diff --git a/demo/publish/show_smolyak.m b/demo/publish/show_smolyak.m
index 0f3ac584..9bbf505a 100644
--- a/demo/publish/show_smolyak.m
+++ b/demo/publish/show_smolyak.m
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
%% Smolyak grid for Clenshaw-Curtis rules (2D)
% Smolyak grid with 4 stages
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
%% Smolyak grid for Clenshaw-Curtis rules (3D)
% Smolyak grid with 4 stages
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
@gauss_legendre_rule, 'legendre';
; 'clenshaw-curtis' }
-for rule={@gauss_hermite_rule, @gauss_legendre_rule, @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule }
+for rule={@gauss_hermite_rule, @gauss_legendre_rule, @clenshaw_curtis_nested}
for i=1:4
diff --git a/demo/publish/show_smolyak_grids.m b/demo/publish/show_smolyak_grids.m
index 8397097b..6801b392 100644
--- a/demo/publish/show_smolyak_grids.m
+++ b/demo/publish/show_smolyak_grids.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%% Smolyak grid for Clenshaw-Curtis rules (2D)
% Smolyak grid with 4 stages
diff --git a/quadrature/Contents.m b/quadrature/Contents.m
index 6d2c34ed..b3cbfb80 100644
--- a/quadrature/Contents.m
+++ b/quadrature/Contents.m
@@ -1,20 +1,42 @@
-% Files
-% clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule - quad1d_cc_legendre - nodes and weights of clenshaw-curtis formula
-% full_tensor_grid - Return nodes and weights for full tensor product grid.
-% gauss_hermite - Numerically integrate with Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule.
-% gauss_hermite_rule - Return the Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule with p nodes.
-% gauss_legendre_rule - Get Gauss points and weights for quadrature over [-1,1].
-% integrate - Integrate a multivariate function.
-% integrate_1d - Integrate a univariate function.
-% smolyak_grid - Return nodes weights for Smolyak quadrature.
-% tensor_mesh - Create D-dimensional tensor-product from 1D meshes and weights.
-% unittest_full_tensor_grid - Test the FULL_TENSOR_GRID function.
-% unittest_gauss_hermite - Test the GAUSS_HERMITE function.
-% unittest_gauss_hermite_rule - Test the GAUSS_HERMITE_RULE function.
-% unittest_gauss_legendre - Test the Gauss-Legendere quadrature methods.
-% unittest_integrate - Test the INTEGRATE function.
-% unittest_integrate_1d - Test the INTEGRATE_1D function.
-% unittest_smolyak_grid - Test the SMOLYAK_GRID function.
-% unittest_tensor_mesh - Test the TENSOR_MESH function.
+% Basic 1D quadrature rules all end in "_rule" and return the nodes as a
+% row vector and the weights as a column vector (which is often the other
+% way round, but works better with the rest of sglib). The functions ending
+% in "_nested" call the basic rule functions such that the nodes of rule
+% number N are a subset of those of rule number N+1 (i.e. they are nested
+% or embedded). The 1D rules can be used as basic quadrature formulas in
+% functions to create high-dimensional integration rules based e.g. on full
+% tensor or on Smolyak grids.
+% Basic 1D Rules
+% clenshaw_curtis_nested - Compute the nested Clenshaw-Curtis rule.
+% clenshaw_curtis_rule - Compute nodes and weights of the Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
+% gauss_hermite_rule - Return the Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule with p nodes.
+% gauss_legendre_rule - Get Gauss points and weights for quadrature over [-1,1].
+% trapezoidal_nested - Computes the nested trapezoidal rule.
+% trapezoidal_rule - Compute points and weights of the trapezoidal rule.
+% gauss_legendre_triangle_rule - Get Gauss points and weights for quadrature over canonical triangle.
+% Grid generation for high-dimensional quadrature
+% full_tensor_grid - Return nodes and weights for full tensor product grid.
+% smolyak_grid - Return nodes weights for Smolyak quadrature.
+% tensor_mesh - Create D-dimensional tensor-product from 1D meshes and weights.
+% Easy-to-use integration methods
+% gauss_hermite - Numerically integrate with Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule.
