This repository contains experimental information system written in Java based on XBUP data and storage.
XBUP is binary data protocol and file format for communication, data storage and application interfaces.
Project is constructed from multiple repositories.
- tools - Tool applications split in submodules
- modules - Sources split in separate modules
- src - Sources related to building distribution packages
- resources - Related resource files, like sample files, images, etc.
- doc - Documentation + related presentations
- deps - Folder for downloading libraries for dependency resolution
- gradle - Gradle wrapper
Build commands: "gradle build" and "gradle distZip"
Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later is required to build this project.
For project compiling Gradle 7.1 build system is used:
You can either download and install gradle or use gradlew or gradlew.bat scripts to download separate copy of gradle to perform the project build.
On the first build there will be an attempt to download all required dependecy modules and currently it's necessary to execute build twice.
Alternative is to have all dependecy modules stored in local maven repository - Manually download all dependencies from GitHub (clone repositories from - see. deps directory for names) and run "gradle publish" on each of them.
Project uses various libraries with specific licenses and some tools are licensed with multiple licenses with exceptions for specific modules to cover license requirements for used libraries.
Main license is: GNU/LGPL (see gpl-3.0.txt AND lgpl-3.0.txt)
License for documentation: GNU/FDL (see doc/fdl-1.3.txt)