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Karl August Friedrich Xenophon Pompeo Nestor von Rothschild edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 8 revisions

La Belle Époque

A premium quality, aesthetic wallpapers for every moment of your life. Brought on to you by Eurohouse.

The wallpaper collection contains only high-quality, realistic 4K UHD images with cool color palette. This collection is generally introduced with European wallpapers.

Fin de Siècle

The whole background collection is introduced with various photos of places in Europe and some other parts of the world made in cool color palette.



The whole background collection is introduced with the historical photography of various places Europe and other parts of the world in black and white.


Victorian Era

The whole background collection is introduced with the moments of European history of the early 19th - early 20th century, known to the history as the Victorian Era, containing photos of various places, mansions, scenes of the high society and royalty, La Belle Époque Paris and some romantic places across Europe.


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