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Ed Bacher edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 23 revisions

Displaying literal HTML

Code block or <em>inline</em>. Or use an HTML character entity (&lt;) for the leading angle bracket: <tag>. Here's the code block:

This is HTML.

How does a table work?


The point of a table is that it is rigid. Information is easily interpreted by making visual associations between row and column headers. Look at the table below for example and find a Jovian gas giant with 62 moons. You can find the answer by associating the relevant row and column headers.

Name Mass (1024kg) Diameter (km) Density (kg/m3) Gravity (m/s2) Length of day (hours) Distance from Sun (106km) Mean temperature (°C) Number of moons Notes
Terrestial planets Mercury 0.330 4,879 5427 3.7 4222.6 57.9 167 0 Closest to the Sun
Venus 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 2802.0 108.2 464 0
Earth 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 24.0 149.6 15 1 Our world
Mars 0.642 6,792 3933 3.7 24.7 227.9 -65 2 The red planet
Jovian planets Gas giants Jupiter 1898 142,984 1326 23.1 9.9 778.6 -110 67 The largest planet
Saturn 568 120,536 687 9.0 10.7 1433.5 -140 62
Ice giants Uranus 86.8 51,118 1271 8.7 17.2 2872.5 -195 27
Neptune 102 49,528 1638 11.0 16.1 4495.1 -200 14
Dwarf planets Pluto 0.0146 2,370 2095 0.7 153.3 5906.4 -225 5 Declassified as a planet in 2006, but this remains controversial.

When done correctly, even blind people can interpret tabular data in an HTML table — a successful HTML table should enhance the experience of sighted and visually impaired users alike.

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