+% integrate_1d - Integrate a univariate function.
+% integrate_nd - Integrate a multivariate function.
+% Unittests
+% unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule - Test the CLENSHAW_CURTIS_RULE function.
+% unittest_full_tensor_grid - Test the FULL_TENSOR_GRID function.
+% unittest_gauss_hermite - Test the GAUSS_HERMITE function.
+% unittest_gauss_hermite_rule - Test the GAUSS_HERMITE_RULE function.
+% unittest_gauss_legendre_rule - UNITTEST_GAUSS_LEGENDRE Test the Gauss-Legendere quadrature methods.
+% unittest_gauss_legendre_triangle_rule - Test the GAUSS_LEGENDRE_TRIANGLE_RULE function.
+% unittest_integrate_1d - Test the INTEGRATE_1D function.
+% unittest_integrate_nd - Test the INTEGRATE_ND function.
+% unittest_smolyak_grid - Test the SMOLYAK_GRID function.
+% unittest_tensor_mesh - Test the TENSOR_MESH function.
+% unittest_trapezoidal_rule - Test the TRAPEZOIDAL_RULE function.
diff --git a/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m b/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e72b39c..00000000
--- a/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function [y,w]=clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule(k)
-% quad1d_cc_legendre - nodes and weights of clenshaw-curtis formula
-% for Legendre measure
-%n = floor(order/2)+1;
-if k==1
- y=0;
- w=1;
- return
-% order:
-m = 2^(k-1)+1;
-J = 1:m;
-y = -cos(pi * (J-1)/(m-1));
-w = 1 - cos(pi * (J-1))/(m*(m-2));
-for k=1:(m-3)/2
- w = w - 2*1/(4*k^2-1)*cos(2 * pi * k * (J-1)/(m-1));
-w = w * 2/(m-1);
diff --git a/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_nested.m b/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_nested.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967677e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_nested.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function [x,w]=clenshaw_curtis_nested(n)
+% CLENSHAW_CURTIS_NESTED Compute the nested Clenshaw-Curtis rule.
+% [X,W]=CLENSHAW_CURTIS_NESTED(N) computes the Clenshaw-Curtis rule of
+% order M=2^(N-1)+1. This is mainly for sparse grid integration where
+% nested rules are advantageous.
+% Example (run)
+% clf; hold all
+% for i = 1:5
+% [x, w] = clenshaw_curtis_nested(i);
+% plot(x, i*ones(size(x)), 'x');
+% end
+% xlim([-1.3, 1.3]); ylim([0.5, 5.5])
+% Elmar Zander
+% Copyright 2013, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU Braunschweig
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+% option) any later version.
+% See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have
+% received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+% program. If not, see .
+m = 2^(n-1)+1;
diff --git a/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_rule.m b/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_rule.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bde290f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quadrature/clenshaw_curtis_rule.m
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+function [x,w]=clenshaw_curtis_rule(n)
+% CLENSHAW_CURTIS_RULE Compute nodes and weights of the Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
+% References
+% [1] J. Waldvogel: Fast Construction of the Fejer and Clenshaw-Curtis
+% Quadrature Rules, BIT (46) 2006, pp 195-202
+% doi: 10.1007/s10543-006-0045-4
+% Example (run)
+% See also
+% Elmar Zander
+% Copyright 2013, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU Braunschweig
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+% option) any later version.
+% See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have
+% received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+% program. If not, see .
