From 788b36152857558fbc0637395de7cf7c0c18550a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Documenter.jl" Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 19:32:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] build based on cc7ab60 --- previews/PR63/.documenter-siteinfo.json | 2 +- previews/PR63/generic/index.html | 8 ++++---- previews/PR63/index.html | 12 ++++++------ previews/PR63/options/index.html | 2 +- previews/PR63/search_index.js | 2 +- 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/previews/PR63/.documenter-siteinfo.json b/previews/PR63/.documenter-siteinfo.json index cb37dd1..167bf3e 100644 --- a/previews/PR63/.documenter-siteinfo.json +++ b/previews/PR63/.documenter-siteinfo.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.11.2","generation_timestamp":"2024-12-11T18:43:06","documenter_version":"1.8.0"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.11.2","generation_timestamp":"2024-12-11T19:32:24","documenter_version":"1.8.0"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/previews/PR63/generic/index.html b/previews/PR63/generic/index.html index 409a89b..40f47ef 100644 --- a/previews/PR63/generic/index.html +++ b/previews/PR63/generic/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Generic API · CUDSS.jl

LLᵀ and LLᴴ

solver = cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')

Compute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse Hermitian positive definite matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Keyword argument

*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.

Output argument

  • solver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LLᴴ decomposition.
solver = cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

+Generic API · CUDSS.jl

LLᵀ and LLᴴ

solver = cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')

Compute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse Hermitian positive definite matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Keyword argument

*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.

Output argument

  • solver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LLᴴ decomposition.
solver = cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

 using CUDSS
 using LinearAlgebra
 using SparseArrays
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 R_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu

If we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in cholesky. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.

H_gpu = Hermitian(A_gpu, :U)
-F = cholesky(H_gpu)

LDLᵀ and LDLᴴ

solver = ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')

Compute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse Hermitian matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Keyword argument

*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.

Output argument

  • solver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LDLᴴ decomposition.
solver = ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

+F = cholesky(H_gpu)

LDLᵀ and LDLᴴ

solver = ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')

Compute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse Hermitian matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Keyword argument

*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.

Output argument

  • solver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LDLᴴ decomposition.
solver = ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

 using CUDSS
 using LinearAlgebra
 using SparseArrays
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 R_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu

If we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in ldlt. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.

S_gpu = Symmetric(A_gpu, :L)
-F = ldlt(S_gpu)


solver = lu(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse square matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Output argument

  • solver: an opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LU decomposition.
solver = lu!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

+F = ldlt(S_gpu)


solver = lu(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

Input argument

  • A: a sparse square matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.

Output argument

  • solver: an opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LU decomposition.
solver = lu!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})

Compute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

 using CUDSS
 using LinearAlgebra
 using SparseArrays
@@ -96,4 +96,4 @@
 ldiv!(x_gpu, F, c_gpu)
 r_gpu = c_gpu - A_gpu * x_gpu
diff --git a/previews/PR63/index.html b/previews/PR63/index.html index 1c88a7f..fab2955 100644 --- a/previews/PR63/index.html +++ b/previews/PR63/index.html @@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ pkg> add CUDSS pkg> test CUDSS


matrix = CudssMatrix(v::CuVector{T})
 matrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuMatrix{T})
-matrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, struture::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

CudssMatrix is a wrapper for CuVector, CuMatrix and CuSparseMatrixCSR. CudssMatrix is used to pass matrix of the linear system, as well as solution and right-hand side.

structure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:

  • "G": General matrix – LDU factorization;
  • "S": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;
  • "H": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;
  • "SPD": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;
  • "HPD": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.

view specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:

  • 'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'F': Full matrix.

index specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:

  • 'Z': 0-based indexing;
  • 'O': 1-based indexing.
config = CudssConfig()

CudssConfig stores configuration settings for the solver.

data = CudssData()
-data = CudssData(cudss_handle::cudssHandle_t)

CudssData holds internal data (e.g., LU factors arrays).

solver = CudssSolver(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, structure::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')
-solver = CudssSolver(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, config::CudssConfig, data::CudssData)

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

CudssSolver contains all structures required to solve linear systems with cuDSS. One constructor of CudssSolver takes as input the same parameters as CudssMatrix.

structure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:

  • "G": General matrix – LDU factorization;
  • "S": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;
  • "H": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;
  • "SPD": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;
  • "HPD": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.

view specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:

  • 'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'F': Full matrix.

index specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:

  • 'Z': 0-based indexing;
  • 'O': 1-based indexing.

