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Enriches consultation events with [zotero]

Enriched fields

Name Type Description
zotero_doi String DOI of publication.
zotero_issn String Print identifier of publication.
zotero_title String Title of pulication.


  • zotero-enrich : Set to false to disable zotero enrichment. Enabled by default.
  • zotero-cache : Enable/Disable cache.
  • zotero-license : Set to true to get the license field as JSON. Disabled by default.
  • zotero-ttl : Lifetime of cached documents, in seconds. Defaults to 7 days (3600 * 24 * 7).
  • zotero-throttle : Minimum time to wait between queries, in milliseconds. Defaults to 200ms.
  • zotero-paquet-size : Maximum number of identifiers to send for query in a single request. Defaults to 50.
  • zotero-buffer-size : Maximum number of memorized access events before sending a request. Defaults to 1000.
  • zotero-max-attempts : Maximum number of trials before passing the EC in error. Defaults to 5.


You must use zotero after filter, parser, deduplicator middleware.

How to use

ezPAARSE admin interface

You can add or remove zotero by default to all your enrichments. To do this, go to the middleware section of administration.


ezPAARSE process interface

You can use zotero for an enrichment process.



You can use zotero for an enrichment process with ezp like this:

# enrich with one file
ezp process <path of your file> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: zotero" \
  --out ./result.csv

# enrich with multiples files
ezp bulk <path of your directory> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: zotero" 


You can use zotero for an enrichment process with curl like this:

curl -X POST -v http://localhost:59599 \
  -H "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: zotero" \
  -H "Log-Format-Ezproxy: <line format>" \
  -F "file=@<log file path>"