+if n == 1
+ x = 0;
+ w = 2;
+elseif n == 2
+ x = [-1, 1];
+ w = [1; 1];
+ x = sin(pi * linspace(-0.5, 0.5, n));
+ w = cc_fejer_weights(n, 3);
+function [x,w]=clencurt(n)
+% Computes the Clenshaw Curtis nodes and weights
+% Adapted a code by G. von Winckel
+% http://www.scientificpython.net/1/post/2012/04/clenshaw-curtis-quadrature.html
+% Problem for n==2
+if n == 1
+ x = 0;
+ w = 2;
+ C = zeros(n,2);
+ k = 2*(1:floor((n-1)/2));
+ C(1:2:end,1) = 2./[1, 1-k.*k];
+ C(2,2) = -(n-1);
+ V = [C; flipud(C(2:n-1,:))];
+ F = real(ifft(V)); %, n=None, axis=0))
+ x = F(1:n,2)';
+ w = [F(1,1); 2*F(2:n-1,1); F(n,1)];
+function w = cc_fejer_weights(n, mode)
+[wf1,wf2,wcc] = fejer(n-1);
+switch mode
+ case 1
+ w = wf1;
+ case 2
+ w = wf2(2:end);
+ case 3
+ w = [wcc; wcc(1)];
+ otherwise
+ error('foo');
+function [wf1,wf2,wcc] = fejer(n)
+% FEJER Computes Fejer and CC weights (taken from [1])
+% Weights of the Fejer2, Clenshaw-Curtis and Fejer1 quadratures
+% by DFTs. Nodes: x_k = cos(k*pi/n), n>1
+N=(1:2:n-1)'; l=length(N); m=n-l; K=(0:m-1)';
+% Fejer2 nodes: k=0,1,...,n; weights: wf2, wf2_n=wf2_0=0
+v0=[2./N./(N-2); 1/N(end); zeros(m,1)];
+v2=-v0(1:end-1)-v0(end:-1:2); wf2=ifft(v2);
+%Clenshaw-Curtis nodes: k=0,1,...,n; weights: wcc, wcc_n=wcc_0
+g0=-ones(n,1); g0(1+l)=g0(1+l)+n; g0(1+m)=g0(1+m)+n;
+g=g0/(n^2-1+mod(n,2)); wcc=ifft(v2+g);
+% Fejer1 nodes: k=1/2,3/2,...,n-1/2; vector of weights: wf1
+v0=[2*exp(1i*pi*K/n)./(1-4*K.^2); zeros(l+1,1)];
+v1=v0(1:end-1)+conj(v0(end:-1:2)); wf1=ifft(v1);
diff --git a/quadrature/full_tensor_grid.m b/quadrature/full_tensor_grid.m
index 83be9521..7847009e 100644
--- a/quadrature/full_tensor_grid.m
+++ b/quadrature/full_tensor_grid.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
% subplot(2,2,2); plot(xd(1,:),xd(2,:),'*k')
% [xd,wd]=full_tensor_grid( [], 5, {@gauss_hermite_rule; @gauss_legendre_rule} );
% subplot(2,2,3); plot(xd(1,:),xd(2,:),'*k')
-% [xd,wd]=full_tensor_grid( [], [6 6 3], {@gauss_hermite_rule; @gauss_legendre_rule; @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule} );
+% [xd,wd]=full_tensor_grid( [], [6 6 3], {@gauss_hermite_rule; @gauss_legendre_rule; @clenshaw_curtis_nested} );
% subplot(2,2,4); plot3(xd(1,:),xd(2,:),xd(3,:),'*k')
diff --git a/quadrature/smolyak_grid.m b/quadrature/smolyak_grid.m
index 146b7e95..6c725217 100644
--- a/quadrature/smolyak_grid.m
+++ b/quadrature/smolyak_grid.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
% option for compatibility with old A. K. versions.)
% Example (run)
-% for rule={@gauss_hermite_rule, @gauss_legendre_rule, @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule }
+% for rule={@gauss_hermite_rule, @gauss_legendre_rule, @clenshaw_curtis_nested}
% for i=1:4
% [xd,wd]=smolyak_grid( 2, 3+i, rule );
% subplot(2,2,i);
diff --git a/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m b/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c33932..00000000
--- a/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-function unittest_clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule
-% Example (run)
-% unittest_clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule
-% Elmar Zander
-% Copyright 2010, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU Braunschweig
-% $Id$
-% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-% option) any later version.
-% See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have
-% received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
-% program. If not, see .
