- Added - For any new features that have been added since the last version was released
- Changed - To note any changes to the software's existing functionality
- Deprecated - To note any features that were once stable but are no longer and have thus been removed
- Fixed - Any bugs or errors that have been fixed should be so noted
- Removed - This notes any features that have been deleted and removed from the software
- Security - This acts as an invitation to users who want to upgrade and avoid any software vulnerabilities
- Fixed: PDF not readable on mobile device
- Added: Support for Italian in assignments (participants)
- Changed: Use of authorization module to speed up compile time
- Added: Ask for permission before removing yourself from a project
- Added: Overview and Files tab in project. The Files tab replaces the data card.
- Changed: Auto-connect Next storage
- Fixed: Resolved an issue where Feldspar apps were not preloaded in certain edge cases, resulting in excessive user wait times.
- Added: Support for multiple modal views, including background preloading for improved performance.
- Changed: Bump erlang to 27.1.2
- Changed: Bump elixir to 1.17.0
- Fixed: Support for running the app locally in Docker
- Changed: Github release workflow uses Docker
- Changed: Using Debian on production
- Added: Support for sending logging to AppSignal
- Added: AppSignal support
- Added: Support for Onyx RIS upload (behind feature flag)
- Fixed: Memory issues by temporary removing Sentry support
- Added: Support for activating assignment embedded mode by url query param.
- Changed: Prevent the tool modal view from closing during assignment when in embedded mode with a single task.
- Fixed: Add/Remove people working on a project.
- Added: Open links in new tab.
- Added: Manually activate user account (Admin feature) .
- Changed: Improve closing of PDF reader.
- Added: Sentry support for crash management
- Added: Snapchat support for assignment tasks
- Added: Confirmation dialog when skipping content pages or consent pages in assignment configuration.
- Added: Possibility to close assignment tasks before completion.
- Added: Project breadcrumbs for easy navigation and hierarchy overview.
- Changed: Format of the filenames in Storages. Also no folders used anymore. This has impact on Data Donation studies.
- Changed: Assignment does not have a Storage association anymore. Projects can have one Storage that is shared between all the project items.
- Added: Storage project item (BuiltIn and Yoda)
- Added: Support for German language in assignments
Initial version