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Format Math Automata

hajdam edited this page Nov 13, 2024 · 1 revision

Format: Mathematical Automata

Storage formats for mathematical automata in XBUP protocol. Mathematical, or state machines (FSM - Finite State Machine) are theoretical models of computation systems that generates the language of words based on the certain alphabet.

Allocated index catalog:

  • WR14: XBUP_Project/Mathematic/Automata

State Automata

There are additional blocks for state automata machines representation, using following groups of blocks:

  • Mathematic/Graph/OrientedGraph
  • Mathematic/Set/Alphabet
  • Mathematic/Set/FiniteSet

Finite Automata

Finite automaton is a five (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), where:

Q - non-empty finite set of states
Σ - finite set of input symbols (alphabet)
δ - partial transition function Q x Σ → Q
q0 - initial state
F - set of final states

Blok FiniteAutomata/Basic

UBPointer TransitionSystem
UBPointer FiniteStatesSet
UBNumber InitialState

The block has the following meaning:

TransitionSystem value refers transition system, which expresses the transition function, a set of states and input alphabet. FiniteStateSet refers to a set of indices and final states and InitialState value specifies the index of the initial state.

Pushdown Automata

Nondeterministic pushdown automaton (PDA) is seven-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0, Z0, F), where:

Q - non-empty finite set of states
Σ - finite set of input symbols (alphabet)
Γ - finite set of stack symbols (stack alphabet)
δ - partial transition function Q × (Σ U {ε} x Γ) → Pfin (Q x Γ*)
q0 - initial state

F - set of final states

Turing Machine

Turing machine is nine-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ,>, _, δ, q0, qaccept, qreject), where:

Q - non-empty finite set of states
Σ - finite set of input symbols (alphabet)
Γ - finite set of tape (work) symbols, contains Σ as its subset
> ∈ Γ \ Σ - left end mark
_ ∈ Γ \ Σ - symbol denoting the empty box

δ - total transition function Q \ {qaccept, qreject}) x Q x Γ → Γ x {L,R}
q0 ∈ Q - initial state
qaccept ∈ Q - accepting state
qreject ∈ Q - rejecting state

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