-munit_set_function( 'clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule' );
-assert_equals( size(x,1), 1, 'x_row' );
-assert_equals( size(w,2), 1, 'w_column' );
-assert_equals( sum(w), max(x)-min(x), 'w_sum' );
-assert_equals( sum(x*w), 0, 'int_ord1_ex' );
-assert_equals( sum((x.^2)*w), 2/3, 'int_ord2_ex' );
-assert_equals( sum((x.^3)*w), 0, 'int_ord3_ex' );
-assert_equals( sum((x.^4)*w), 2/5, 'int_ord4_ex' );
-assert_equals( sum((x.^14)*w), 2/15, 'int_ord14_ex' );
-assert_equals( sum((x.^16)*w), 2/17, 'int_ord16_ex' );
diff --git a/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule.m b/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aabfa3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quadrature/unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule.m
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+function unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule
+% Example (run)
+% unittest_clenshaw_curtis_rule
+% Elmar Zander
+% Copyright 2010, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU Braunschweig
+% $Id$
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+% option) any later version.
+% See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have
+% received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+% program. If not, see .
+munit_set_function( 'clenshaw_curtis_rule' );
+assert_equals( size(x), [1, 1], 'x1_row' );
+assert_equals( size(w), [1, 1], 'w1_column' );
+assert_equals( sum(w), 2, 'w1_sum' );
+assert_equals( size(x), [1, 2], 'x2_row2' );
+assert_equals( size(w), [2, 1], 'w2_column' );
+assert_equals( sum(w), 2, 'w2_sum' );
+assert_equals( x, [-1, 0, 1], 'x3' );
+assert_equals( w, [1; 4; 1]/3, 'w3' );
+n = 17;
+assert_equals( size(x), [1, 17], 'xn_row' );
+assert_equals( size(w), [17, 1], 'wn_column' );
+assert_equals( sum(w), 2, 'wn_sum' );
+assert_equals( sum(x*w), 0, 'int_ord1_ex' );
+assert_equals( sum((x.^2)*w), 2/3, 'int_ord2_ex' );
+assert_equals( sum((x.^3)*w), 0, 'int_ord3_ex' );
+assert_equals( sum((x.^4)*w), 2/5, 'int_ord4_ex' );
+assert_equals( sum((x.^14)*w), 2/15, 'int_ord14_ex' );
+assert_equals( sum((x.^16)*w), 2/17, 'int_ord16_ex' );
+munit_set_function( 'clenshaw_curtis_nested' );
+assert_equals(clenshaw_curtis_nested(1), [-1, 1], 'nested_1');
+for i = 1:5
+ x1 = clenshaw_curtis_nested(i);
+ x2 = clenshaw_curtis_nested(i+1);
+ assert_true(all(ismember(x1, x2)), [], sprintf('is_nested_%d', i));
diff --git a/sglib_startup.m b/sglib_startup.m
index c71d6868..e5cfa206 100644
--- a/sglib_startup.m
+++ b/sglib_startup.m
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
% show greeting if user wants that
if appdata.settings.show_greeting
- [versionstr, msg] = sglib_version('as_string', true);
+ [versionstr, msgs] = sglib_version('as_string', true);
fprintf( '\nSGLIB v%s\n', versionstr );
- if ~isempty(msg)
- fprintf( '%s\n', msg );
+ for msg = msgs
+ fprintf( '%s\n', msg{1} );
fprintf( '\nChecking toolboxes:\n' );
diff --git a/sglib_version.m b/sglib_version.m
index cf411386..9d2dac31 100644
--- a/sglib_version.m
+++ b/sglib_version.m
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
-function [version, msg]=sglib_version(varargin)
+function [version, msgs]=sglib_version(varargin)
% SGLIB_VERSION Returns version information for sglib.
-% SGLIB_VERSION Returns version information for sglib either as array or
-% in string format (if the option 'as_string' is specified).
+% VERSION=SGLIB_VERSION Returns version information for sglib either as
+% array or in string format (if the option 'as_string' is specified).
+% VERSION=SGLIB_VERSION('as_string', true) Returns version information
+% for sglib in string format.
+% [VERSION, MSGS]=SGLIB_VERSION Returns an addtional cell array
+% containing string messages with important information about possibly
+% incompatible changes.
+% Note:
% The code of SGLIB_VERSION will also contain a log of the major
% improvements of sglib (some kind of 'whats_new' file.
