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Mapotempo Fleet

API server for Mapotempo Route


  1. Project dependencies
  2. Install Bundler Gem
  3. Requirements for all systems
  4. Install project
  5. Configuration for docker
  6. Initialization
  7. Update Sync Function
  8. Running
  9. Migrations
  10. Swagger

Project dependencies

Install Ruby (>= 2.3 is needed) and other dependencies from system package.

First, install Ruby:

sudo apt-get install ruby2.3 ruby2.3-dev

You need some others libs:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libz-dev libicu-dev libevent-dev

Then, install docker to run Couchbase:

sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose

It's important to have all of this installed packages before installing following gems.

Install Bundler Gem

Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. For more information see Bundler website.

To install Bundler Ruby Gem:

export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ruby/2.3
gem install bundler

The GEM_HOME variable is the place who are stored Ruby gems.

Requirements for all systems

Now add gem bin directory to path with :

    export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.3/bin

Add environment variables into the end of your .bashrc file:

export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ruby/2.3
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.3/bin

Run this command to activate your modifications :

    source ~/.bashrc

Install project

For the following installation, your current working directory needs to be the mapotempo-fleet root directory.

git clone [email protected]:mapotempo/mapotempo-fleet.git
cd mapotempo-fleet
bundle install

Note: In case the default Python in the system is Python 3, you must setup a virtualenv with Python 2 to be able to compile native gem libuv. So before running `bundle install:

virtualenv -p python2.7 venv2.7
source venv2.7/bin/activate

You need to install nodeJS for Sync Function:

curl -sS | apt-key add -
curl -sL | bash -
apt install nodejs

Then install required packages:

cd ./SynFunction
npm i

Configuration for docker


Build the docker image:

sudo docker-compose build

Run the docker-compose project:

sudo docker-compose -p fleet up -d

Initialize the project:

./ fleet

It creates a cluster, a bucket and an admin user. Restart the docker-compose project.

Update Sync Function

Only needed, if sync function has changed.

To update the sync function (in ./SyncFunction/SyncFunction.js) for docker (docker/sync-gateway-config.json):

cd docker

Restart SyncGateway container.

Before running

Before running rails server always execute the following migration (ensure consistency of couchbase views):

rails mapotempo_fleet:ensure_couchbase_views


Run the docker containing couchbase (8091), sync-gateway (4984 and 4985) and fleet-api (8084):

    sudo docker-compose -p fleet up

Populate Couchbase database

In order to create initial required data, a populate script is available through:

bundle exec rails mapotempo_fleet:populate

It performs 3 main things:

  • Create Couchbase views to query data in models
  • Create an admin account (which api_key is required to create companies)
  • Create a default company (default) with the default workflow

Company workflow

In order to proceed nominally, each company needs a workflow. A default workflow is automatically associated to a company when creating it through the API call.

Each workflow is composed of:

  • A set of MissionActionType, linked to a previous and a next MissionStatusType.
  • Only the previous and next MissionStatusType, defined in MissionActionType, are accessible from the current MissionStatusType.
  • MissionStatusType defined the name of the current status, its color and a svg path.

Finally, each company have an initial status to start with. The default workflow is defined in lib/workflow/default_workflow.rb.

Create dummies data

In order to test Couchbase, the gem FactoryBot can create dummies data for all models. Theses commands must be run in a console.

All fields which are not specified are automatically populated with fake data, except for relationships. The fake data are defined in spec/factories/* repertory.

Create one data, :

FactoryBot.create(:company, name: 'default') # For a company for instance
FactoryBot.create(:company, company: Company.first, name: 'default') # For a user
FactoryBot.create_list(:company, 10) # To create a set of data in one command, 10 for instance

Sometime a field must be uniq, like name, to avoid a conflict, use the fake data and don't specified the field.


To update Couchbase data, migration scripts must be written and executed after deployment of a new version if needed. Executed migrations are stored in SchemaMigration documents. Migrations isn't executed if already present in database (see SchemaMigration document).

To apply all unexecuted migrations, run the command:

rails mapotempo_fleet:migrate

To list all migrations available (prefixed by migration_), run the command:

rails -T

All scripts are under the directory: lib/tasks/migrations. New migration can be add with the following template :

namespace :mapotempo_fleet do

  desc 'Descrive the migration'
  task :migration_201802211720_new_migration_name, [] => :environment do |_task, _args|

    # Verify migration execution
    migration_name =':').last.freeze
    if SchemaMigration.find_by(migration_name)
       p 'migration aborted, reason : already executed'

    # Do migration here

    # Save migration execution
    SchemaMigration.create(migration: migration_name, date:

The name format should be migration_[YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE]_name


Generate the Swagger JSON file, before running in production:

rails rswag:specs:swaggerize