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Ed Bacher edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 23 revisions

Base 64 images test

(Doesn't work on github)

1)png tester1 2)png tester2

1) the referenced base64 block stops being parsed right at the point where 'a new chunk of image' starts, the green part ... So4Z4wxkXa7KukmKul2dDvd ...
2) by passing the block directly we get the whole image

This was tested with I don't know how it behaves on github. The issue has been already well discussed.

Displaying literal HTML

Code block or <em>inline</em>. Or use an HTML character entity (&lt;) for the leading angle bracket: <tag>. Here's the code block:

This is HTML.

Subscript and superscript

Here's some superscript text. And here is some subscript text. Note that ^superscript^ doesn't work, and using the tilde to demarcate subscripts is strikout markup.

How does a table work?


The point of a table is that it is rigid. Information is easily interpreted by making visual associations between row and column headers. Look at the table below for example and find a Jovian gas giant with 62 moons. You can find the answer by associating the relevant row and column headers.

Name Mass (1024kg) Diameter (km) Density (kg/m3) Gravity (m/s2) Length of day (hours) Distance from Sun (106km) Mean temperature (°C) Number of moons Notes
Terrestial planets Mercury 0.330 4,879 5427 3.7 4222.6 57.9 167 0 Closest to the Sun
Venus 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 2802.0 108.2 464 0
Earth 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 24.0 149.6 15 1 Our world
Mars 0.642 6,792 3933 3.7 24.7 227.9 -65 2 The red planet
Jovian planets Gas giants Jupiter 1898 142,984 1326 23.1 9.9 778.6 -110 67 The largest planet
Saturn 568 120,536 687 9.0 10.7 1433.5 -140 62
Ice giants Uranus 86.8 51,118 1271 8.7 17.2 2872.5 -195 27
Neptune 102 49,528 1638 11.0 16.1 4495.1 -200 14
Dwarf planets Pluto 0.0146 2,370 2095 0.7 153.3 5906.4 -225 5 Declassified as a planet in 2006, but this remains controversial.

When done correctly, even blind people can interpret tabular data in an HTML table — a successful HTML table should enhance the experience of sighted and visually impaired users alike.

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