- Represents a bet from the Unibet website api.
: {float} - seems to be the id of the bet as 'int.version'betlegs
: {array} - Bets on which repose the main betdate
: {date} - Date as a timestamp- ...
betlegs: { ... },
stake: 5,
returnWithoutBonus: null,
bonusReturn: null,
totalReturn: 0,
totalOdd: 78.01,
potentialReturnWithoutBonus: null,
specialOfferName: null,
specialOfferAmount: null,
isSettled: true,
date: 1520287914000,
externalReference: '1/1',
isFreeBets: false,
isCashoutAvailable: false,
cashoutAvailableValue: null,
idfobet: 172075178.1 }