CudssSolver can be also constructed from the three structures CudssMatrix, CudssConfig and CudssData if needed.



cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, v::CuVector{T})
+matrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, struture::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

CudssMatrix is a wrapper for CuVector, CuMatrix and CuSparseMatrixCSR. CudssMatrix is used to pass matrix of the linear system, as well as solution and right-hand side.

structure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:

  • "G": General matrix – LDU factorization;
  • "S": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;
  • "H": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;
  • "SPD": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;
  • "HPD": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.

view specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:

  • 'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'F': Full matrix.

index specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:

  • 'Z': 0-based indexing;
  • 'O': 1-based indexing.
config = CudssConfig()

CudssConfig stores configuration settings for the solver.

data = CudssData()
+data = CudssData(cudss_handle::cudssHandle_t)

CudssData holds internal data (e.g., LU factors arrays).

solver = CudssSolver(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, structure::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')
+solver = CudssSolver(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, config::CudssConfig, data::CudssData)

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

CudssSolver contains all structures required to solve linear systems with cuDSS. One constructor of CudssSolver takes as input the same parameters as CudssMatrix.

structure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:

  • "G": General matrix – LDU factorization;
  • "S": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;
  • "H": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;
  • "SPD": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;
  • "HPD": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.

view specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:

  • 'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;
  • 'F': Full matrix.

index specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:

  • 'Z': 0-based indexing;
  • 'O': 1-based indexing.

CudssSolver can be also constructed from the three structures CudssMatrix, CudssConfig and CudssData if needed.



cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, v::CuVector{T})
 cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuMatrix{T})
 cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})
 cudss_set(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})
 cudss_set(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String, value)
 cudss_set(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String, value)
-cudss_set(data::CudssData, parameter::String, value)

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

The available configuration parameters are:

  • "reordering_alg": Algorithm for the reordering phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "factorization_alg": Algorithm for the factorization phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "solve_alg": Algorithm for the solving phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "matching_type": Type of matching;
  • "solve_mode": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);
  • "ir_n_steps": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;
  • "ir_tol": Iterative refinement tolerance;
  • "pivot_type": Type of pivoting ('C', 'R' or 'N');
  • "pivot_threshold": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;
  • "pivot_epsilon": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;
  • "max_lu_nnz": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;
  • "hybrid_mode": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);
  • "hybrid_device_memory_limit": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;
  • "use_cuda_register_memory": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.

The available data parameters are:

  • "user_perm": User permutation to be used instead of running the reordering algorithms;
  • "comm": Communicator for Multi-GPU multi-node mode.
value = cudss_get(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String)
+cudss_set(data::CudssData, parameter::String, value)

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

The available configuration parameters are:

  • "reordering_alg": Algorithm for the reordering phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "factorization_alg": Algorithm for the factorization phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "solve_alg": Algorithm for the solving phase ("default", "algo1", "algo2" or "algo3");
  • "matching_type": Type of matching;
  • "solve_mode": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);
  • "ir_n_steps": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;
  • "ir_tol": Iterative refinement tolerance;
  • "pivot_type": Type of pivoting ('C', 'R' or 'N');
  • "pivot_threshold": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;
  • "pivot_epsilon": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;
  • "max_lu_nnz": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;
  • "hybrid_mode": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);
  • "hybrid_device_memory_limit": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;
  • "use_cuda_register_memory": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.

The available data parameters are:

  • "user_perm": User permutation to be used instead of running the reordering algorithms;
  • "comm": Communicator for Multi-GPU multi-node mode.
value = cudss_get(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String)
 value = cudss_get(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String)
-value = cudss_get(data::CudssData, parameter::String)

The available configuration parameters are:

  • "reordering_alg": Algorithm for the reordering phase;
  • "factorization_alg": Algorithm for the factorization phase;
  • "solve_alg": Algorithm for the solving phase;
  • "matching_type": Type of matching;
  • "solve_mode": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);
  • "ir_n_steps": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;
  • "ir_tol": Iterative refinement tolerance;
  • "pivot_type": Type of pivoting;
  • "pivot_threshold": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;
  • "pivot_epsilon": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;
  • "max_lu_nnz": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;
  • "hybrid_mode": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);
  • "hybrid_device_memory_limit": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;
  • "use_cuda_register_memory": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.

