Bicep is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for deploying Azure resources declaratively.
This repo aims to leverage Bicep for creating AML - the benefit of Bicep is that it can be output to ARM templates - which can then be leveraged on other areas such as Azure Blueprints, etc.
To test this deployment this in your Azure tenant, you can create a new resource group and then run a group deployment on main.bicep
> az group create -n rg-test -l southcentralus
Location Name
-------------- -------
southcentralus rg-test
> az deployment group create \
--name aml-deployment \
--mode Incremental \
--resource-group rg-test \
--template-file main.bicep \
--parameters baseResourceName=amlworkspace
Name ResourceGroup State Timestamp Mode
-------------- --------------- --------- -------------------------------- -----------
aml-deployment rg-test Succeeded {timestamp} Incremental
To Do for this repo:
- Create Architecture Drawing
- Create template for Compute Instance
- Create template for Compute Resource
- Create template for Datastore / Dataset
- Document the variables
- Document prereqs
- Quota for Private Link
- Test Extensively