The Spring Batch project contains five basic components:
- Reader : where's the data is being read, such as database, file or even a queue.
- Processor : is the actual data transformation.
- Writer : where's the data is being written, could be also a database, file or a queue.
- Job : the actual job to be executed.
- Step : the job step OR steps.
We must configure the reader, processor, writer, job and step as beans on a BatchConfig class.
Note that each Job can contain multiple steps, and a step can contain a reader, processor and a writer.
Spring Batch module give us multiple ways to configure our components. In this POC project we defined the FlatFileItemReader:
public FlatFileItemReader<Person> reader() {
return new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<Person>()
.resource(new ClassPathResource("sample-data.csv"))
.names("firstName", "lastName")
- Our FlatFile is the sample-data.csv on resources folder
- We must tell where the file is being loaded from, the delimiter type (in this case spring can automatically tell it's comma between the Person fields.)
- The field names from our Object
- The actual Object, targetType.
The PersonItemProcessor implements the ItemProcessor interface from Spring Batch project where receives an Input and returns an Output:
In this sample project Input and Output are the Person java record.
Note that if the output returns null, the processing will stop.
public interface ItemProcessor<I, O>
Batch applications can be categorized by the input source:
- Database-driven applications
- File-driven applications
- Message-driven applications