The available data parameters are:

  • "info": Device-side error information;
  • "lu_nnz": Number of non-zero entries in LU factors;
  • "npivots": Number of pivots encountered during factorization;
  • "inertia": Tuple of positive and negative indices of inertia for symmetric and hermitian non positive-definite matrix types;
  • "perm_reorder_row": Reordering permutation for the rows;
  • "perm_reorder_col": Reordering permutation for the columns;
  • "perm_row": Final row permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);
  • "perm_col": Final column permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);
  • "diag": Diagonal of the factorized matrix;
  • "hybrid_device_memory_min": Minimal amount of device memory (number of bytes) required in the hybrid memory mode.

The data parameters "info", "lu_nnz", "perm_reorder_row", "perm_reorder_col" and "hybrid_device_memory_min" require the phase "analyse" performed by cudss. The data parameters "npivots", "inertia" and "diag" require the phases "analyse" and "factorization" performed by cudss. The data parameters "perm_row" and "perm_col" are available but not yet functional.

cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, x::CuVector{T}, b::CuVector{T})
+value = cudss_get(data::CudssData, parameter::String)

The available configuration parameters are:

  • "reordering_alg": Algorithm for the reordering phase;
  • "factorization_alg": Algorithm for the factorization phase;
  • "solve_alg": Algorithm for the solving phase;
  • "matching_type": Type of matching;
  • "solve_mode": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);
  • "ir_n_steps": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;
  • "ir_tol": Iterative refinement tolerance;
  • "pivot_type": Type of pivoting;
  • "pivot_threshold": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;
  • "pivot_epsilon": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;
  • "max_lu_nnz": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;
  • "hybrid_mode": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);
  • "hybrid_device_memory_limit": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;
  • "use_cuda_register_memory": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.

The available data parameters are:

  • "info": Device-side error information;
  • "lu_nnz": Number of non-zero entries in LU factors;
  • "npivots": Number of pivots encountered during factorization;
  • "inertia": Tuple of positive and negative indices of inertia for symmetric and hermitian non positive-definite matrix types;
  • "perm_reorder_row": Reordering permutation for the rows;
  • "perm_reorder_col": Reordering permutation for the columns;
  • "perm_row": Final row permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);
  • "perm_col": Final column permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);
  • "diag": Diagonal of the factorized matrix;
  • "hybrid_device_memory_min": Minimal amount of device memory (number of bytes) required in the hybrid memory mode;
  • "memory_estimates": Memory estimates (in bytes) for host and device memory required for the chosen memory mode.

The data parameters "info", "lu_nnz", "perm_reorder_row", "perm_reorder_col", "hybrid_device_memory_min" and "memory_estimates" require the phase "analyse" performed by cudss. The data parameters "npivots", "inertia" and "diag" require the phases "analyse" and "factorization" performed by cudss. The data parameters "perm_row" and "perm_col" are available but not yet functional.

cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, x::CuVector{T}, b::CuVector{T})
 cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CuMatrix{T}, B::CuMatrix{T})
-cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CudssMatrix{T}, B::CudssMatrix{T})

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

The available phases are "analysis", "factorization", "refactorization" and "solve". The phases "solve_fwd", "solve_diag" and "solve_bwd" are available but not yet functional.

+cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CudssMatrix{T}, B::CudssMatrix{T})

The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.

The available phases are "analysis", "factorization", "refactorization" and "solve". The phases "solve_fwd", "solve_diag" and "solve_bwd" are available but not yet functional.

