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Jürgen Weigert edited this page Nov 16, 2013 · 42 revisions

Welcome to inkscape-silhouette!

Inspired by the power of inkscape, and studying several other projects that attempted to control machines with an inkscape extension (most notably InkCut and Eggbot), I've created my own version of an inkscape extension to control the Silhouette Cameo, here is the code: inkscape-silhouette.git.

I consider this project in late beta state, meaning it is fully functional judging from my tests, but I have a roadmap for further 'enhancements'. The photos below illustrate what we have so far. Testers welcome; I need your feedback (especially from Windows users, please)!

Windows Installation

  • Download

  • Download and install the free test version of winzip from

  • Download and install ** x86\libusb0_x86.dll: x86 32-bit library. Must be renamed to libusb0.dll On 64 bit, Installs to Windows\syswow64\libusb0.dll. On 32 bit, Installs to Windows\system32\libusb0.dll. ** X86 ONLY ARCHITECTURES: x86\libusb0.sys: x86 32-bit driver. Installs to Windows\system32\drivers\libusb0.sys

  • Navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click on

  • Click open the inkscape-silhouette-master folder.

  • Select the following three items (with Ctrl-Click): silhouette, sendto_silhouette.inx, and

  • Extract to My Computer C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions

  • untested: if you have a Silhouette Studio CD, install the device driver. Then your Silhouette Cameo may show up as a printer device and the extension could now work. If not, installing pywinusb might help.

  • somehow(?) install pywinusb into C:\Program Files\Inkscape\python\Lib\site-packages

  • work more magic (please let me know if you succeed)

  • Restart inkscape

Silhouette Cameo

Can you do this without a cutting mat?

This is what is possible after saying from silhouette.Strategy import MatFree:
Note how tiny and fragile these objects are! (80g printer paper) Tiny star and opensuse gecko

Extension -> Export -> sendto_silhouette Dialogue


The machine in action; click the image below for a video!

Klick for a video

See the Aluminum pen-holder? It's a fruit of my father's milling machine.


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