- Change powermenu
- Implement media player module
- Create theme for fzf
- Add .gitconfig file but without email
- Add keybinding to edit file managed by chezmoi
- Create autocmd to run chezmoi apply on writes to the source state
- Make paths shorted for the fzf search command
- Add right padding to fzf search with preview command
- Move notes with commands to dotfiles
- Add keybinding to fish shell for searching notes
- Create data file for colour theme
- Create template for zk notes
- Remove prompt from .gitconfig cause it asks on every
chezmoi init
- Use ShellCheck for bash scripts
- Write bash utils file, use .chezmoitemplates and .chezmoiscripts, see https://github.com/felipecrs/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.chezmoitemplates/scripts-library
- Finish the ./.chezmoiscripts/run_03_fish_shell.sh script
- Move chezmoi scripts to normal scripts
- Configure waybar
- the fzfsearch for chezmoi files doesn't check dotfiles
- Delete unused files