Releases: evanplaice/jquery-csv
Fixes, onPostParse added
- onPostParse support added
- 'package' script added
- 'onpreversion' updated to add minification
- build is no longer broken
- preversion now checks for linting errors
- README has been updated to remove the outdated section on Node
- example styling/helpers no longer broken (ie underscored URLs don't work with
- Colton has been added as a contributor
Add a date parsing user-defined callback demo
This Minor release includes the implementation of a new user demo that features a more complex (ie date) user-defined callback.
Re-implemented all examples/demos
This patch update addresses the previously poor state of demos. There was a mix of SPA (Single Page App) like UI, with standalone/unstyled UI. In addition the code in the demos was hard to follow for users.
To address this, a new simpler template will be used for all demos. The template will contain code that is as minimal and straight-forward to follow as possible, and styled to look nice as well as work well.
- created a new, simpler demo teplate
- converted all existing demos to use the new template
- extracted CSS into an external stylesheet
- added syntax highlighting to the demos
Fix npm `prepublish`
Fix a mistake in the prepublish script to unblock publishing to NPM.
Project Maintenance
- linted all code
- consolidated all npm scripts
- trim excess fields/info from package.json
- trim excess testing code
- use a better strategy for auto-tagging versions
Update Tests, Deps, and `node-usage` Demo, Merge PRs
- update tape && tap-spec to fix security vulnerability caused by lodash
- verify RegEx special chars are correctly escaped
- verify custom delimiters are properly escaped in fromArrays
- add new arrays fixtures
- update node-usage demo to be less confusing
PRs Merged:
Update testing, fix #84, Churn
Updates - Testing:
- convert testing to use Tape.js
- break up tests into separate files
- update NPM script
- add tape, tap-spec to devDependencies
- remove headless browser testing
- remove old JSHint tests
- mark #84 invalid, test added to verify
- update badges
- drop Bower support
- ignore preview package (ie NPM prereleases previews)
- add .npmignore to trim package size
- update
- perform style checking on all source
Major cleanup, fix #78, add travis-ci support
- fix #78
- remove as many unnecessary devDeps as possible
- remove reliance on Grunt
- rewrote all linting/build scripts
- use semistandard instead of jshint for style checking
- cleaned up style of all js code
- add travis-ci support
Fix test scripts
The test scripts were previously broken during the transition to npx.