@@ -12,7 +20,7 @@
% fprintf('Version as string: ');
% disp(sglib_version('as_string', true))
-% See also
% Elmar Zander
% Copyright 2013, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU Braunschweig
@@ -29,6 +37,8 @@
[as_string, options] = get_option(options, 'as_string', false);
check_unsupported_options(options, mfilename);
+msgs = {};
% Version information follows:
% If the change is minor add to the last digit, large changes the middle
% digit, and if the change is large and may be incompatible to previous
@@ -45,7 +55,7 @@
% * Added option to make ordering of multiindices compatible with UQToolkit
% * Incompatible change to 'multiindex' interface when used with more than
% two arguments (removed optional 'combine' parameter)
-msg = 'Attention: incompatible change in ''multiindex'' when called with more than two parameters (see help).';
+msgs{end+1} = 'Attention: incompatible change in ''multiindex'' when called with more than two parameters (see help).';
% Version 0.9.4
% * Extended SQRSPACE to cope with negative values and different exponents.
@@ -56,11 +66,15 @@
% * Added gpc_integrate for integration over GPC spaces
% * Added gpc_basis_eval for quick evaluation of the GPC basis functions
% * Added monomial evaluation to gpc_evaluate
-version = [0, 9, 5];
-%msg = '';
-% Version 0.9.6 (upcoming)
-% * Cleanup of linalg
+% Version 0.9.6
+% * Cleanup of linalg (esp. subspace_distance and subspace_angles)
+% * Added composite and nested trapezoidal rule.
+% * Improved Clenshaw-Curtis rule
+msgs{end+1} = 'Attention: clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule removed. Use clenshaw_curtis_nested instead.';
+version = [0, 9, 6];
+% Version 0.9.7 (upcoming)
% If Version information is requested as string, convert the arrary
diff --git a/testing/test_fejer.m b/testing/test_fejer.m
index 15fc19e1..d620890e 100644
--- a/testing/test_fejer.m
+++ b/testing/test_fejer.m
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
function test_fejer
+format compact
+format short g
+cc_fejer(n, 1)
+cc_fejer(n, 2)
+cc_fejer(n, 3)
+sum(cc_fejer(n, 1))
+sum(cc_fejer(n, 2))
+sum(cc_fejer(n, 3))
-cc_fejer(5, 1)
-cc_fejer(5, 2)
-cc_fejer(5, 3)
-sum(cc_fejer(5, 1))
-sum(cc_fejer(5, 2))
-sum(cc_fejer(5, 3))
function w = cc_fejer(n, mode)
diff --git a/testing/test_grid.m b/testing/test_grid.m
index d6cb305e..0f01db2e 100644
--- a/testing/test_grid.m
+++ b/testing/test_grid.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
format short g
-f = @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule;
+f = @clenshaw_curtis_nested;
x = smolyak_grid(2, 5, f);
plot(x(1,:), x(2,:), 'k.');
diff --git a/testing/test_nd_exact.m b/testing/test_nd_exact.m
index 0ab39af3..31f040d2 100644
--- a/testing/test_nd_exact.m
+++ b/testing/test_nd_exact.m
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
test(13, p, @gauss_legendre_rule, 'full_tensor')
- test(13, p, @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule, 'smolyak')
+ test(13, p, @clenshaw_curtis_nested, 'smolyak')
function test(pt, p, rule_func, grid)
diff --git a/testing/testing_sparse2.m b/testing/testing_sparse2.m
index 01def6e1..e4d9ab54 100644
--- a/testing/testing_sparse2.m
+++ b/testing/testing_sparse2.m
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
l = 4;
-[x, w] = full_tensor_grid(d, l, @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule);
+[x, w] = full_tensor_grid(d, l, @clenshaw_curtis_nested);
plot3(x(1,:), x(2,:), x(3,:), '.')
axis square
-[x, w] = smolyak_grid(d, l, @clenshaw_curtis_legendre_rule);
+[x, w] = smolyak_grid(d, l, @clenshaw_curtis_nested);
plot3(x(1,:), x(2,:), x(3,:), '.')
axis square