SRR85954XX.vcf.gz --threads 2 SRR85954XX_chr_1.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_2.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_3.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_4.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_5.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_6.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_7.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_8.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_9.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_10.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_11.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_12.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_13.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_14.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_15.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_16.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_17.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_18.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_19.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_20.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_21.vcf.gz SRR85954XX_chr_22.vcf.gz

Check concordance of variant calling across sample type

Concordance statistics can be obtained from

bcftools isec -p concordance SRR8595490.vcf.gz SRR8595494.vcf.gz

where -p concordance defines the directory to which the output is saved.

The command saves 4 vcf-files :

  • 0000.vcf - records private to vcf

  • 10001.vcf - records private to vcf

  • 20002.vcf - shared records

  • 0003.vcf - shared records

    Afterwards relevant numbers can be extracted from the output files using

    bcftools view -H -v [snps or indels] 0000.vcf | wc -l

Further unmapped reads analysis

The following was prepared to do, but not done due to time restrains. The BLAST database nt takes some time to build. Since the goal of our project was to reproduce the paper and we had some time restrains, we did not carry out the unmapped reads analysis. Even though we are aware of the existence of other tools to process the unmapped reads analysis.

Get data ready for the BLAST

Specifically, we selected 0.2% of the read pairs from each sample for which both reads in the pair were unmapped, and used the first read in each pair as a BLAST query.

for i in `seq X X `; do echo "nice -n 19 samtools view -b -f12 SRR859549"$i"_merged_markdup.bam |  samtools view -b -s 20.0002 /dev/stdin > SRR859549"$i"_sub.bam"; done | parallel -j 20

Default parameters were used to blastn except tblastn and -evalue 1e-5 , and we used the default nucleotide db, nt. First, extract the unmapped reads and transform them into FASTQ format and then feed it to tblastn.

samtools view --threads 4 --write-index -f SRR859549XX_merged_markdup.bam | awk '{printf(">%s/%s\n%s\n",$1,(and(int($2),0x40)?1:2),$10);}' |  tblastn -db nt -evalue 1e-5 -out SRR859549XX_blast.txt

An option to run BLAST if it is not build in the cluster that you are using is using BLAST webserver. However this has some restrains on the input size.

BLAST online

For each match, the esummary program from NCBI was used to determine the taxonomic ID of the organism from which the database sequence was derived. The domain (e.g., bacteria or eukaryota) associated with that taxonomic ID was determined using the fullnamelineage.dmp file, which can be downloaded from: