- pre-presen goals
fix missing license
kill cytoplasm (it took 8m to do a 5sec job)
webtorrent demo
- allow-scripts
- viz
- how to view both?
- node
- basic
- minify?
- browserify
- config location conflict?
yarn/npm ignore scripts rc
review readmes
- update module exports defense + cytoplasm
viz for node is too red
re-do intro video/s
globals: BigInt, __dirname
kernel refactor
fix double browserify
remove NOTES files (convert to issues?)
big moat todos
- allow-scripts bug patch in kernel
- alternate exports defense
- root package compartment global is primary global
- compartment per package
- globalRef is "primary global"
location -> lock entry
- verify: load tree, then check all directories to ensure they have an associated entry
npm: ensure we can map to file locations
- address wrong lacking nesting
- info not present in lockfile, must check disk
- version wrong for non-canonical
- needs override in addChild
- address wrong lacking nesting
allow-scripts: map from canonical-name to locations
- how does npm logical tree handle resolved/canonical?
- resolved -> version or git+https/github with hash
- how does npm logical tree handle address? version?
- address -> package nesting for fs
- version -> version or git ref
- how does npm logical tree handle resolved/canonical?
near term
- lavamoat-browserify's browserify-transform-tools requires an override (to load root's package.json)
- lavamoat-browserify should defang setTimeout
- in the browserify tests: too much custom configuration / resolution / emit-deps
- should unify test examples, have each platform dump to disk and read from there
- lavamoat-core test builtin duplicating basic test utils, eg evaluateWithSourceUrl
- should unify test examples, have each platform dump to disk and read from there
- root vs non-root endowment code path differs a lot
- non-root correctly sets up circular refs
- root should correctly set up circular refs
- circular refs should be per-platform
- string transforms in browserify are repeated from core/node ?
- everything must be reworked to use the lockfile!
- namespacing non-canonical packages
- root package should run with globalThis being the true globalThis, thus it needs to be eval'd w/o SES
- requires us to eval root module
- or just call js fn as is?
lavamoat/survey execTest trials
- chalk@4
- de-hashbang
- [ ]
- eth-sig-util
- native module resolution error
- es-abstract etc issues
- ArrayBuffer.isView bug LavaMoat/cytoplasm#6
- lavamoat runtime survey
- metamask build sys!
- bug! getMinimalViewOfRef
is not the deep parent, need to combine deepGetAndBind + deepDefine so that fakeParent is the immediate parent - ses-compat function.prototype.name no can set : (
- "gulp-livereload#tiny-lr#body#error"
- ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'worker_threads' (builtin missing in node v10)
- lavamoat - unable to resolve "../../object/valid-value" from "/home/xyz/Development/metamask-extension/node_modules/es5-ext/array/#/clear.js"
- bug! getMinimalViewOfRef
- allow build nodejs bundles
guybedford user study!
multiple entry points
interactive/dynamic mode? (for whitelisting things as it goes)
- exec code with full permission
- understand global lookups
config schema validation
dislikes camelcase in cli args
shorter cli args, shortcuts
viewing config diffs in git is confusing sometimes because it can cut the package name
- better summatry of changes tp config
lavamoat-tofu bug: this structure is not a global ref, also getters { hello() {} }
Errors are ugly as hell
generate nodejs policies file!
makeResolve hook needs to resolve to null and not break (emulate nodejs optional dep behavior) e.g.
optional requiresencoding
- feat: exportsProtections config -
intentionally modifiesansi-styles
exports - dynamic requires / "*" wildcard in policy files annoying
- browserify: defaults config paths for lavamoat-node and -browserify differ
- err: required package not in whitelist: package "readable-stream" requested "events" as "events"
- maybe related to multiple versions of the package?
- source transforms: possible html comment syntax rejected around line 4598
- doc: debugMode - this is what you see: LavaMoat/core/kernel:945 throw outErr ^ Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {}
- doc: dynamicRequires - this is what you see Error <Object <[Object: null prototype] {}>>: LavaMoat - required package not in whitelist: package "module-deps" requested "envify" as "/home/xyz/Development/eth-faucet/node_modules/envify/index.js"
globalLexicals for cjs moduleRecord.execute importRelativeHook may need to be called for every value of live binding, change interface to transform a value hey its membrane-like (parentModuleRecord, childModuleRecord, name, value)
lavamoat as a sandbox for cli's (npx for lavamoat)
problems: node-gyp-build, bindings require('node-gyp-build')(__dirname) just do a special case? synchronous dynamic cjs requires policy file for allowing dynamic cjs lets add to survey!
deliver homework for kriskowal
- "a fn that will build a policy file for a cjs module"
- "... and for an esm"
- test generating policy for esm
- throw an error here, if ignore flag is not set
- ship new major core
- require native modules behind policy flag
- refactor module inspector to use switch statement for type
- use LavamoatModuleRecord everywhere
- core/parseForPolicy
- node/parseForPolicy
- core/generatePolicy
- browserify still using this via createConfigSpy
- packageModules[ ] collecting moduleData (previously)
- debugData now contains moduleRecords
- browserify/*?
- core/kernel
- sync things must become async
- options migration getRelativeModuleId -> makeResolveHook Sync (?) loadModuleData -> makeImportHook
- packageDataForModule
- browserify/createPackageDataStream
- node/kernel
- node/parseForPolicy
- move core -> browserify?
- createPackageDataStream
- createConfigSpy
- generatePrelude
- ref'd in webpack, so maybe ok to keep for now
- remove "package" key (keep packageName) from LavamoatModuleRecord
- core/kernelCoreTemplate
- core/test/builtin
- require native modules behind policy flag
be podcast ready
re-examine pluggable exportsDefense strat?
importHook/resolveHook based parseForPolicy
survey: report on primordial mutators
tofu/inspectEnvironment: richer analysis results
inspectImports: ensure
is the globalrequire
survey: de-blacklist nyc, others
survey/tofu: tolerate and report non-strict modules
dont error if copying minimal view finds a missing key
unused imports need to be whitelisted or at least allowed as empty (e.g. mime)
minimal view doesnt look at prototype chain : (
get minimal view before applying membrane
err: package "safe-event-emitter" requested "events" as "events/"
native module policy
native module auto config
deterministic policy file (node?)
cleanup violations warning "Incompatible code detected in package "browserify"
update all example and test repo configs
strict mode compat
syntax errors
- no
<-- delete identifier
<--- legacy octals <-- trivial rewrite unicode escape sequences
- reserved words under strict mode <-- babel plugin exists
- no
runtime error
- implicit globals / assigning to undefined var
- failed assignment/delete causes a throw
- analysis: why are primordials mutated
- ses whitelist: get actual list of primordials for mutation checking
"private" premise incorrect
2 phase commit reserve resources commit
cosmos sentry arch socially established network of validators
agoric getting started
internal hackathon monday-thursday
ses mtg
is there a list of "undeniables" maybe @caridy has one where to keep 262 non-normative? realm spec? compartment spec?
whats the identity discontinuity story for compartments, endo compartments mostly dont encounter this problem need unique constructors that close over their parent (?) but also need to differentiate from the start compartment endo? same as compartments but transformations like metering are relevant which may require a custom Compartment constructor
relationship of compartments + lockdown compartments can exist without lockdown "lockdown needs to be aware of everything presented in global scope" akin to relationship of lockdown to function shims need to run after repairs and before hardening 1. repair taming function constructors (+ eval?) other tame options 2. whitelist intrisics, delete disallowed properties 3. property overrides 4. shims, if any 5. harden
membrane call when do we need Near Membranes seems so, even within one realm blue proxy for red date instance Date.prototype is same NM initializes the correspondance tables hard because of the exotic internal slot potentially problematic statements across membrane boundaries Date.prototype.getTime.call(dateProxy) dateProxy.getTime() example monkey patch have a fallback for getTime() "Magic" from the slides how many things are problematic? Date and other things with exotic internal slot exotic transparent: eg Proxy will trap on [[prototype]] Proxy has no chance to emulate the internal slot "an internal slot that a Proxy cant trap for"
endo timeline? in review
membrane space
for any 2 packages
endo post processing? assemble fn accepting an additional opt that would "allow you to interpose" hook for, signature function (a value, src, dest) {} https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/blob/master/packages/ses/src/compartment-shim.js#L97-L98 https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/blob/master/packages/ses/src/compartment-shim.js#L97-L154 functor is the transformed module code https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/blob/master/packages/ses/src/module-instance.js#L333 https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/blob/master/packages/ses/src/module-link.js https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/blob/master/packages/ses/src/module-load.js#L52-L63
somewhere around here we need to apply a hook with the src/dest compartments
moddable's compartment resolveHook no external for loading no internal for
exhaustive list for modules
"live bindings are tricky"
commonjs increase code we can run in the start compartment without modification distinct compartment constructors allow different taming per compartment inherit a static module from a parent?
external linkage (eg non js) StaticModuleInterface commonjs goes here
"you dont want a static child to be able to observe lazy loading"
- post-import hook
- synthetic static module records
- compartment configuration hook?
- post-import hook
- service discovery
ocap ref analysis
- answer questions like who gets access to this obj and its values
- symbolic execution for branch analysis?
BP: Behavior-based bound on EP TP: Topology-based (Arrangement-based) bound on EA
permission: direct access to cap authority: connectivity across permissions to a cap
Static Analysis points-to analysis escape analysis ownership types
Lavamoat is currently showing initial permissions does not take into account how caps can be passed into and out of packages
- continue ref checking
- print papers
- mm pr
esm/cjs endo/lavamoat sync/async require (execute?): sync
resolve (makeResolveHook): async load (makeImportHook): async
so resolve + load all, then syncly execute?
init becomes async? (top-level doesnt run synchronously) option to skip resolve/load (browserify) -> everything is already in cache!
need to initialize all deps first? no, but need to load them execution order is reversed e.g. can't monkey-patch globals before requiring something
getRelativeModuleId -> makeResolveHook loadModuleData -> makeImportHook
- markm wants to know what RegExp prop needs repair for node v10 (resolved?)
- kriskowal wants survey api usage link, core/parseForPolicy createModuleInspector