source diff --git a/previews/PR63/options/index.html b/previews/PR63/options/index.html index 3611d33..f800a20 100644 --- a/previews/PR63/options/index.html +++ b/previews/PR63/options/index.html @@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ cudss("solve", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu) r_gpu = b_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * x_gpu -norm(r_gpu) +norm(r_gpu) diff --git a/previews/PR63/search_index.js b/previews/PR63/search_index.js index e0cbcc7..b5a298a 100644 --- a/previews/PR63/search_index.js +++ b/previews/PR63/search_index.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ var documenterSearchIndex = {"docs": -[{"location":"options/#Iterative-refinement","page":"Options","title":"Iterative refinement","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu + I\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"G\", 'F')\n\n# Perform one step of iterative refinement\nir = 1\ncudss_set(solver, \"ir_n_steps\", ir)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"options/#User-permutation","page":"Options","title":"User permutation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\nusing AMD\n\nT = ComplexF64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu' * A_cpu + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\nx_gpu = similar(b_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"HPD\", 'F')\n\n# Provide a user permutation\npermutation = amd(A_cpu) |> Vector{Cint}\ncudss_set(solver, \"user_perm\", permutation)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"options/#Hybrid-mode","page":"Options","title":"Hybrid mode","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu + A_cpu' + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\nx_gpu = similar(b_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"S\", 'F')\n\n# Use the hybrid mode (host and device memory)\ncudss_set(solver, \"hybrid_mode\", 1)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\n# Minimal amount of device memory required in the hybrid memory mode.\nnbytes_gpu = cudss_get(solver, \"hybrid_device_memory_min\")\n\n# Device memory limit for the hybrid memory mode.\n# Only use it if you don't want to rely on the internal default heuristic.\ncudss_set(solver, \"hybrid_device_memory_limit\", nbytes_gpu)\n\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"#Home","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.jl documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"#Overview","page":"Home","title":"Overview","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"CUDSS.jl is a Julia interface to the NVIDIA cuDSS library. NVIDIA cuDSS provides three factorizations (LDU, LDLᵀ, LLᵀ) for solving sparse linear systems on GPUs. For more details on using cuDSS, refer to the official cuDSS documentation.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Installation","page":"Home","title":"Installation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"julia> ]\npkg> add CUDSS\npkg> test CUDSS","category":"page"},{"location":"#Types","page":"Home","title":"Types","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"CudssMatrix\nCudssConfig\nCudssData\nCudssSolver","category":"page"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssMatrix","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssMatrix","text":"matrix = CudssMatrix(v::CuVector{T})\nmatrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuMatrix{T})\nmatrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, struture::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nCudssMatrix is a wrapper for CuVector, CuMatrix and CuSparseMatrixCSR. CudssMatrix is used to pass matrix of the linear system, as well as solution and right-hand side.\n\nstructure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:\n\n\"G\": General matrix – LDU factorization;\n\"S\": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;\n\"H\": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;\n\"SPD\": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;\n\"HPD\": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.\n\nview specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:\n\n'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;\n'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;\n'F': Full matrix.\n\nindex specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:\n\n'Z': 0-based indexing;\n'O': 1-based indexing.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssConfig","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssConfig","text":"config = CudssConfig()\n\nCudssConfig stores configuration settings for the solver.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssData","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssData","text":"data = CudssData()\ndata = CudssData(cudss_handle::cudssHandle_t)\n\nCudssData holds internal data (e.g., LU factors arrays).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssSolver","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssSolver","text":"solver = CudssSolver(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, structure::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')\nsolver = CudssSolver(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, config::CudssConfig, data::CudssData)\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nCudssSolver contains all structures required to solve linear systems with cuDSS. One constructor of CudssSolver takes as input the same parameters as CudssMatrix.\n\nstructure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:\n\n\"G\": General matrix – LDU factorization;\n\"S\": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;\n\"H\": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;\n\"SPD\": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;\n\"HPD\": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.\n\nview specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:\n\n'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;\n'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;\n'F': Full matrix.\n\nindex specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:\n\n'Z': 0-based indexing;\n'O': 1-based indexing.\n\nCudssSolver can be also constructed from the three structures CudssMatrix, CudssConfig and CudssData if needed.