Orders contain a list of order items and customer information. Orders have states that are controlled through State Machine.
:doc:`order-items` - Orders contain order items, which represent purchased items.
:doc:`order-types` - You can have different order types. Order types have their own settings when it comes to cart, checkout, and its processing.
:doc:`changing-the-order-workflow` - Each order type can use a different order workflow depending on the type of items sold, whether it's shippable etc.
:doc:`order-processing` - Allows you to process an order, when the system recalculates order item prices and availability.
:doc:`order-workflows` - Order workflows define states through which an order can go, from the moment an order was created to the moment that it is completed.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: order-types order-items order-processing order-workflows order-workflows-states order-workflows-transitions order-workflows-association changing-the-order-workflow