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Shortcut Methods
The detailed shortcut methods outlined below are used in the SQL methods within the library.
All examples below will be based off an example table as so
| id | name | email | phone | country | active |
| 1 | john john | [email protected] | 123456 | US | 1 |
| 2 | john doe | [email protected] | 345678 | US | 1 |
| 3 | scott brown | [email protected] | 123654 | NZ | 1 |
| 4 | jane smith | [email protected] | 345654 | UK | 0 |
| 5 | sarah davis | [email protected] | 123678 | AU | 1 |
| 6 | david brown | [email protected] | 987456 | UK | 0 |
| 7 | allan brown | [email protected] | 845679 | AU | 1 |
For more information on connecting, look at the example connections in the installation section of the wiki
All the examples below were run with prepare statement support on
coming soon...
where -- A standard function that can be used inside the create_select()
, delete()
, insert_select()
, replace()
, select_into()
, selecting()
, update()
, union()
, and unionAll()
string where (array(s) conditions) standard use
string where (array(s) (string key, string|constant operator, string value, string|constant combine, string|constant combineShifted)) array use
string where (string(s) "string key string|constant operator string value string|constant combine string|constant combineShifted") string use (double spaced) TODO: Need confirmation on how this works as testing failed
where() adds a WHERE
clause into your statement. The value(s) entered in here are comparison expressions.
Example 1 This example shows basic usage
// SQL Select with `where()` and `eq()`
'name, country',
eq('country', 'US')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile WHERE country = 'US'"
Example 1 Results
| name | country |
| john john | US |
| john doe | US |
Example 2 This example has multiple conditions
// SQL Select with `where()`, `eq()`, and `like()`
'name, country',
eq('country', 'US', _AND),
like('name', '%doe%')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile WHERE country = 'US' AND name LIKE '%doe%'"
Example 2 Results
| name | country |
| john doe | US |
Example 3 This example uses the array method
// SQL Select with `where()` using the array method
'name, country',
array('country', EQ, 'UK', _AND),
array('name', _LIKE, '%smith%')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile WHERE country = 'UK' AND name LIKE '%smith%'"
Example 3 Results
| name | country |
| jane smith | UK |
grouping -- A standard function that can be used inside the where()
array grouping (array(s) conditions)
grouping() adds a group around any of the conditions / comparison expressions in your where
function. The value(s) entered in here are comparison expressions.
'name, country',
like('name', '%brown%'),
eq('country', 'UK', _OR),
eq('country', 'NZ')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile WHERE name LIKE '%brown' AND ( country = 'UK' OR country = 'NZ' )"
Example Results
| name | country |
| scott brown | NZ |
| david brown | UK |
groupBy -- A standard function that can be used inside the selecting()
string groupBy (string columns)
groupBy() adds a GROUP BY
clause into your SELECT
statement. The value(s) entered in here are a string value column name.
// SQL Select with `groupBy()`
'COUNT(ID), country',
// Will result in
"SELECT COUNT(ID), country FROM profile GROUP BY country"
Example Results
| COUNT(ID) | country |
| 2 | AU |
| 1 | NZ |
| 2 | UK |
| 2 | US |
having -- A standard function that can be used inside the selecting()
string having (array conditions)
having() adds a HAVING
clause into your SELECT
statement. The value(s) entered in here are the same comparisons entered into a where()
// SQL Select with `having()`
'COUNT(ID), country',
gt('COUNT(ID)', 1)
// Will result in
"SELECT COUNT(ID), country FROM profile GROUP BY country HAVING COUNT(ID) > '1'"
Example Results
| COUNT(ID) | country |
| 2 | UK |
| 2 | US |
orderBy -- A standard function that can be used inside the selecting()
string orderBy (string column(s), string ASC|DESC)
orderBy() adds an ORDER BY
clause into your SELECT
statement. The value(s) entered in here are the column name to order by and which direction to order by.
Example 1
// SQL Select with `orderBy()`
'name, country',
orderBy('country', 'ASC')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile ORDER BY country ASC"
Example 1 Results
| name | country |
| sarah davis | AU |
| allan brown | AU |
| scott brown | NZ |
| jane smith | UK |
| david brown | UK |
| john john | US |
| john doe | US |
Example 2 You can also order by multiple columns with a slight code change inside the first orderBy
// SQL Select with `orderBy()`
'name, country',
orderBy('country ASC, name', 'ASC')
// Will result in
"SELECT name, country FROM profile ORDER BY country ASC, name ASC"
Example 2 Results
| name | country |
| allan brown | AU |
| sarah davis | AU |
| scott brown | NZ |
| david brown | UK |
| jane smith | UK |
| john doe | US |
| john john | US |
limit -- A standard function that can be used inside the selecting()
string limit (string numberOfRecords [, string offset])
limit() adds a LIMIT
clause into your SELECT
statement. The value(s) entered in here the number of records to display and the offset to start at. The offset is optional
Example 1 This example does not have an offset defined
// SQL Select with `limit()`
// Will result in
"SELECT name FROM profile LIMIT 1"
Example 1 Results
| name |
| john john |
Example 2 This example has an offset defined
// SQL Select with `limit()`
limit(1, 2)
// Will result in
"SELECT name FROM profile LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2"
Example 1 Results
| name |
| scott brown |
Operator expressions are defined constants
and are generally used in conditions / comparison expressions in the array method to key and value together.
will result in=
will result in<>
will result in<
will result in<=
will result in>
will result in>=
will result inIN
will result inNOT IN
will result inLIKE
will result inNOT LIKE
will result inBETWEEN
will result inNOT BETWEEN
will result inIS NULL
will result inIS NOT NULL
Combine operators are defined constants
and are used to join comparison expressions together. The default value for most comparison expressions will be _AND
will result inAND
will result inOR
will result inNOT
will result inAND NOT
The variadic ...$whereConditions
, and ...$conditions
parameters, represent the following global functions. They are comparison expressions returning an array with the given arguments, the last arguments of _AND
, _OR
, _NOT
, _andNOT
will combine expressions. The default value for most comparison expressions will be _AND