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#Functions","page":"Home","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"cudss_set\ncudss_get\ncudss","category":"page"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss_set","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss_set","text":"cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, v::CuVector{T})\ncudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuMatrix{T})\ncudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\ncudss_set(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\ncudss_set(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String, value)\ncudss_set(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String, value)\ncudss_set(data::CudssData, parameter::String, value)\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nThe available configuration parameters are:\n\n\"reordering_alg\": Algorithm for the reordering phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"factorization_alg\": Algorithm for the factorization phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"solve_alg\": Algorithm for the solving phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"matching_type\": Type of matching;\n\"solve_mode\": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);\n\"ir_n_steps\": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;\n\"ir_tol\": Iterative refinement tolerance;\n\"pivot_type\": Type of pivoting ('C', 'R' or 'N');\n\"pivot_threshold\": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;\n\"pivot_epsilon\": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;\n\"max_lu_nnz\": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;\n\"hybrid_mode\": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);\n\"hybrid_device_memory_limit\": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;\n\"use_cuda_register_memory\": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.\n\nThe available data parameters are:\n\n\"user_perm\": User permutation to be used instead of running the reordering algorithms;\n\"comm\": Communicator for Multi-GPU multi-node mode.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss_get","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss_get","text":"value = cudss_get(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String)\nvalue = cudss_get(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String)\nvalue = cudss_get(data::CudssData, parameter::String)\n\nThe available configuration parameters are:\n\n\"reordering_alg\": Algorithm for the reordering phase;\n\"factorization_alg\": Algorithm for the factorization phase;\n\"solve_alg\": Algorithm for the solving phase;\n\"matching_type\": Type of matching;\n\"solve_mode\": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);\n\"ir_n_steps\": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;\n\"ir_tol\": Iterative refinement tolerance;\n\"pivot_type\": Type of pivoting;\n\"pivot_threshold\": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;\n\"pivot_epsilon\": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;\n\"max_lu_nnz\": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;\n\"hybrid_mode\": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);\n\"hybrid_device_memory_limit\": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;\n\"use_cuda_register_memory\": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.\n\nThe available data parameters are:\n\n\"info\": Device-side error information;\n\"lu_nnz\": Number of non-zero entries in LU factors;\n\"npivots\": Number of pivots encountered during factorization;\n\"inertia\": Tuple of positive and negative indices of inertia for symmetric and hermitian non positive-definite matrix types;\n\"perm_reorder_row\": Reordering permutation for the rows;\n\"perm_reorder_col\": Reordering permutation for the columns;\n\"perm_row\": Final row permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);\n\"perm_col\": Final column permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);\n\"diag\": Diagonal of the factorized matrix;\n\"hybrid_device_memory_min\": Minimal amount of device memory (number of bytes) required in the hybrid memory mode.\n\nThe data parameters \"info\", \"lu_nnz\", \"perm_reorder_row\", \"perm_reorder_col\" and \"hybrid_device_memory_min\" require the phase \"analyse\" performed by cudss. The data parameters \"npivots\", \"inertia\" and \"diag\" require the phases \"analyse\" and \"factorization\" performed by cudss. The data parameters \"perm_row\" and \"perm_col\" are available but not yet functional.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss","text":"cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, x::CuVector{T}, b::CuVector{T})\ncudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CuMatrix{T}, B::CuMatrix{T})\ncudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CudssMatrix{T}, B::CudssMatrix{T})\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nThe available phases are \"analysis\", \"factorization\", \"refactorization\" and \"solve\". The phases \"solve_fwd\", \"solve_diag\" and \"solve_bwd\" are available but not yet functional.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"generic/#LLᵀ-and-LLᴴ","page":"Generic API","title":"LLᵀ and LLᴴ","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":" LinearAlgebra.cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F') where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n LinearAlgebra.cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.cholesky-Union{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.cholesky","text":"solver = cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')\n\nCompute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse Hermitian positive definite matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nKeyword argument\n\n*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LLᴴ decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.cholesky!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.cholesky!","text":"solver = cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = ComplexF64\nR = real(T)\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu * A_cpu' + I\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu |> triu)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nF = cholesky(A_gpu, view='U')\nX_gpu = F \\ B_gpu\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)\n\n# In-place LLᴴ\nd_gpu = rand(R, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\ncholesky!(F, A_gpu)\n\nC_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\nC_gpu = CuMatrix(C_cpu)\nldiv!(X_gpu, F, C_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"note: Note\nIf we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in cholesky. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"H_gpu = Hermitian(A_gpu, :U)\nF = cholesky(H_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LDLᵀ-and-LDLᴴ","page":"Generic API","title":"LDLᵀ and LDLᴴ","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":" LinearAlgebra.ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F') where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n LinearAlgebra.ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.ldlt-Union{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.ldlt","text":"solver = ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')\n\nCompute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse Hermitian matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nKeyword argument\n\n*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LDLᴴ decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.ldlt!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.ldlt!","text":"solver = ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nR = real(T)\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.05) + I\nA_cpu = A_cpu + A_cpu'\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu |> tril)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nF = ldlt(A_gpu, view='L')\nX_gpu = F \\ B_gpu\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)\n\n# In-place LDLᵀ\nd_gpu = rand(R, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\nldlt!(F, A_gpu)\n\nC_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\nC_gpu = CuMatrix(C_cpu)\nldiv!(X_gpu, F, C_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"note: Note\nIf we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in ldlt. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"S_gpu = Symmetric(A_gpu, :L)\nF = ldlt(S_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LU","page":"Generic API","title":"LU","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"","text":"solver = lu(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse square matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: an opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LU decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"!","text":"solver = lu!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.05) + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\n\nF = lu(A_gpu)\nx_gpu = F \\ b_gpu\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - A_gpu * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)\n\n# In-place LU\nd_gpu = rand(T, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\nlu!(F, A_gpu)\n\nc_cpu = rand(T, n)\nc_gpu = CuVector(c_cpu)\nldiv!(x_gpu, F, c_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = c_gpu - A_gpu * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"}] +[{"location":"options/#Iterative-refinement","page":"Options","title":"Iterative refinement","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu + I\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"G\", 'F')\n\n# Perform one step of iterative refinement\nir = 1\ncudss_set(solver, \"ir_n_steps\", ir)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, X_gpu, B_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"options/#User-permutation","page":"Options","title":"User permutation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\nusing AMD\n\nT = ComplexF64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu' * A_cpu + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\nx_gpu = similar(b_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"HPD\", 'F')\n\n# Provide a user permutation\npermutation = amd(A_cpu) |> Vector{Cint}\ncudss_set(solver, \"user_perm\", permutation)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"options/#Hybrid-mode","page":"Options","title":"Hybrid mode","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"options/","page":"Options","title":"Options","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu + A_cpu' + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\nx_gpu = similar(b_gpu)\n\nsolver = CudssSolver(A_gpu, \"S\", 'F')\n\n# Use the hybrid mode (host and device memory)\ncudss_set(solver, \"hybrid_mode\", 1)\n\ncudss(\"analysis\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\n# Minimal amount of device memory required in the hybrid memory mode.\nnbytes_gpu = cudss_get(solver, \"hybrid_device_memory_min\")\n\n# Device memory limit for the hybrid memory mode.\n# Only use it if you don't want to rely on the internal default heuristic.\ncudss_set(solver, \"hybrid_device_memory_limit\", nbytes_gpu)\n\ncudss(\"factorization\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\ncudss(\"solve\", solver, x_gpu, b_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"#Home","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.jl documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"#Overview","page":"Home","title":"Overview","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"CUDSS.jl is a Julia interface to the NVIDIA cuDSS library. NVIDIA cuDSS provides three factorizations (LDU, LDLᵀ, LLᵀ) for solving sparse linear systems on GPUs. For more details on using cuDSS, refer to the official cuDSS documentation.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Installation","page":"Home","title":"Installation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"julia> ]\npkg> add CUDSS\npkg> test CUDSS","category":"page"},{"location":"#Types","page":"Home","title":"Types","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"CudssMatrix\nCudssConfig\nCudssData\nCudssSolver","category":"page"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssMatrix","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssMatrix","text":"matrix = CudssMatrix(v::CuVector{T})\nmatrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuMatrix{T})\nmatrix = CudssMatrix(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, struture::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nCudssMatrix is a wrapper for CuVector, CuMatrix and CuSparseMatrixCSR. CudssMatrix is used to pass matrix of the linear system, as well as solution and right-hand side.\n\nstructure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:\n\n\"G\": General matrix – LDU factorization;\n\"S\": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;\n\"H\": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;\n\"SPD\": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;\n\"HPD\": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.\n\nview specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:\n\n'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;\n'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;\n'F': Full matrix.\n\nindex specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:\n\n'Z': 0-based indexing;\n'O': 1-based indexing.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssConfig","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssConfig","text":"config = CudssConfig()\n\nCudssConfig stores configuration settings for the solver.