Cruzeira brings to Spring Framework implementing a subset of the Servlet API.
How to test:
Clone cruzeira repo
git clone cd cruzeira
Install cruzeira locally with maven
cd cruzeira mvn install
Install cruzeira maven plugin
cd cruzeira-plugin mvn install
Execute some of the samples projects
cd cruzeira-samples/spring-mvc-showcase mvn compile exec:exec // try http://localhost:8080 // or cd cruzeira-samples/cruzeira-sample mvn compile exec:exec // try http://localhost:8080/async or http://localhost:8080/controller
It will run an instance of Netty and will dispatch any HttpRequest to SpringMVC.
You can use a maven archetype to create a ready to run project.
cd cruzeira-samples/cruzeira-simple
mvn archetype:create-from-project
cd target/generated-sources/archetype/
mvn install
This will install a very simple cruzeira maven archetype into your local maven directory (~/.m2). Now you just need to tell maven to create a project looking for your local maven archetypes:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
It will present all available archetype. Just choose the cruzeira-simple-archetype and then continue with the project informations. Assuming the project name is test, just execute it:
cd test
mvn compile exec:exec
And then try http://localhost:8080/hello
The repository Cruzeira Sample has an example that runs on Heroku. Click Here to see it in action.
This is a work in progress. Even if Netty and Spring appears to be handling requests nicely, it should not be used seriously before a release.
The Cruzeira is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.