This file aims to keep a detailed record of contributions made by each colaborator in the development of the MPM-Geomechanis simulator.
- Create a specific branch for your task each time you make changes to the code.
- Keep commits small and focus on a specific task per commit.
- Clearly and concisely describe your changes in commit messages.
- Include links to pull requests or commits to make it easy to review your contributions.
- Ensure you update existing documentation if your changes affect it.
- Maintain constant communication with the team to avoid conflicts and duplication of efforts.
- Use the "Issues" section to discuss problems or new features before starting to work on them.
- Review and comment on your peers' pull requests to encourage peer review.
Brief description of the contribution.
Modified/added files:
Changes made: [Link to commit or pull request]
Brief description of the contribution.
Modified/added files:
Changes made: [Link to commit or pull request]