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssData","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssData","text":"data = CudssData()\ndata = CudssData(cudss_handle::cudssHandle_t)\n\nCudssData holds internal data (e.g., LU factors arrays).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#CUDSS.CudssSolver","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.CudssSolver","text":"solver = CudssSolver(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}, structure::String, view::Char; index::Char='O')\nsolver = CudssSolver(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, config::CudssConfig, data::CudssData)\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nCudssSolver contains all structures required to solve linear systems with cuDSS. One constructor of CudssSolver takes as input the same parameters as CudssMatrix.\n\nstructure specifies the stucture for sparse matrices:\n\n\"G\": General matrix – LDU factorization;\n\"S\": Real symmetric matrix – LDLᵀ factorization;\n\"H\": Complex Hermitian matrix – LDLᴴ factorization;\n\"SPD\": Symmetric positive-definite matrix – LLᵀ factorization;\n\"HPD\": Hermitian positive-definite matrix – LLᴴ factorization.\n\nview specifies matrix view for sparse matrices:\n\n'L': Lower-triangular matrix and all values above the main diagonal are ignored;\n'U': Upper-triangular matrix and all values below the main diagonal are ignored;\n'F': Full matrix.\n\nindex specifies indexing base for sparse matrix indices:\n\n'Z': 0-based indexing;\n'O': 1-based indexing.\n\nCudssSolver can be also constructed from the three structures CudssMatrix, CudssConfig and CudssData if needed.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"#Functions","page":"Home","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"cudss_set\ncudss_get\ncudss","category":"page"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss_set","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss_set","text":"cudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, v::CuVector{T})\ncudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuMatrix{T})\ncudss_set(matrix::CudssMatrix{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\ncudss_set(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\ncudss_set(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String, value)\ncudss_set(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String, value)\ncudss_set(data::CudssData, parameter::String, value)\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nThe available configuration parameters are:\n\n\"reordering_alg\": Algorithm for the reordering phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"factorization_alg\": Algorithm for the factorization phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"solve_alg\": Algorithm for the solving phase (\"default\", \"algo1\", \"algo2\" or \"algo3\");\n\"matching_type\": Type of matching;\n\"solve_mode\": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);\n\"ir_n_steps\": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;\n\"ir_tol\": Iterative refinement tolerance;\n\"pivot_type\": Type of pivoting ('C', 'R' or 'N');\n\"pivot_threshold\": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;\n\"pivot_epsilon\": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;\n\"max_lu_nnz\": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;\n\"hybrid_mode\": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);\n\"hybrid_device_memory_limit\": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;\n\"use_cuda_register_memory\": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.\n\nThe available data parameters are:\n\n\"user_perm\": User permutation to be used instead of running the reordering algorithms;\n\"comm\": Communicator for Multi-GPU multi-node mode.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss_get","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss_get","text":"value = cudss_get(solver::CudssSolver, parameter::String)\nvalue = cudss_get(config::CudssConfig, parameter::String)\nvalue = cudss_get(data::CudssData, parameter::String)\n\nThe available configuration parameters are:\n\n\"reordering_alg\": Algorithm for the reordering phase;\n\"factorization_alg\": Algorithm for the factorization phase;\n\"solve_alg\": Algorithm for the solving phase;\n\"matching_type\": Type of matching;\n\"solve_mode\": Potential modificator on the system matrix (transpose or adjoint);\n\"ir_n_steps\": Number of steps during the iterative refinement;\n\"ir_tol\": Iterative refinement tolerance;\n\"pivot_type\": Type of pivoting;\n\"pivot_threshold\": Pivoting threshold which is used to determine if digonal element is subject to pivoting;\n\"pivot_epsilon\": Pivoting epsilon, absolute value to replace singular diagonal elements;\n\"max_lu_nnz\": Upper limit on the number of nonzero entries in LU factors for non-symmetric matrices;\n\"hybrid_mode\": Memory mode – 0 (default = device-only) or 1 (hybrid = host/device);\n\"hybrid_device_memory_limit\": User-defined device memory limit (number of bytes) for the hybrid memory mode;\n\"use_cuda_register_memory\": A flag to enable (1) or disable (0) usage of cudaHostRegister() by the hybrid memory mode.\n\nThe available data parameters are:\n\n\"info\": Device-side error information;\n\"lu_nnz\": Number of non-zero entries in LU factors;\n\"npivots\": Number of pivots encountered during factorization;\n\"inertia\": Tuple of positive and negative indices of inertia for symmetric and hermitian non positive-definite matrix types;\n\"perm_reorder_row\": Reordering permutation for the rows;\n\"perm_reorder_col\": Reordering permutation for the columns;\n\"perm_row\": Final row permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);\n\"perm_col\": Final column permutation (which includes effects of both reordering and pivoting);\n\"diag\": Diagonal of the factorized matrix;\n\"hybrid_device_memory_min\": Minimal amount of device memory (number of bytes) required in the hybrid memory mode;\n\"memory_estimates\": Memory estimates (in bytes) for host and device memory required for the chosen memory mode.\n\nThe data parameters \"info\", \"lu_nnz\", \"perm_reorder_row\", \"perm_reorder_col\", \"hybrid_device_memory_min\" and \"memory_estimates\" require the phase \"analyse\" performed by cudss. The data parameters \"npivots\", \"inertia\" and \"diag\" require the phases \"analyse\" and \"factorization\" performed by cudss. The data parameters \"perm_row\" and \"perm_col\" are available but not yet functional.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#CUDSS.cudss","page":"Home","title":"CUDSS.cudss","text":"cudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, x::CuVector{T}, b::CuVector{T})\ncudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CuMatrix{T}, B::CuMatrix{T})\ncudss(phase::String, solver::CudssSolver{T}, X::CudssMatrix{T}, B::CudssMatrix{T})\n\nThe type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nThe available phases are \"analysis\", \"factorization\", \"refactorization\" and \"solve\". The phases \"solve_fwd\", \"solve_diag\" and \"solve_bwd\" are available but not yet functional.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"generic/#LLᵀ-and-LLᴴ","page":"Generic API","title":"LLᵀ and LLᴴ","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":" LinearAlgebra.cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F') where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n LinearAlgebra.cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.cholesky-Union{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.cholesky","text":"solver = cholesky(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')\n\nCompute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse Hermitian positive definite matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nKeyword argument\n\n*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LLᴴ decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.cholesky!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.cholesky!","text":"solver = cholesky!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = ComplexF64\nR = real(T)\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.01)\nA_cpu = A_cpu * A_cpu' + I\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu |> triu)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nF = cholesky(A_gpu, view='U')\nX_gpu = F \\ B_gpu\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)\n\n# In-place LLᴴ\nd_gpu = rand(R, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\ncholesky!(F, A_gpu)\n\nC_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\nC_gpu = CuMatrix(C_cpu)\nldiv!(X_gpu, F, C_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"note: Note\nIf we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in cholesky. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"H_gpu = Hermitian(A_gpu, :U)\nF = cholesky(H_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LDLᵀ-and-LDLᴴ","page":"Generic API","title":"LDLᵀ and LDLᴴ","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":" LinearAlgebra.ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F') where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n LinearAlgebra.ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.ldlt-Union{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.ldlt","text":"solver = ldlt(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}; view::Char='F')\n\nCompute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse Hermitian matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nKeyword argument\n\n*view: A character that specifies which triangle of the sparse matrix is provided. Possible options are L for the lower triangle, U for the upper triangle, and F for the full matrix.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: Opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LDLᴴ decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/#LinearAlgebra.ldlt!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"LinearAlgebra.ldlt!","text":"solver = ldlt!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LDLᴴ factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nR = real(T)\nn = 100\np = 5\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.05) + I\nA_cpu = A_cpu + A_cpu'\nB_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu |> tril)\nB_gpu = CuMatrix(B_cpu)\nX_gpu = similar(B_gpu)\n\nF = ldlt(A_gpu, view='L')\nX_gpu = F \\ B_gpu\n\nR_gpu = B_gpu - CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)\n\n# In-place LDLᵀ\nd_gpu = rand(R, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\nldlt!(F, A_gpu)\n\nC_cpu = rand(T, n, p)\nC_gpu = CuMatrix(C_cpu)\nldiv!(X_gpu, F, C_gpu)\n\nR_gpu = C_gpu - ( CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu) + Diagonal(d_gpu) ) * X_gpu\nnorm(R_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"note: Note\nIf we only store one triangle of A_gpu, we can also use the wrappers Symmetric and Hermitian instead of using the keyword argument view in ldlt. For real matrices, both wrappers are allowed but only Hermitian can be used for complex matrices.","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"S_gpu = Symmetric(A_gpu, :L)\nF = ldlt(S_gpu)","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/#LU","page":"Generic API","title":"LU","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat\n!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint}) where T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat","category":"page"},{"location":"generic/{Tuple{CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}, Tuple{T}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"","text":"solver = lu(A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\nInput argument\n\nA: a sparse square matrix stored in the CuSparseMatrixCSR format.\n\nOutput argument\n\nsolver: an opaque structure CudssSolver that stores the factors of the LU decomposition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/!-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{CudssSolver{T}, CuSparseMatrixCSR{T, Int32}}} where T<:Union{Float32, Float64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}","page":"Generic API","title":"!","text":"solver = lu!(solver::CudssSolver{T}, A::CuSparseMatrixCSR{T,Cint})\n\nCompute the LU factorization of a sparse matrix A on an NVIDIA GPU, reusing the symbolic factorization stored in solver. The type T can be Float32, Float64, ComplexF32 or ComplexF64.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"generic/","page":"Generic API","title":"Generic API","text":"using CUDA, CUDA.CUSPARSE\nusing CUDSS\nusing LinearAlgebra\nusing SparseArrays\n\nT = Float64\nn = 100\nA_cpu = sprand(T, n, n, 0.05) + I\nb_cpu = rand(T, n)\n\nA_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)\nb_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)\n\nF = lu(A_gpu)\nx_gpu = F \\ b_gpu\n\nr_gpu = b_gpu - A_gpu * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)\n\n# In-place LU\nd_gpu = rand(T, n) |> CuVector\nA_gpu = A_gpu + Diagonal(d_gpu)\nlu!(F, A_gpu)\n\nc_cpu = rand(T, n)\nc_gpu = CuVector(c_cpu)\nldiv!(x_gpu, F, c_gpu)\n\nr_gpu = c_gpu - A_gpu * x_gpu\nnorm(r_gpu)","category":"page"}] }